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New ideas for the next version

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Service pack is a service pack, it's not a collections of free programs.

I agree, but i posted my request after reading 'Notepad vs. Metapad' posts, so...

Anyway, just for example, Media Player Classic could be considered an Update (don't M$ puts WMP 10 as an update ?) and FFDSHOW too. :ph34r:

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Service pack is a service pack, it's not a collections of free programs.

I agree, but i posted my request after reading 'Notepad vs. Metapad' posts, so...

Anyway, just for example, Media Player Classic could be considered an Update (don't M$ puts WMP 10 as an update ?)


Metapad will be removed on the next version.

MPC, vlc, BSPlayer, K-Lite Codec Pack, ffdshow, LAME etc. Where can you stop?

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MPC, vlc, BSPlayer, K-Lite Codec Pack, ffdshow, LAME etc. Where can you stop?

BSPlayer & K-Lite Codec Pack are not open sourced.

MPC & FFDSHOW are more in MicroSoft vein (more vfw) than VLC.

If you decide to put FFDSHOW you don't need anything other (for audio too).

(sorry i edited while you were answering...)

About NTFS: already discussed, and if i remember well... it's (almost) impossible.

Anyway here is an open source implementation: NTFS driver yes.gif

I suggest to take in some consideration OpenBFS wacko.gif

Cosmetic: Open source Icons/boots/walls whistling.gif

Another thing: do you think it's usefull (it possible) to 'update' DOS utils ? (format, fdisk, etc)

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New around here, but long in the game. I think that the notepad/metapad thing was 'splitting hairs' as it were, but good points were made on both sides. Let se if I've got some basic points down. The reason we're sticking with good ol' 98 is that it still, really, is good enough. On one side, maybe we run old, slow, PCs. We might like 'lean & mean' 'cause we're gamers, do audio/video work or crunch numbers. We like what we know. We like it simple. On the other hand, we're avoiding NT, 2000, XP and Win ME 'cause we don't like bloat, complexity or 'wizards'. We also don't like the control that has been taken from us by the new OS's, services and background tasks all over the place. Thats why it's the Unofficial Win98 SE Service Pack, not the Windows ME Service Pack. So far, an end user with no computer knowledge can use UW98SP and benifit from it. I've turned on a number of folks to it. So, I guess that's the bottom line. The end user. We're here 'cause we like being here, messin' around and, in a way, thumbin' our noses at ol' Bill. See what some folks have done with your OS (that took years, 10s of million dollars & thousands of poeple) in there spare time ? So, go get 'em! But don't lose focus.

Oh yeah, the notepad issue? Put in the original notepad with the 'file size limit' fixed. Keep it optional and 'uncheck' it. Maybe even check if there is a replacement notepad with an 'Are You Sure?' message.

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I totally agree Nitebat, think we're getting far off track, there are still some basic issues that need addressing[2gb ram & 137gb hdd] rather than filling USP with a bunch of bloat. All prgms people want to add , they can add them on their own. There's still MDGx's fine 98se2ME and Tihiy's really nice Revolutions for those that want more! We're not looking to come out with a new OS, just bring a good prgm into modern computing levels.

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* Better installation and uninstallation support with using Batch files (?).


Currently, the Add/Remove Programs entry reads...

“Unofficial Windows 98 SE Service Pack 2.0”

It would be helpful to add "(remove only)"...

“Unofficial Windows 98 SE Service Pack 2.0 (remove only)”

or when clicked it should ask “Are you sure you want to uninstall … ?”

At the current time, when you click on the Add Remove entry, it immediately uninstalls. I clicked on the uninstall to see if it might offer me the option of uninstalling Metapad and restoring NotePad. The result was that it uninstalled SP2, but did not restore Notepad. Not a biggie, I'm sure there is a way to restore Notepad. But thought I would offer this small idea as a result of my experience.

Unofficial Service Pack 2.0 is W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L! Thank you very much!


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Oh yeah, the notepad issue? Put in the original notepad with the 'file size limit' fixed. Keep it optional and 'uncheck' it. Maybe even check if there is a replacement notepad with an 'Are You Sure?' message.

In fact Metapad is Notepad with the file size limit fixed. Practicaly (cuz of course it's another program).

But I realy don't understand why some poeple would like to come back witht the old bad Notepad unless wof solid bug reasons.

Restoring Notepad is the simpliest thing to do. During the installation, rename Notepad.exe by Notepadold.exe, put Metapad in the Windows folder, rename Metapad.exe by Notepad.exe. During the uninstallation, just do the reverse actions: Delete Notepad.exe and rename Notepadold.exe by Notepad.exe.

It shouldn't take more than 50 charachters in a batch script.



A fix for CD-drive error crashes. For example, trying to copy I-dont-know-why defectuous cd, Nero and CD-ex both freeze up and the computer stop responding.

Because two programs get this bug, I think it's rather system wise.

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A fix for CD-drive error crashes. For example, trying to copy I-dont-know-why defectuous cd,  Nero and CD-ex both freeze up and the computer stop responding.

Because two programs get this bug, I think it's rather system wise.

Try to uninstall Adaptec/Roxio ASPI drivers if using Nero or uninstall Nero ASPI drivers if using Roxio Easy CD.

They are known to conflict with each other in 95/98/ME.

