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WMP10 Slipstreamer Version 1.1

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You can add Brazilian Portuguese to your list ! Tested and confirmed working ! :thumbup

The annoying thing is that, after installing K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.18, XP keeps asking which player I want to use for MP3 and DivX files, and even when I set WMP10 to always do the job, it keeps asking again and again. :angry:

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You can add Brazilian Portuguese to your list ! Tested and confirmed working !  :thumbup

The annoying thing is that, after installing K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.18, XP keeps asking which player I want to use for MP3 and DivX files, and even when I set WMP10 to always do the job, it keeps asking again and again.  :angry:

Yes, I noticed, and added it to the list about an hour ago ;):)

hmm.... I think you could fix that with the ASSOC command when you run it from cmdlines.txt?

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the WMP9Codecs.exe from MS

BTW, the addreg step is unnecessary, as long as that value is set in the HKCU.reg from cmdlines.txt

; ***************  Windows MediaPlayer  *********************

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the WMP9Codecs.exe from MS

BTW, the addreg step is unnecessary, as long as that value is set in the HKCU.reg from cmdlines.txt

; ***************  Windows MediaPlayer  *********************

I don't think everyone has a HKCU.reg ;)

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well, in whatever tweaks they run from cmdlines.txt

or for that matter, a line in cmdlines.txt

reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences etc...

adding that line is easier there, than editing the hivedef.inf

and it even isn't necessary, it doesn't change the install, it is just a tweak

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well, in whatever tweaks they run from cmdlines.txt

or for that matter, a line in cmdlines.txt

reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences etc...

adding that line is easier there, than editing the hivedef.inf

and it even isn't necessary, it doesn't change the install, it is just a tweak

Indeed. But I'll update it soon and automate the editing as well ;)

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Only problem that I got with this is that windows setup always asks for wmlaunch.ex_ or wmlaunch.exe. So added it to I386 and problem went away. Also I can browse online stores and I even have the msn logo or that butterfly icon on top right hand side corner.

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i was going to use your program, but i decided the hell with it. people keep complaing of probelms. i just downloaded wmp10 and extracted it. then i used jcarle's utility to makecab all 132 files and throw them into my I386.

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i was going to use your program, but i decided the hell with it.  people keep complaing of probelms.  i just downloaded wmp10 and extracted it.  then i used jcarle's utility to makecab all 132 files and throw them into my I386.

So does this work and more importantly, are all the features/functions included with this method?

Is there any way to slipstream WMP10 with all it's features/functions intact?

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when i added the files, it overwrote all the wmp9 files and also had a ton of other files in there. i know for a fact that it works, though i havent tested it. the thing is, for some of those other features to work, i think you have to register the remainging files somehow like the drm feature. there might be something needed to be added into the installation like a line registering DRM.

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i was going to use your program, but i decided the hell with it.  people keep complaing of probelms.  i just downloaded wmp10 and extracted it.  then i used jcarle's utility to makecab all 132 files and throw them into my I386.

And where exactly are so many people complaining about it? Read through this topic and you'll see it works for almost everybody....

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