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Custom Window Etched.


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I can't find the transparent etched windows appliques material anywhere at HomeDepot so I use the white appliques for car sticky. It works the same I guess.

My cold cathode come tomorrow. Weee! I can't wait.

I heard some bad thing about cold cathode. (ei. its blew out the PSU.) Have anyone got bad experience with it?


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What can you say? Its a trend. Everyone after the coolness of casemod. I am just mod so I can show off at the convention LAN party next month. It will be like 4000 to 5000 people there.

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never seen people use that stuff before lezend, gives a nice effect, most people use the spray on etching or that stuff you looked for. the white looks great, stands out more, more indiviual too, thats why we do this isnt it?! :)

like blackwar says.. the logo is cool nice work

**** i hate photoshop... im crap with it :rolleyes:

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Thanks guys.

Man your cold cathode is bright. Mine is just dim. I guess I have to wait until tonight.

I got my cold cathode. Then I realize that I have to space to place the cathode. The back got blocked by the fan. The bottom is the PC speaker. Top have no room only 2mm short. So the only place I could place the cold cathode is the front. Oh well, look ok I guess.

What do you guys think?

Thank you all for your inputs.

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Lezend - looks great, hey you didnt have any space along the bottum side under your window? Thats where i put mine, if you dont know what i mean ill post a picture of how i got mine in there.


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yah really, its just the small anoying MB speaker, unplug it and take it out, Youll never realy use it.or take it out the bottum brackets and place it some where else, trust me the improvment of the lighting will increase.


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