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WMP10 Slipstreamer Version 1.1

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i wasnt trying to offend u. im just saying that there is no harm done by makecabing and adding all the files. that way everything for the installation is there. frankly i have no idea how it works, but maybe some of those other files will install and drm will work?

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try something like this:

@echo off
set i386=c:\xptemp\i386
set extract=c:\mp10setup
set source=%userprofile%\desktop\mp10setup.exe
set command=makecab %%f %extract%\compressed\%%f

rem ********* make temp folders ***********
if exist %extract% rd %extract% /s /q
md %extract%\compressed

rem ********* extract files ***********
"%source%" /q /c /t:c:\mp10setup

rem ********* compress files ***********
cd %extract%
for %%f in (*.*) do %command%
ren %extract%\compressed\*.* *.??_

rem ********* integrate files ***********
xcopy %extract%\compressed\*.* %i386% /h /r /y /u /f /i

rem ********* cleanup files ***********
rd %extract% /s /q


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In next nlite you'll again have option to keep Wmp compatibility then you won't need to keep wmp9.

But i'm not sure if Wmp10 is using some reg which gets cleaned out.

Could you please hint as to when we might expect this 'next nLite' version. I have been waiting so very patiently for this feature to reappear and I have had my Unattend CD project on hold all this while waiting in anticipation of the new version.

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try something like this:

@echo off
set i386=c:\xptemp\i386
set extract=c:\mp10setup
set source=%userprofile%\desktop\mp10setup.exe
set command=makecab %%f %extract%\compressed\%%f

rem ********* make temp folders ***********
if exist %extract% rd %extract% /s /q
md %extract%\compressed

rem ********* extract files ***********
"%source%" /q /c /t:c:\mp10setup

rem ********* compress files ***********
cd %extract%
for %%f in (*.*) do %command%
ren %extract%\compressed\*.* *.??_

rem ********* integrate files ***********
xcopy %extract%\compressed\*.* %i386% /h /r /y /u /f /i

rem ********* cleanup files ***********
rd %extract% /s /q


If you look at the switches in the xcopy statement, it only copies in the files that exist in the destination dir... the ones that do not exist are not copied.

You do not have to enter the path every time, just once... assuming all our directories stay the same

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I just have a question about the files that are copied over.

When you extract from MP10Setup.exe there are 132 files. The script only deals with 61 which is less the half the files. What's up with the remaining files and can I call the .cat files from Svcpack.inf to install the codecs and such?

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I just have a question about the files that are copied over.

When you extract from MP10Setup.exe there are 132 files. The script only deals with 61 which is less the half the files. What's up with the remaining files and can I call the .cat files from Svcpack.inf to install the codecs and such?

It's working for everyone... I got the info from Obliviator's post, as mentioned in the first post.

@j4ever: it works for EVERYONE... is it still because of that DRM feature?

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