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98 FE + 98 SE + ME updates + patches + (hot)fixes

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* Unofficial Windows 98 SE 256 Colors Icons Explorer EXPLORER.EXE 4.72.3612.1700 Fix:


- Direct download [171 KB, English]:


- Direct download [175 KB, Italian]:


More info:


This fix has newer explorer.exe file than the one found in Maximum-Decim Native USB Drivers 3.1 package. The NUSB 3.1 pack has explorer.exe v4.72.3110.1 but modded to include the 256 colors trayicons fix. plus v4.72.3612.1700 of the explorer.exe file from the explor98.exe and 98se sp2 packs feature newer My Computer and Recycle Bin icons.

MDGx, should we tell maximus-decim to include the newer explorer.exe file in his NUSB pack?

I have posted links to DirectX 8.1 for all Win95 editions + WinNT4:


* Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2/NT4 DirectX 8.1 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) + Drivers accelerate 2D/3D Video/Movie/Animation/TV, 3D Audio/Surround Sound/Music + local/network Play/Voice/Chat directly in hardware (English):

- DX 8.1 Redist Full for Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 [11.5 MB]:


- DX 8.1 Redist Full for Windows NT4 [7.56 MB]:


Please test DirectX 8.1 on your 95/NT4 computer(s) to see if these installers work properly.

Then please post here your results afterwards.


I've tried several times to install DirectX 8.1 (from the file to which you link) on different Windows 95B/C installations. Each time it has failed to install. I receive the following message:

This version of DirectX is not compatible with the version of Windows installed. Press OK to exit

Any help regarding how to install DirectX 8.1 on Windows 95 would be greatly appreciated.

I've tried several times to install DirectX 8.1 (from the file to which you link) on different Windows 95B/C installations. Each time it has failed to install. I receive the following message:
This version of DirectX is not compatible with the version of Windows installed. Press OK to exit

Any help regarding how to install DirectX 8.1 on Windows 95 would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried to extract the files from the EXE and install manually, eventually by right-clicking the INF files?

I have not tried Directx 8.1 on 98 SE or ME.

I'll try it sometimes soon, and I'll post here my findings.

I don't have 95 or OSR2 installed anymore, so I can't test with these OSes.

I have found those DX 8.1 links by accident 1 day, while looking for something else.


Added install/uninstall warning messages, force install even if newer files in %windir%\system + uninstall.
Does it mean that installer and uninstaller for GDI and EXPLORER and others have been fixed?
Yes, I have fixed all updates that were locking up Windows whenever some1 was trying to install same update twice without rebooting after 1st install.

And yes, I have also updated all unofficial files I've made with Iexpress, and they all say now something like "Unofficial ... whatever Fix" [instead of "Remove ..." or "Uninstall ..."] when you try to uninstall them from Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs.

... And no more spaces.

That is the ones that support uninstall/restore.

Also, all text files that pop up whenever one installs an update I've made, clearly state all necessary details about respective update/fix.


Posted (edited)
I've tried several times to install DirectX 8.1 (from the file to which you link) on different Windows 95B/C installations. Each time it has failed to install. I receive the following message:
This version of DirectX is not compatible with the version of Windows installed. Press OK to exit

Any help regarding how to install DirectX 8.1 on Windows 95 would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried to extract the files from the EXE and install manually, eventually by right-clicking the INF files?

Yes. I extracted the files using 7Zip, right-clicked each INF file and chose "Install". The only noticeable update/file copying occured when I clicked one INF file that copied several PNG (image) files to %windir%\System\DirectX\Dinput . I then rebooted and ran SFC. No files were updated from the previous DirectX version (8.0a).

Before the most recent time I tried this, I had installed Erpman's OSR2 Update Rollup Pack 1 (Beta 3). Several of the DCOM files installed were reported by SFC to be corrupt (this also occured with the Alpha 4 version of his pack). Do you think it could be that the DirectX setup program cannot detect that DCOM 1.3 is installed, and so will not install for that reason?

Edited by bristols

UPDATED · 7-2-2007



- Power Pack 5.0.

- Auto-Patcher June 2007.

- VBVM60.

- 98SE2ME.


- All Iexpress fixes/updates.


There is a bug that can be seen in the service packs for 98 (Gold) and Me - the Windows version diplayed on desktop is
Windows 98H4.10.1998

instead of

Windows 98 4.10.1998

I'm not sure where is the root of this problem, maybe in some unofficial fix?

It should be corrected in the next (beta) release of these service packs.


Or as picture:



It looks really terrible.

the bug is in 98KRNLUP.EXE

Posted (edited)
Yes. I extracted the files using 7Zip, right-clicked each INF file and chose "Install". The only noticeable update/file copying occured when I clicked one INF file that copied several PNG (image) files to %windir%\System\DirectX\Dinput . I then rebooted and ran SFC. No files were updated from the previous DirectX version (8.0a).

Before the most recent time I tried this, I had installed Erpman's OSR2 Update Rollup Pack 1 (Beta 3). Several of the DCOM files installed were reported by SFC to be corrupt (this also occured with the Alpha 4 version of his pack). Do you think it could be that the DirectX setup program cannot detect that DCOM 1.3 is installed, and so will not install for that reason?

DirectX 8.1 and higher are TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE with Win95 OSes, bristols. That also includes the BDA files from DX 8.1 (and the BDA addon for DX 8.0a) which really require Win98/ME. Latest working version of DirectX for Win95 SR2 is 8.0a. The DX 8.0a package does not include the BDA files.

Look here:


Quote from the DirectX 8.1 download page:


DirectX 8.1 will not run on Windows 95.

