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I tried out your program and I get this error at the command prompt when running ncab.exe:

'C:\DOCUME~1\Philip\Local` is not reconized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Any ideas


* If you are using a localized (non-English) version of Windows XP/2003,

you'll need to perform a

Search & Replace for all instances of the following words:

Start Menu\Programs\

there should be 14 occurances of that word


there should be 2 occurances of that word

and Replace them with your localized OS language equivalent.

Save and Exit


del "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\Nero StartSmart.lnk"
del "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero\Nero StartSmart.lnk"
del "%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Nero StartSmart.lnk"

You can use this code to take care of localization in Nero_Installer.cmd


SET SECTION="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
SET KEY="Common Desktop"
::Read value in registry
call readreg %SECTION% %KEY%

SET FILENAME="Nero StartSmart.lnk"
pushd "%RegVal%"
:: Delete file if it exists

SET KEY="Common Programs"
::Read value in registry
call readreg %SECTION% %KEY%

SET FILENAME="Nero StartSmart.lnk"
pushd "%RegVal%\Nero"
:: Delete file if it exists

DEL "%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Nero StartSmart.lnk"

get readreg.bat from the excellent Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages



Sorry, forgot to change the version number in the readme.

I tried out your program and I get this error at the command prompt when running ncab.exe:

'C:\DOCUME~1\Philip\Local` is not reconized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Any ideas


Did you use n-lite?

Did you remove Command-Line tools?


Thanks, I'll look into it.

BTW, I haven't had much response from localized Windows users.

I hope my program is working out the way I envisioned it. Some feedback would be nice. ;)

Posted (edited)

I just get an error report when opening NCAB.exe

EDIT: worked the next time i clicked ncab.exe, possibly just my xp that ran poorly.

Edited by BoardBabe
Posted (edited)

Okay, after running NCAB in Win98/ME-Compatibility-Mode it now says WinRAR is not installed on my system, but it is (although not in the default location). Do I really have to reinstall WinRAR to use NCAB? I don't want WinRAR in the default location. :(

Edit: I just copied my WinRAR directory to C:\Program Files\, and now it's working! Maybe the NCAB creator could add a line to the first topic stating that WinRAR has to be put in the default location, and that people who are having trouble with the executing the Nero_installer.cmd should try the compatibility mode.

Edited by Amanda Krueger
Posted (edited)

I took Amanda Krueger's advice and run ncab in win95 compatibilty mode and it worked! Thanks for the tip.

vcBlackBox: I do run an nLited XP but did not remove Command-Line tools.



Edited by ]Bonkers[
Posted (edited)

I use NCAB work fine !

But I want NeroStartSmart & NeroShowTime DesktopIcons (shortcut in desktop) What should I do ?

How to edit Nero_Installer.cmd ?

Edited by hsu22
I use NCAB work fine !

But I want NeroStartSmart & NeroShowTime  DesktopIcons (shortcut in desktop) What should I do ?

How to edit Nero_Installer.cmd ?

I made/used a shortcut.inf file to get my shortcuts to nero and many other programs to be where I want them. I run my shortcut.inf from RunOneEx After my apps install and before my cleanup.cmd runs.

Maybe not the answer your looking for but have a read of THIS if you would like to know more about using a shortcut.inf to create not just nero shortcuts , but any type of shortcuts with your UA Install or use shortcut.exe to make your shortcuts (info on shortcut.exe also found at the above link).



Wow... this looks really cool!

Considering that I only use the Nero Burning ROM I'll definately look into this when I get home tonight.


@Amanda Krueger

Glad you were able to figure out how to run NCAB on your system. I will make a note of that. Actually the only file that needs to be in "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\" is unrar.exe, for quiet extraction.

I use NCAB work fine !

But I want NeroStartSmart & NeroShowTime  DesktopIcons (shortcut in desktop) What should I do ?

How to edit Nero_Installer.cmd ?

No need to do anything. If you choose to keep StartSmart or NeroShowTime, your desktop shortcuts will not be deleted.
@Amanda Krueger

Glad you were able to figure out how to run NCAB on your system. I will make a note of that. Actually the only file that needs to be in "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\" is unrar.exe, for quiet extraction.

I use NCAB work fine !

But I want NeroStartSmart & NeroShowTime  DesktopIcons (shortcut in desktop) What should I do ?

How to edit Nero_Installer.cmd ?

No need to do anything. If you choose to keep StartSmart or NeroShowTime, your desktop shortcuts will not be deleted.

Thank You very much

May you say more detail, I don't understand what meanings " If you choose to keep StartSmart or NeroShowTime, your desktop shortcuts will not be deleted."

Another question I do not execute this step

"* If you are using a localized (non-English) version of Windows XP/2003,you'll need to perform a

Search & Replace for all instances of the following words:

Start Menu\Programs\

there should be 14 occurances of that word


there should be 2 occurances of that word

and Replace them with your localized OS language equivalent.

Save and Exit "

Does it any affection

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