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Brand new laptop slow


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we are deploying 10 laptops with the same exact specs. These are used just for word processing, internet browsing, printing and teams meetings with dual monitors. I though that 13th gen i5 is a bit overkill, but as it turned out it is the exact opposite. The laptop feels really slow, ui is lagging, opening file explorer takes 3-5 seconds??? Is this windows 11 issue, or is this cpu weak? cause I find this really hillarious. Everything is set to it's highest performance mode including bios.


Dell Latitude 3540

Intel core i5-1335U

16gb ddr4 ram 3 200mhz

512gb ssd nvme


Edited by Jaguarek62
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I had some weird cases of slowness on Haswell, it was related to HPET, basically try to turn off everything you don't need in the BIOS.

Sometimes even turning off virtualisation helps. I think it's more poor mobo design related rather than CPU.


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Those newer gens have Intel "software guard", turn that off, also. From what I know, some software makers use it to fingerprint your PC for "licensing" purposes.


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You have 245! processes running.  Of course it's SLOW with that much chugging in the background.

My home computers (Win10) only have 60-some processes running and that's with some non-OS stuff.

Here at work, I am over 200 processes but this is a top-of-the-line-at-the-time corporate machine with 32GB RAM and 16 cores with five Chrome's open with multiple tabs each, one Edge open for SharePoint, three Excel spreadsheets open, and one PowerPoint open.

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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

You have 245! processes running.  Of course it's SLOW with that much chugging in the background.

My home computers (Win10) only have 60-some processes running and that's with some non-OS stuff.

Looks like the OP won't be allowed to reduce, modify those 10 OS at work.


4 hours ago, Jaguarek62 said:

we are deploying 10 laptops with the same exact specs.


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5 hours ago, Jaguarek62 said:

windows 8.1 is a lot faster

windows 8.1 is a lot faster, 100 percent agree! The question is whether the employer lets you use it.

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50 minutes ago, Dixel said:

Looks like the OP won't be allowed to reduce, modify those 10 OS at work.



Unfortunately, I can't do much with the bloat. we have teamviewer running in the background with teams,outlook,edge and onedrive. There are some dell programs and I tried to get them removed, but ultimately was not allowed to do so. It seems to be related to the cpu frequency though, cause the cpu is underclocking to 1.1-1.8 Ghz and the temperature is around 40-58 degrees so I don't quite get it.

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28 minutes ago, Klemper said:

windows 8.1 is a lot faster, 100 percent agree! The question is whether the employer lets you use it.

yeah well that's not happening, we just began to phase out windows 10, because the support is nearing the end. The funnies thing about that is that we have 3 windows server 2012 r2 running the surveilance system, remote desktop etc.. :D

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3 hours ago, Jaguarek62 said:

There are some dell programs and I tried to get them removed, but ultimately was not allowed to do so. It seems to be related to the cpu frequency though, cause the cpu is underclocking to 1.1-1.8 Ghz and the temperature is around 40-58 degrees so I don't quite get it.

Nothing surprising, newer laptops are thinner, nowhere to place a somewhat decent cooler. With that technology level, it should be 25 degrees at max! :D

My Kaby runs idle at 23 and load at 50 max. And those desktop CPUs are known to run hotter. All that with the supplied thin cooler!

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3 hours ago, Jaguarek62 said:

There are some dell programs and I tried to get them removed, but ultimately was not allowed to do so.

Disable at startup.

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Try to activate the Ultimate Performance plan.

I in my PC use this energy plan that is often hidden:




You can also enable in Edge the QUIC protocol:


+ this flag:

TLS 1.3 Early Data - Enabled



...This streamlined process, known as ‘Zero Round Trip Time’ or 0-RTT, not only speeds up the handshake but also significantly improves overall connection time. TLS 1.3 also introduces a concept called ‘Early Data,’ allowing some data to be sent by the client in the first round trip, further improving performance...

A great many websites use QUIC.

Edited by Sampei.Nihira
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