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The Best Company?


What is the best company in the world?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the best company in the world?

    • Microsoft
    • Sony
    • Intel
    • Panasonic
    • Apple
    • HP
    • Other

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  • 3 years later...

Best company at all or best tech company?

Best company ever? I don't know. Probably someone who makes food. Maybe Ghiradelli Chocolate.

Best tech company? Gotta love Intel for the hardware side of things, and VALVe wins for software. The FSF isn't really a company, but they're pretty cool. MS as a company is actually kind of mean - anti competitive practices and all that. Apple just sucks. So there you have it. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I voted Microsoft. And companies aren't "mean", but they can be ruthless. In capitalism, this is considered a "good" thing until you become too big, and then it's "not good". You can't put morality on a company when the name of the game for ALL involved is to make money, as much as possible, for as long as possible. It changes behavior.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I voted Microsoft, but was strongly considering Intel. I gave the nod to Microsoft mostly due to their great website, Redmond is also a nice campus. I think Intel is the epitome of quality and cutting edge; their support is very good, I've gotten responses directly from engineers and not generic useless tips that I already had mentioned in my ticket. BTW Apple to Microsoft is sorta like AMD to Intel :)

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  • 3 months later...

I've voted Panasonic.

When it comes to A/V hardware (non-computer based stuff), Panasonic make items than are a great balance between excellent quality and superb reliability. That's more than can be said for Sony .......

Every device I've ever had (except my current Sony MP3 player) that has been made by Sony has died either during, or just after, the warrenty has run out :angry:

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Yeah but it works both ways. Let's take my PS2 for example, which is in the first-gen (the big one) in a model that was known for dying. I bought it in 2001 and its still working. So sometimes you just luck out. I also used to have a Sony Sports walkman that lasted for over 10 years as well. It actually died because it got underwater, so that's my fault. :ph34r:

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