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.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack

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The planned method has been posted in previous post.

Does anyone know if there is any way to check if the now installed version of .NET is really the 1.1+SP1 version? :blink:

Because the main file (mscoree.dll) in the "\Win\System" folder shows the same version, before and after the SP1 refresh (i.e., the version 1.1.4322.2032).


All credits go to you for the above step-by-step description of the process. :thumbup

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The planned method has been posted in previous post.


All credits go to you for the above step-by-step description of the process. :thumbup

Does anyone know if there is any way to check if the now installed version of .NET is really the 1.1+SP1 version? :blink:

Because the main file (mscoree.dll) in the "\Win\System" folder shows the same version, before and after the SP1 refresh (i.e., the version  1.1.4322.2032).

The previous file versions were 1.1.4322.573

SP1 file versions are 1.1.4322.2032

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OK, I'll check "before" and "after" version numbers once again, I guess....

Also, the easiest way to check if the SP1-slipstreamed version is properly made/installed is to simply visit Windows Update, and check if it offers the SP1. I found that the method given by RyanVM (and posted in my post) kept windows update happy - it said I already have .NET SP1 installed - nice!

So here's your confirmations dudes. Let the slogging (for all you who HAVE to stay with the latest) begin to have .NET+SP1 together, LOL. You've got the necessary guide above.


Updated my step-by-step post above to reflect your most recent post (the switches /XP and /C).

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Ok... is it possible to install silently .Net running the SETUP.EXE that we can find in the Windows XP CD at DOTNETFX folder?

I tried to use the sintax setup.exe /unattendfile silent.ini (we can build the silent.ini running setup.exe /createunattendfile silent.ini) but I have an extra boot after the .Net and Service Pack are installed.



PS: Notice that I am trying to use the original files of Windows XP SP2 CD....

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Ok... is it possible to install silently .Net running the SETUP.EXE that we can find in the Windows XP CD at DOTNETFX folder?

PS: Notice that I am trying to use the original files of Windows XP SP2 CD....

If the setup.exe was got after extracting from the original DOTNETFX.exe (I haven't yet received my SP2 CD), then just use "/QB" for silent install.

Otherwise, use "/s /v/qb" switch.

what's wrong with installing the netfx.msi, then installing the sp1 exe file?
LOL, this question has already been answered before. Our concern is that it takes up too much space on the distribution media.
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what's wrong with installing the netfx.msi, then installing the sp1 exe file?
LOL, this question has already been answered before. Our concern is that it takes up too much space on the distribution media.

it only takes 15 mb

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What is wrong with this why extract and mix then make a sfx file

I'm install my regular programs from the D: drive anyway...


Signature="$Windows NT$"








KB831240.exe /qb

DOTNETFW.exe <<-- made with express install....

KB867460.exe /qb


Other than that I have never made a sfx file so how do you do that,,

with the files that you ended up with in C:\netfx

If I have this right the file NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe is a patch for the dotnetfx.exe from 2003


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Integrate SP1 into 1.1 (do not know exact names):

"dotnet 1.1".exe /c /t:C:\Temp.NET

"dotnet 1.1 sp1".exe /Xp:C:\Temp.NET\sp1.msp

msiexec /p sp1.msp /a netfx.msi (From c:\Temp.NET)

Now you only need netfx1.cab and netfx.msi

You can compress these with iexpress. Command to be executed:

msiexec /qb /i netfx1.msi

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Integrate SP1 into 1.1 (do not know exact names):

"dotnet 1.1".exe /c /t:C:\Temp.NET

"dotnet 1.1 sp1".exe /Xp:C:\Temp.NET\sp1.msp

msiexec /p sp1.msp /a netfx.msi (From c:\Temp.NET)

Now you only need netfx1.cab and netfx.msi

You can compress these with iexpress. Command to be executed:

msiexec /qb /i netfx1.msi

There is no cab file after you extract and mix in the C:\netfx

I don't thing Iexpress is working for this one when I did one the finish file was 2 Mb//



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