Really, MDGx, DX 8.1 and higher do NOT work under Win95. So bristols has to use either DX 8.0a or he should upgrade to Win98 or WinME.

Plus the Dcom95 files from the Unofficial OSR2 Update Rollup pack are FINE. I found nothing wrong with them. It's just that the Win95 core system files are incapable of handling DirectX 8.1 which is why version 8.1 and higher needs at least Win98. Updating the Win95 files from the OSR2 Update Rollup will NOT make DX 8.1 run under Win95.

Edited by erpdude8
Yes. I extracted the files using 7Zip, right-clicked each INF file and chose "Install". The only noticeable update/file copying occured when I clicked one INF file that copied several PNG (image) files to %windir%\System\DirectX\Dinput . I then rebooted and ran SFC. No files were updated from the previous DirectX version (8.0a).

Before the most recent time I tried this, I had installed Erpman's OSR2 Update Rollup Pack 1 (Beta 3). Several of the DCOM files installed were reported by SFC to be corrupt (this also occured with the Alpha 4 version of his pack). Do you think it could be that the DirectX setup program cannot detect that DCOM 1.3 is installed, and so will not install for that reason?

DirectX 8.1 and higher are TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE with Win95 OSes, bristols. That also includes the BDA files from DX 8.1 (and the BDA addon for DX 8.0a) which really require Win98/ME. Latest working version of DirectX for Win95 SR2 is 8.0a. The DX 8.0a package does not include the BDA files.

Look here:


Quote from the DirectX 8.1 download page:


DirectX 8.1 will not run on Windows 95.

Really, MDGx, DX 8.1 and higher do NOT work under Win95. So bristols has to use either DX 8.0a or he should upgrade to Win98 or WinME.

Plus the Dcom95 files from the Unofficial OSR2 Update Rollup pack are FINE. I found nothing wrong with them. It's just that the Win95 core system files are incapable of handling DirectX 8.1 which is why version 8.1 and higher needs at least Win98. Updating the Win95 files from the OSR2 Update Rollup will NOT make DX 8.1 run under Win95.

Thanks for supplying that information, erpdude8. A shame that 8.1 is a no-go. Ah well.

Perhaps there's something about my method of installing Windows 95 that causes SFC to report the DCOM files corrupt, or causes problems for the installation of DCOM. I'll download the OSR2 Update Rollup again in case my first download was incomplete in some way.

Thanks for supplying that information, erpdude8. A shame that 8.1 is a no-go. Ah well.

Perhaps there's something about my method of installing Windows 95 that causes SFC to report the DCOM files corrupt, or causes problems for the installation of DCOM. I'll download the OSR2 Update Rollup again in case my first download was incomplete in some way.

If re-installing Dcom95 still makes SFC report the DCOM95 files as corrupt, then it is a false alarm. choose Update Verification Info in SFC so that SFC won't report the DCOM95 files as corrupt in the future.

Note to MDGx and all: the Root Certificates Update has been revised. I was offered the Root Certificates Update at Windows Update on my XP machine at the end of June. File size is now 274kb. Get it here:


Posted (edited)

MSVCRT.DLL 6.1.9847.0 from KB838751 works flawlessly with Win 98SE, I have been using it since May 06, 2007

without any noticeable problem. It is described in <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838751> and is available from

MDGx's site at <http://www.mdgx.com/files/Q838751.EXE>. It has to be installed manually, since this hotfix is

intended for Win 2k.

But I think repackaging it as an for Win 98SE (and probably also for Win ME) is worthwhile as, IMHO, this is the *last*

build that works properly with those OSes (even if I didn't test it with Win ME, I see no reason for it to be compatible

with 98SE and not with ME).

Edited by dencorso
MSVCRT.DLL 6.1.9847.0 from KB838751 works flawlessly with Win 98SE, I have been using it since May 06, 2007

without any noticeable problem. It is described in <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838751> and is available from

MDGx's site at <http://www.mdgx.com/files/Q838751.EXE>. It has to be installed manually, since this hotfix is intended for Win 2k.<snip>

Thanks. I installed it by booting to DOS. Only thing is I cannot regsvr32 it. Get "Dllregister server entry point was not found" error message. Have you any idea what that means? TIA/

Posted (edited)
Thanks. I installed it by booting to DOS. Only thing is I cannot regsvr32 it. Get "Dllregister server entry point was not found" error message. Have you any idea what that means? TIA/

IMHO, that is an example of a wrong/misleading error message: it means the library already is registered

and loaded. Somebody please do correct me if I am wrong, but I think what happens is regsvr32 does not

succeed in loading the dll (because there already is another instance of it running) and terminates, sending

that error message. At the end of the day, it amounts to what eidenk just said: there is no need to regsvr32 it.

Edited by dencorso
Posted (edited)
MSVCRT.DLL 6.1.9847.0 from KB838751 works flawlessly with Win 98SE, I have been using it since May 06, 2007

without any noticeable problem. It is described in <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838751> and is available from

MDGx's site at <http://www.mdgx.com/files/Q838751.EXE>. It has to be installed manually, since this hotfix is

intended for Win 2k.

But I think repackaging it as an for Win 98SE (and probably also for Win ME) is worthwhile as, IMHO, this is the *last*

build that works properly with those OSes (even if I didn't test it with Win ME, I see no reason for it to be compatible

with 98SE and not with ME).

msvcrt.dll v6.1.9847.0 works on BOTH Win98 SE AND WinME, dencorso. I know this because that file works fine under WinME and even under Win95. I've used that file on other 9x versions of Windows and found no problems with that file.

Edited by erpdude8

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