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17 hours ago, Dave-H said:

OK, thanks.

I again recommend that you ask the developer.
Apparently with One Core API you can run various modern browsers:



Or check the release date of Superfox:


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Here's the best I have been able to get so far in regards to a banking web site being successful or not (Citibank business account, btw, unsure if this also affects personal accounts).

Be it Thorium or Ungoogled Chromium or Official Chrome, a SUCCESSFUL browser version that CAN log in will always contain the following in the error console -


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4 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Here's the best I have been able to get so far in regards to a banking web site being successful or not (Citibank business account, btw, unsure if this also affects personal accounts).

Be it Thorium or Ungoogled Chromium or Official Chrome, a SUCCESSFUL browser version that CAN log in will always contain the following in the error console -


"Browser Fingerprint could not be generated". :roll1:

Yet you were arguing it was not related to it, with rather offensive and very personal remarks against D.Draker.

Luckily, we are kinfd and forgiving Western European people, so my advice would be to experiment with canvas. 

Try to generate a fake canvas print. Ungoogled has it. Not sure about Thorium, probably it needs to be started via ungoogled flag from Supermium.


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2 hours ago, Dixel said:

Yet you were arguing it was not related to it

I still maintain that it is NOT related to CLIENT HINTS.

Citibank's algorithm or reg exp parsing is not working correctly.  They are doing something to attempt a fingerprint but it is failing SERVER-SIDE.

They are sending different javascript files based on HEADER user agent.  The javascript file is not changing with or without Client Hint user agents.

It really is a Citibank issue.  I'll just stick with v122 until they fix it.  They basically HAVE TO fix it because Official Chrome v124 and higher can not log in!

I guess it would be HILARIOUS to log in one of these days and see a banner that says my browser is TOO NEW, TO PLEASE DOWNGRADE.  :roll1:

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On 7/19/2024 at 4:04 PM, Sampei.Nihira said:

While I am impressed with One-Core-API and its development (especially with how it has improved over the years since 2021), I do not recommend installing it in real hardware. Not worth risking real hardware. It's better to use it in a virtual machine instead.

Edited by mina7601
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On 7/15/2024 at 8:12 PM, D.Draker said:

Unfortunately, my 2009 PC is beginning to feel exhausted. Starting Thorium/Supermium (or any other Chrome) newer than 122 feels heavy.

Cancel that! Nailed it down to an update I installed for one game, removed it, everything is fast again. Moving onto another 15 years cycle.

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On 7/19/2024 at 9:04 AM, Sampei.Nihira said:

Apparently with One Core API you can run various modern browsers:

It's only apparently, apparently is being the keyword in that sentence. One Core API doesn't allow extensions, for example, not to mention it's glitchy as hell!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/19/2024 at 2:04 PM, Sampei.Nihira said:

Think thrice before you suggest something like that to our moderator.

"I had to repair my XP Installation because OneCore API ruined it."


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You should take serious consideration to the fact that you just created a UNIQUE fingerprint.

If you want to stand out like a sore thumb, you succeeded.

If your intention is to blend in with the crowd, then you should actually send the most popular field content.

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11 hours ago, Dixel said:

BTW, I don't know why it says Wow 64 - false, I'm on a 64 bit OS.

Oh, actually they are right. WoW64 is a subsystem on a 64 bit OS, so my true 64bit is properly detected.

I just confused with Dave's screenshot.

So, they now don't see which OS exactly, only that it's a 64 bit OS.

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Bingo!  We are on the same page!

If you see these as a privacy issue, then you see the web site owner as collecting data on their visitors and that you see them using the ClientHint UA as one-of-many data points.

Those data points are "collected" and "logged" then "sorted" by the web site owner that uses all of this data to tell them something about their visitors.

By creating a ClientHint UA where The space between the brackets is empty in mine, as only one example, there may be 10,000 visitors to this web site and you will be the ONLY visitor with that space between the brackets.

You stand out like a sore thumb.  You are truly UNIQUE.

What you really should be doing (it's what I do using Proxomitron) is telling that web site owner that you are running Win11 when in fact you are running Win10 or WinXP or Vista.

If that web site has ONLY ONE visitor visiting via Vista, you stand out like a sore thumb.  Same goes for if you leave that field blank, it's still a UNIQUE entry that NOBODY ELSE ON THE PLANET will have.

Blend in with all of the Win11 crowd.  Needle in a haystack that way.

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On 8/3/2024 at 10:57 AM, Dixel said:

So, they now don't see which OS exactly, only that it's a 64 bit OS.

It needs to be minimum Win10, otherwise they won't let you login anymore. I wasn't able to login with Thorium today.

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12 hours ago, Saxon said:

Someone needs to write a good CH spoofer

One already exists.  It's called PROXOMITRON.

I've been using it since 2004! and it STILL WORKS - including the ability to spoof CLIENT HINTS !!!

Technically, the version all of us Proxo (as we call it for short) users use now has been recompiled and rebranded as "Proxomitron Reborn".

It is NOT that difficult to LEARN.  If you REALLY want a CH Spoofer, then please provide me (publicly or via PM) with a web site that is denying login based on Client Hints - I have personally yet to witness one in real life (only banners about outdated browser).

And I will personally walk you through step by step on how PROXOMITRON will SPOOF those CLIENT HINTS to regain loginability (if loginability is even a word, don't care if it isn't, lol).

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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