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.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack

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Ok... is it possible to install silently .Net running the SETUP.EXE that we can find in the Windows XP CD at DOTNETFX folder?

PS: Notice that I am trying to use the original files of Windows XP SP2 CD....

If the setup.exe was got after extracting from the original DOTNETFX.exe (I haven't yet received my SP2 CD), then just use "/QB" for silent install.

Otherwise, use "/s /v/qb" switch.

Unfortunately it isnt so simple :(

I've tried this too, but it's not so easy as it seems.

Folder list of the DOTNETFX folder on SP2 CD is:

BASELINE.DAT                                                1,773 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DFFACT.DAT                                                    308 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
ACCMGR.DLL                                                143,360 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
CDMGR.DLL                                                 147,456 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
CMNRES.DLL                                                 40,960 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DEFHELP.DLL                                               122,880 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DEPMGR.DLL                                                192,512 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DFCHGFLD.DLL                                              163,840 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DFDEPUI.DLL                                               233,472 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DFFACT.DLL                                                135,168 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DISKMGR.DLL                                               143,360 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
GENCOMP.DLL                                               335,872 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
HTMLLITE.DLL                                              131,072 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
MSVCP70.DLL                                               487,424 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
MSVCR70.DLL                                               344,064 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
SETLOG.DLL                                                139,264 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
SETUPDB.DLL                                               155,648 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
SITSETUP.DLL                                              647,168 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
SUITE.DLL                                                  36,864 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
SVRGRMGR.DLL                                              200,704 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
TEMPLMGR.DLL                                              339,968 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
UIMGR.DLL                                                 274,432 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
VALIDATE.DLL                                              135,168 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
XPSPREQS.DLL                                              200,704 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
XPSPSCEN.DLL                                              286,720 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
XPSPUI.DLL                                                774,144 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DELTEMP.EXE                                                36,864 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
DOTNETFX.EXE                                           24,265,736 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
NDPSP.EXE                                              10,694,464 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
REBOOTST.EXE                                              118,784 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
SETUP.EXE                                                 129,720 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
silent.ini                                                  4,351 2004-08-31 23:37 -a---
VS_SETUP.PDI                                                  321 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
SETUP.SDB                                                  10,274 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---
EULA.TXT                                                   23,940 2004-08-04 14:00 -a---

So, dotnetfx is netfw 1.1, NDPSP is SP1 for 1.1, and there are a bunch of other files too :D

It's something in some ini files (this automatically made silent.ini, or some others (like baseline.dat).

It seems that we must play with switches and options

-> Reboot=0

-> RebootLaterOk=0

in baseline.dat

channging value for "post reboot=0" in silent.ini still reboots immediately.

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IEXPRESS won't work for this package. WinRAR works perfectly.

Also, following the guide above EXACTLY will give you successful results.

Also, using the installer as it is will make your .NET framework install extremely time and space-consuming. You will have to have 23 MB for the v1.1 setup, and 11 MB for the SP1 update. Whereas, the slip-streaming will drastically reduce space taken (from 34 MB to just 12.2 MB), and also the slip-stream/admin-install-point procedure will quicken your setup.

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I have also tried the winrar method to create a sfx archive from the integrated .net 1.1 + sp1 (admin install) and worked ok ... but ok only if runned from the harddisk!

i have tried to put it on a cdrw, and then start the setup and it didn't worked. the setup stops after some seconds.

i have configured winrar sfx to uncompress to a temp directory and use this command after extraction "msiexec.exe /i netfx.msi /qb"

my idea is to put it on my runonceex script but without copying the files to disk (using a %cdrom% variable generated but one of the methods i found in this forums)

i install many software using this method (sun java, msn messenger, winrar, etc) but only .net framework has this problem.


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but ok only if run from the harddisk!

Same here! Let's see if somebody comes up with a solution. :whistle

So I do the same - getting the SFX to extract to HD, and then start setup!

This is my SFX commands, shouldn't this extract the files to the hard drive so you wouldn't have the problems you are having?

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Setup=netfx.msi /QB

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That's odd, it didn't work before for me......

Anyways RyanVM gave me the courage, and here's the steps (given by him):

1.  First download the .NET framework v1.1 re-distributable package, and run "dotnetfx.exe" with the "/C" switch (to extract contents).

2.  Then download the .NET fw v1.1 SP1 update, and run "NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe" with the /XP" switch (to extract contents).

3.  A dialog box asking you where to save the MSP (update patch) comes up, choose where you want to save it (size 18,760 KB).

4.  Rename that MSP to SP1.MSP, and place the extracted contents of dotnetfx.exe (.NET framework installer) in the same directory.

5.  Clean the directory so sp1.msp, data1.cab, and netfx.msi are the only files (3 files) in the directory.

6.  Run the following commands (from a command prompt):

msiexec /a netfx.msi TARGETDIR="c:\netfx"
msiexec /p sp1.msp /a c:\netfx\netfx.msi

7.  Your c:\netfx directory should have 3 items in it after this operation: 2 directories - Program Files & Win, and netfx.msi.

8.  Now you can compress it to SFX (if compressed it will be just 12.2 MB, if left uncompressed it is 56.2 MB). And set it to silently extract.

9.  And install your newly created ".NET Framework v1.1 slip-streamed with SP1" package during XP/win2k setup with the "/QB" switch.

First make an Administrative Install Point of the framework (all instructions on page1 of this thread).

did those instructions actually work?

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did those instructions actually work?

Well its been posted precisely because of some testing on the part of some people, and that they trust you would know to fix any small problems you'd encounter along the way. If you find it too difficult to follow/implement, I'd recommend downloading RyanVM's package (RAR, already slip-streamed).

All the best for carrying it out, and post back on any problems you might encounter (with full DETAILS), and solutions for them (if you yourself discover what the solution is).

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did those instructions actually work?

Well its been posted precisely because of some testing on the part of some people, and that they trust you would know to fix any small problems you'd encounter along the way. If you find it too difficult to follow/implement, I'd recommend downloading RyanVM's package (RAR, already slip-streamed).

All the best for carrying it out, and post back on any problems you might encounter (with full DETAILS), and solutions for them (if you yourself discover what the solution is).

i've already got the netfxsp1.rar

how do i set it to silently run the sfx?

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Your SFX should have something like this in its instructions, in the archive.



All you should have to do, is run it from your batch file with no switches. As they are set in the SFX.

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