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Everything posted by boredwithxp1234

  1. Okay so what did I break. Just did a new unattended install and now all the file extensions are showing in the start menu, which is annoying. Any idea what causes this so I can fix it?
  2. Oh, well I knew there was something odd going on. Thanks for fixing. Great file.
  3. Added IF EXIST HF\MP10Setup.exe ECHO MP10Setup.exe>HF2.TXT Under all the FINDSTR stuff that figures out which hotfix is which and that fixed it. It was completely ignoring the file before I added that.
  4. I slipstream hotfixes using another method later. I just want to get WMP 10 slipstreamed since this is the only file I found that is supposed to do it. It does not replace any of the old files or copy anything new except for the .cab file it copies that fine. The slipstream of WMP 10 should have nothing to do with windows installer also being slipstreamed.
  5. All I want to do is slipstream WMP10, I downloaded it fresh from the MS site MP10Setup.exe, put it in the HF folder like the instructions say to, and it does not get slipstreamed.
  6. open in text editor replace "si3112" with "si3112r" save. That is basically it, hardware ids are probably same but might be different, you can just copy them from txtsetup.oem and paste under [HardwareIdsDatabase].
  7. ....I typed a nice message out and the stupid posting timed out on me....argg.... 1) Yes in $OEM$ 2) cmdlines.txt just needs to list the RunOnceEx.cmd 3) Not sure what you mean, your registry entries will refer to the files on the cd. 4) Yes you can test it, just manually set the drive variable to whatever alternate path you want, assuming you want the install to actually occur. If you just want to preview the registry settings then you can run the cmd file and open up the registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx and see the registry keys there. 5) The IF statement looks for the windows install folder, so assuming that the cd is the ONLY drive with an I386\WINNT.SIF on it, then yea it does not matter which drive. My file goes a bit further and checks to make sure the DVD is still in the drive before creating the registry entries. Since this runs at t13 or so it should still be there but ya never know. It is sort of pointless to check I guess but I was bored when I wrote this. @echo off SET DVDROM=NODVD FOR %%d IN (c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) DO IF EXIST %%d\I386\WINNT.SIF SET DVDROM=%%d IF (%DVDROM%)==(NODVD) GOTO NODVD SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Applications" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D ".NET Framework 2.0" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%DVDROM%\EXTRAS\dot_net_two\dotnetfx_silent_eng_only.exe" /f .... .... :NODVD echo ERROR. echo You removed the setup DVD from the drive. echo Can not install software without DVD!
  8. This will do it. Just remember .msi installer will not return until install is done. The .exe installer will return imediately and you need the wait time for that. If you are using only the .msi then all you need is change to directory where you installed SAV, then run VPDN_LU.exe /s /start This is a simpler version without all the messages I used for testing. INSTALL is the installation location, passed to the .msi file, and used to run updates. TRIES is an how many minutes (approx.) to wait for install to finish, which is important for the .exe setup. PUSHD and POPD are built into xp, not sure if they are in dos or not. PUDHD will change to a folder and store the current folder POPD will change back to the stored folder If you want just the updates then remove the line that calls the installer, you need to keep the variables or the wait loop won't work. SET INSTALL="C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus" SET TRIES=2 SET COUNTER=0 start /wait msiexec /i "Symantec Antivirus.msi" /qb REBOOT=ReallySuppress RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 INSTALLDIR=%INSTALL% PUSHD %INSTALL% :START_LU IF %COUNTER% == %TRIES% GOTO END_LU IF EXIST .\VPDN_LU.exe (GOTO GET_UPDATE) ELSE (GOTO WAIT) :GET_UPDATE start /wait .\VPDN_LU.exe /s /silent GOTO END_LU :WAIT SET /A COUNT = COUNT + 1 ping -n 60>nul GOTO START_LU :END_LU POPD
  9. Nope I just knew that Symantec AV CE was doing silent live update everytime I start windows and I knew the program it was using to do it so I just played around with it and got it to work. Now all my Symantec installs do live updates automatically (assuming they have net access during install). This I think is a much better solution than dealing with extra definition files that take up extra space. This is only my second posting on this site anyway, I'm a newbie at this silent install stuff. Right now I am working on a unattended DVD with XP Pro, Office 2k3, Symantec, Nero, Zonealarm, and whatever else I can make unattended. Visual studio doesn't want to be unattended or I would put that on there too. Very useful site with lots of info I've already refered a friend here and he is working on his own unattended install now.
  10. This is a great site here. I've been browsing through here and didn't see any postings on doing a silent live update after installing Symantec AV 9.0. So hopefully this isn't a repost. I'm not sure if all versions have a .msi file with them but mine does. This code will work with either the setup.exe or .msi but the .exe will return immediately, that is why I put in the waiting part. Using .msi you can do the AV install and the definitions right after each other with no problems. The key thing that makes the live update work is making sure that your current working directory is the symantec folder. Without that it will never run. This is likely a security feature or just Symantec being picky and not wanting anyone else running their update. Weird huh? Someone more into batch files than I could do this in a FOR loop since that is basically what I am doing anyway. rem Number of tries to run live update SET TRIES=2 SET COUNT=0 echo Installing Symantec Anti-Virus 9.0... echo. start /wait msiexec /i "Symantec Antivirus.msi" /qb REBOOT=ReallySuppress RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 echo Attempting virus definition update... rem THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!! rem Without this then the exe will refuse to run. rem I think this is a security thing as the main exe that calls it is in same folder. cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus" :START IF %COUNT% == %TRIES% GOTO SKIP IF EXIST .\VPDN_LU.exe. (GOTO DOWNLOAD) ELSE (GOTO WAIT) :DOWNLOAD echo Virus definitions downloading... start /wait .\VPDN_LU.exe /s /silent echo virus defs should be finished...wait a bit to be sure ping -n 5>nul GOTO DONE :WAIT echo Waiting for installer to finish... SET /A COUNT = COUNT + 1 ping -n 60>nul GOTO START :SKIP echo Unable to download virus definitions at this time. rem GOTO END :DONE echo Virus definitions downloaded. :END rem do whatever .... So, if not something old I missed, hope that helps some of you.
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