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Is it possible or much more likely impossible for MSFN Staff to introduce a negative or no "Like" vote?

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15 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

You misread the title, the OP wants downvotes to be introduced by the staff, not upvotes. Meaning "negative" votes.

that does make sense and negative votes would help alot 




Edited by legacyfan
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6 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

For example, someone makes a duplicate topic no. 17852192791 or posts erroneous, misleading info, I place a downvote to it.

and implementing them will help keep the spam posts out more for less work for the admins to deal with

Edited by legacyfan
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14 minutes ago, legacyfan said:

and implementing them will help keep the spam posts out more for less work for the admins to deal with

I would rather not have this forum as another Reddit, as inside that platform, it's popularly known there for people to become very upset when they get a lot of downvotes for their comments/posts. I don't want that suggestion to be implemented at all.

Edited by mina7601
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2 minutes ago, mina7601 said:

I would rather not have this forum as another Reddit, as inside that platform, it's popularly known there for people to become very upset when they get a lot of downvotes for their comments/posts. I don't want that suggestion to be implemented at all.

i guess your right that would cause other problems as well

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4 hours ago, mina7601 said:

I would rather not have this forum as another Reddit, as inside that platform, it's popularly known there for people to become very upset when they get a lot of downvotes for their comments/posts. I don't want that suggestion to be implemented at all.

Why didn't you say so before? When the moderators were heavily involved in the discussion.

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I don't like this. On Reddit you have to constantly try to please the other participants and only say things that are generally agreed to be true within that community, and speak in the right tone. And I don't mean to speak politely, but, for example, use meme vocabulary or use cute/feminine expressions. It's hard to guess what is right at the moment. If you say something that challenges the status quo, you get punished by an army of "moderators".

On Reddit I'm stuck at 7 points of post reputation, and can't ask any support questions. I can't return to a thread for followup without squinting to avoid seeing the votes I've received.

Edited by j7n
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Part of my stylesheet dealing with reputation system on MSFN:

@-moz-document url-prefix("https://msfn.org/board/topic/") {
  .ipsReact {
    display: none;
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://msfn.org/board/profile/") {
  div.ipsReact_reactCountOnly {
    display: none;
@-moz-document regexp("https:\/\/msfn\.org\/board\/\??(?:&?[^=&]*=[^=&]*)*") {
  li[data-blocktitle="Popular Contributors"] {
    display: none;
  div.cWidgetContainer:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(1) {
    transform: rotate(180deg);
  div.cWidgetContainer:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(1) > li {
    transform: rotate(-180deg);

The order of elements on the sidebar is also changed so Topics comes first.

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