jcarle Posted August 27, 2004 Author Posted August 27, 2004 I have a new utility in the works and I have a feeling you're all going to love it. I'm keeping it a secret right now, but I should be done soon. At least a beta copy for you guys to play with. I'll just say it involves one of the most active topics on this board. UI customizations.
Alanoll Posted August 27, 2004 Posted August 27, 2004 I have a new utility in the works and I have a feeling you're all going to love it. I'm keeping it a secret right now, but I should be done soon. At least a beta copy for you guys to play with. I'll just say it involves one of the most active topics on this board. UI customizations. oh goodlord.....that's just asking for trouble wait till people try to do things with the program it's not meant to, and then complain the program doesn't work. Just wait, it will happen.I wonder how much UI stuff you're going to add.....I'm personally interested in a good kernel editor....but that might be getting technical....
DisabledTrucker Posted August 27, 2004 Posted August 27, 2004 I just finished the NEW version of Compression Bin..., when the application is first run it adds a Right-Click context-menu item aptly named "Send to Compression Bin" to all files.... The file association allows you to right-click-send as many files as you want at the same time.Thanks, that was more of what I was intending when I asked for a way to "batch" process files.
jcarle Posted August 27, 2004 Author Posted August 27, 2004 Thanks, that was more of what I was intending when I asked for a way to "batch" process files.Isn't that the point of making utilities? To save time?
jcarle Posted August 28, 2004 Author Posted August 28, 2004 New utility! XPreview is going to be loads of fun for all of you. Sure it's a bit limited right now, but this was whipped up with about 12 hours of straight to the grinder coding spread over two days. Feedback is ever so important so please throw some my way. Don't forget, this is an alpha build still... so it's bound to have some issues.
`Felix` Posted August 28, 2004 Posted August 28, 2004 Hi jcarle,Well thanks for another great and helpful utility. I have just had a look at it and it works well at this early stage in it's development.Some suggestions:- Maybe a drop-down with the commonly used dll's etc. this would probably mean using and %windir% variable somewhere in the code.- a MRU style memory that will remember the last dll that was opened or open the last by default.- possibly the ability to either screen capture or extract the bmp from the resource dll?On another note - a very valuabled tool would be a simply tool to XPReview that would allow viewing of the ntoskrnl.exe and ntkrnlmp.exe resources, or better still an editor for these files. The current tools around the place are not SP2 friendly and there has been some changes to these 2 files by MS including the removal of the color palette from what i can see at this stage.Just my phonecard's worth of input - hope you find it useful Felix
jcarle Posted August 28, 2004 Author Posted August 28, 2004 All input is always appreciated. I'll be adding in-program resource editing in the future and further support for more DLLs. I wasn't aware that there was a problem with editing the SP2 kernel though?
`Felix` Posted August 29, 2004 Posted August 29, 2004 All input is always appreciated. I'll be adding in-program resource editing in the future and further support for more DLLs. I wasn't aware that there was a problem with editing the SP2 kernel though?G'day jcarle,Well MS has not removed the palette - they have simply moved it. but a simple and user friendly tool to edit the boot resources would be very handy indeed. One that i have looked at called Boot Editor is very clunky (this think persaonally) and not very user friendly - plus it seems that development has come to a stand still and there i no support for SP2 kernels. I have been testing with SP2 in the past couple of days.Felix
MHz Posted August 29, 2004 Posted August 29, 2004 Oh yes, a dll editor would be nice. With a good help file for which dlls and howto.
MCT Posted August 29, 2004 Posted August 29, 2004 thats a sweet program dude... really kicks a** can i make a suggestion how about if u right click on a dll u can have a option "Open With XPreview" ? its an easy reg tweak but i think it'd be good 2 have
`Felix` Posted August 29, 2004 Posted August 29, 2004 how about if u right click on a dll u can have a option "Open With XPreview" ? Great idea! I 2nd the idea! For supported DLL"s only though
lpl Posted August 31, 2004 Posted August 31, 2004 @jcarle : Great tool!Hope i'm not repeating a known issue, but I couldn't get XPreview to refresh.. Each time I update my winntbbu.dll it still shows the old one. I have to manually exit the program and bring it up again to see changes..Also, I changed my font size of winntbbu.dll, but it was not reflected. This is after I close it and open the program again.Suggestions (sorry for being so long-winded!) :How about a Refresh option?
jcarle Posted August 31, 2004 Author Posted August 31, 2004 I haven't been posting many updates right now because I'm working on trying to make a Context Menu Handler for XPreview so that you get a Right-Click "View in XPreview" option on supported DLLs only. I'm ripping my freaking hair out because writing context menu handlers is like trying to understand Microsoft's methods of thinking. Well, maybe not but seriously, it's a lot of work because it involves a lot of APIs, Interop and Pointers... all stuff that .Net is not very documented on when it comes to Context Menu Handlers.The refresh issue is a new issue and is now noted in my Bugs log.The main billboard text is missing from the functionality of the current version posted, that will be included in the next version.As for the fonts, perhaps you can help me understand which string IDs control which portions of the fonts?I'm unsure as to what string IDs 1-22,65 & 1000 do. If someone can describe what each string controls, I'd be more then happy to integrate their functionalities...Thanks everyone for the feedback and I'm glad you all enjoy this tool.
ml20 Posted August 31, 2004 Posted August 31, 2004 hey, i love your new tool. it is great.but... in a way it 'ruins' my winntbbu dlls. but that is why it is in alpha.i made a setup screen a while back and it was fine. I had replaced some images with smaller images, as in I took the 18x18 circular images out of the whole picture and replaced them with 1x1 pictures so they would not be seen.well, that worked fine and i made a new setup screen and i was testing it out in your software and it would show the original 18x18 box that the image was suppost to fill up, but didn't.this is what my first one looks like before opening in XPreview:this is what it looks like in and after XPreview even when i threw the same dll into i386 and did a setup:
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