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would be nice if you could share that batch on the forum. And your suggested changes on first-page have been made, thank you.


Any more contributions/suggestions here?

Since its a fact that many people consider SAV to be better than NAV, this topic's first page will be updated to reflect the new things we have learnt from each other here. I'll make it a consolidated guide, maybe.

If anybody is willing to set out in detail, step-by-step about what to do in simple language, I'll link that post to the first-post. Credits will be clearly acknowledged.


would be nice if you could share that batch on the forum.

Sure, I will, soon! B)



I hope Cee-Kay has got enough time to improve it.


:boring:My Useless Guide for SAV's AIP :thumbdown

Before you use this guide, make sure SAV isn't installed on your system. Otherwise, you'll get errors when creating the Administrative Installation Point.

Create a folder anywhere on your hard disk and name it whatever you like. I'll assume you name it "SAVSource".

Copy the following files into "SAVSource":

1- 0x0409.ini (for French version, you need 0x040c.ini, instead)

2- Setup.ini

3- setup.exe

4- Data1.cab

5- Symantec AntiVirus.msi

Those 5 files are copied from your CD (of version, of course.

6- SAVCE_9.0.0.1400_AllWin_EN .msp

This file is extracted from SAVCE_9.0.0_mp2.zip (3 MB) downloadable from here.

(for French version, you download this, instead.)

7- yyyymmdd-###-i32.exe

It's usually 5+ MB in size and can be downloaded from here. The file I'm using in this guide is named 20040828-003-i32.exe!

(for French version, you start here, instead.)

8- lusetup.exe

It's 2.5+ MB in size and can be downloaded from here.

9- remote.cmd

The following quote shows the contents of remote.cmd!


@echo off

ECHO Creating AIP

start /wait setup.exe /A /V"/QB TARGETDIR=%systemdrive%\SAV91400" :P

sleep 30

copy lusetup.exe %systemdrive%\SAV91400\CommonAppData\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LuMMInst\Lsetup.exe

ECHO Patching AIP

copy "SAVCE_9.0.0.1400_AllWin_EN .msp" %systemdrive%\SAV91400\savce1400.msp

start /wait msiexec /p %systemdrive%\SAV91400\savce1400.msp /a "%systemdrive%\SAV91400\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" /QB

del %systemdrive%\SAV91400\savce1400.msp

ren "%systemdrive%\SAV91400\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" SAV.msi

ECHO Updating AIP Virus Definitions

attrib -r "%systemdrive%\SAV91400\program files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs\*.*"

start /wait 20040828-003-i32.exe /Extract /Q "%systemdrive%\SAV91400\program files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs"


Before you run remote.cmd, make sure you put sleep.exe in your system32 or Windows folder.

After remote.cmd exits, you should have your AIP created (ready steady) as a folder in your system drive and named SAV91400.

Now, delete "SAVSource" folder, as it's no longer needed.

To install SAV using your AIP, add these lines to your batch file:

ECHO SAV V.Defs updated 28.8.2004

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\SAV91400\SAV.msi /QB RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=ReallySuppress


Thanx a lot mazin - now we'll wait for a day or two, for additions/suggestions to your guide, then post it as the primary guide (I'll replace my instructions on first page of topic). :thumbup

@cee-kay Bad news I'm still getting the error I reported earlier when trying to install SAV. I tried both my Main OS (on my laptop) and a Virtual OS (VMWare).

Still getting the same error, huh? That's strange as I totally uninstalled LU and SAV using Add/Remove Programs, making sure the relevant directories etc were deleted and tried the first revision of my installer silently, and I did get the error you reported.

I then completely removed LU and SAV again and ran my updated version of the installer and the problem didn't occur at all! :blink:

Using the contents of the two below files, I checked that both LiveUpdate v2.5 and SAV were infact installed sucessfully:

Install log - log.txt (created using the switch '/L*V log.txt')

MSI (s) (90:04) [19:13:52:669]: Product: Symantec AntiVirus -- Installation operation completed successfully.

'.\Program Files\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LuResult.txt' - LiveUpdate log file

LiveUpdate has been successfully installed on your machine.

Therefore, may I suggest that everyone who is experiencing this problem with my modified installer, to do the same as I have done, by completely uninstalling both SAV then LU (rebooting after each uninstall) and trying/retrying my latest revision preferably with logging enabled. If problems still occur, then I will investigate further.

Thanks for your help! :D

By the way, extracting the contents of the i32 version of the virus definitions into a temp directory as previously mentioned and overwriting the contents of the files already there seems to update the definitions correctly -- this is confirmed by running LU several times and the program not downloading any updates.




As for LU 2.5, I'm using the same idea of killerbee.

But, since it becomes about 10 MB after extraction, I suggest you create a SFX for it with the same switch integrated inside the SFX, you know.

The new SFX size is 3.25 MB only. This was tested and worked for me. It runs unattendedly, you know.

I didn't add it to my guide because I thought it was off the course of AIP.



after doing the admin install [setup /a] and sliping in the .msp patch & updated virus defs i tried to pass the following switches to .msi file


ECHO Installing Symantec Antivirus Corporate 9

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\sav\SymantecAntiVirus.msi /QB REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 ENABLEAUTOPROTECT=1 REMOVE=NotesSnapin

after trial & error i found out that the .msi file doesn't like thease commands at all :no: "REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 ENABLEAUTOPROTECT=1 REMOVE=NotesSnapin" :no: and resulting in an error. so i just left in the /QB switch and it silently installed with no error....

i also tried Lusetup.exe -Q but it didn't work at all no silent install....

...after trial & error i found out that the .msi file doesn't like thease commands at all  :no: "REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 ENABLEAUTOPROTECT=1 REMOVE=NotesSnapin"  :no: and resulting in an error. so i just left in the /QB switch and it silently installed with no error....

If SAV isn't already installed then REMOVE=... will not work, simply leave that option out and the NotesSnapin won't get installed.

i also tried Lusetup.exe -Q but it didn't work at all no silent install....

In order to install LiveUpdate silently, install using 'Lusetup.exe /Q' instead, that should work for you, if not consider using the installer I made -- it's up to you. :)

I've heard rumblings about v9.0.1, but all I've seen for purchase is 9.0.0

version is available, but the installer it comes in won't let me do an administrative install to upack everything, at least not with the /a switch. anyone else give it a go yet?

i also tried Lusetup.exe -Q but it didn't work at all no silent install....

In order to install LiveUpdate silently, install using 'Lusetup.exe /Q' instead, that should work for you, if not consider using the installer I made -- it's up to you. :)

fixed the previous problem and fixed the lusetup problem. i extracted the lusetup and ran start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\sav\Lusetup\lsetup.exe /Q- and it worked silently :wacko:


As for LU 2.5.........

The new SFX size is 3.25 MB only.......

I didn't add it to my guide because I thought it was off the course of AIP.

I'd be happy to see that as well in your guide. I really don't know what an AIP (as in the context of your post) is, LOL.

But I do know that my original intention in this thread was to have all necessary updates for SAV9 in one guide (that includes LU 2.5). Any more additions that I haven't mentioned are welcome too. Any cautions/notable-things to check on while making the SAV9 combined would be good too. Any more ideas/notes would be good.

Basically, EVERYTHING that there is to be about SAV9. Thanks for taking the time to put together that guide mazin! :thumbup



AIP? HUH? Kidding? :thumbup Nice joke, really.

Well, I'll consider adding LU 2.5 to my guide. I'll see if it can be made via the same batch above! :P If can't, I'll do it manually.




That guy is kidding.

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