More info:


* Adaptec Standard ASPI Layer 32-bit Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 Drivers

for (E)IDE/ATAPI/SCSI CD-R(W)/DVD-R(W)/DVD-RAM drives (free, English):

- ASPI v4.71.2 for Windows 98/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003:


Direct download [510 KB]:


If using Windows NT4, 2000, XP or 2003 you MUST apply the "GET BACK YOUR

CD/DVD" ASPI Fix from TIPSXP.TXT (included)!

- ASPI v4.60 for Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2:


Direct download [282 KB]:


Bart's ASPI Guide:


Radified ASPI Guide:


Force ASPI:


IF using Windows 9x/NT4/ME MUST install EITHER Adaptec/Roxio OR Ahead/Nero

ASPI drivers, NOT BOTH!

* Ahead Nero Standard ASPI Layer 32-bit Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 Drivers

for (E)IDE/ATAPI/SCSI CD-R(W)/DVD-R(W)/DVD-RAM drives (free, English):


- ASPI Driver for Windows 9x/ME [95 KB]:


- ASPI Driver for Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003 [157 KB, right-click to save!]:


IF using Windows 9x/NT4/ME MUST install EITHER Adaptec/Roxio OR Ahead/Nero

ASPI drivers, NOT BOTH!

If nothing works, maybe your CD drive is defective?

In that case u need a replacement or a new 1 if out of warranty.

Hope this helps.

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First ... let me say ... I LOVE WIN98 SE SP 2

As someone who thinks Win98 is the best OS for any PC, it's great to have something that not only updates, but gathers together all the best ideas into one area. It's the way software always should be.

Anyway, my favorites include:


-- Notepad. WOW! This is so much better than the original. Anyone that doesn't like it must also prefer to wash their clothes in a running stream instead of using a washing machine.

-- Color/Icons. Makes me feel like I bought a new OS recently (but didn't).





COPY F:\WIN98\*.* /v

C:\WIN98\SETUP /ie /is /iv

modify (Network Server, DMA settings, remove LoadPowerProfile, Windows Logon, etc.)

install DirextX-9.0c

intall drivers (sound card, printer, display, monitor, etc.)

install Windows Update Internet Pack (MSIE6sp1) from CD

install 98SE SP2.0

install drivers (modem, USB devices, etc.)

install .NET Framework 1.1 (+patches)

install Media Player 9.0 (+patches)

Some questions:


-- MS released MDAC 2.8 SP1 on 5/10/2005. Will that be included someday? More importantly, is there *any* MDAC upgrades installed?

-- There are critical updates that need to be installed:

KB890923 - Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer Service Pack 1

KB837009 - Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express Service Pack 1

KB833989 - VGX Security Update for Internet Explorer Service Pack 1

KB870669 - Data Access Components (ADODB.steam)

I'm overall HIGHLY impressed with what has been accumulated, created and discovered. The combined input with the skill of someone to put it all together is amazing!

I just may completely reinstall windows every 4 months now ... just for the fun of it!

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at all, im very satisfied by the actual pack... :):thumbup

some minor enhancements i would like to see....:

- as selectable option: exchange the browseXX.XXX stuff for the unlagging version from ie5.5

- also as selectable option : small, powerfull substitutes for notepad and taskmanager

- optional: an cpucooler (like k-cpucooler) because win98 do no automatical powersaving cpu-idleing (unlike 2000 or xp) :no:

- most of the win98se users run also older hardware.... so i would like to see some

performance enhancing patches for special hardware like VIA chipsets or Amd k6 cpus....

http://www.georgebreese.com/net/software/ VIA chipset patches

http://www.upgradeability.com/K6plus/compatibility/ctu.zip k6 patch

http://www.liaokai.com/softw_en/cputool.htm cpu software cooler (kcpu cooler runs for me without problems for years now)

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Some questions:


-- MS released MDAC 2.8 SP1 on 5/10/2005. Will that be included someday? More importantly, is there *any* MDAC upgrades installed?

-- There are critical updates that need to be installed:

KB890923 - Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer Service Pack 1

KB837009 - Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express Service Pack 1

KB833989 - VGX Security Update for Internet Explorer Service Pack 1

KB870669 - Data Access Components (ADODB.steam)

I'm overall HIGHLY impressed with what has been accumulated, created and discovered. The combined input with the skill of someone to put it all together is amazing!

I just may completely reinstall windows every 4 months now ... just for the fun of it!

mdac 2.8 sp1 won't be in the 98se sp. KB890923, KB837009 & KB833989 require IE6 SP1 & OE6 SP1 so those will also not make it into the SP.

KB870669, definitely add that onto the next version of the SP as it is just some registry fix.

The revised "Root Certificates Update" which was re-released early Feb. 2005 should also be added. The root certificates patch can be found here:


Microsoft revises this patch at least twice a year. So Gape might want to include this newly revised patch into the next release of the 98se SP.

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The revised "Root Certificates Update" which was re-released early Feb. 2005 should also be added.  The root certificates patch can be found here:


Microsoft revises this patch at least twice a year.  So Gape might want to include this newly revised patch into the next release of the 98se SP.

Good find! This is version 7. I have checked Czech Windows Upadate, and there is still only version 6, as well as in Gape's SP. This is international update, LANG=*, so I have no idea why it is available on English Windows Update only. Anyway, it sould be updated.


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If nothing works, maybe your CD drive is defective?

In that case u need a replacement or a new 1 if out of warranty.

No, it was old self-burn audio cd that had something defective, on a rare occasions... (1/50).
Hope this helps.

Yes. Thanks MGDx, I have saved these infos in my Tips archive! :)

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