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I use that too, but not with Supermium, Thorium, or 360Chrome.
@CIACIACIACIACIACIA did mention a proxy to me during our PM conversation, and I did suggest trying using a direct connection, but I can't remember whether that was actually tried.

Posted (edited)

I also use and used direct connection with the internet:


Science Daily website (direct connection).


Planeta Sinclair (direct connection).

Screens from working Supermium version 126-r4,many websites doesn't display pictures or doesn't display the page at all.


Posted (edited)

I will disable it but i don't think that this is the problem.

I have to say something else some sites display the QUIC PROTOCOL error when i disable it displays the page but not in correct manner.



Posted (edited)

I had already but the page i try to access isn't displayed in correct manner and it doesn't display images(even with the load function) and also the colors of the page.

It also displays the FALLBACK error afterwards.





This is something on your computer.

I have tried for HOURS to replicate your issues, mixing and matching various settings, et cetera.

My attempts have been in vain - I cannot replicate your certificate authority issues.

Have you ever "manually updated" your certificates?  If so, you may need to reinstall your XP to get it back to the way it was "engineered" to be.

Just a theory.  Until somebody comes along and shows a screencap of their Supermium NOT having the same issues as you but on a system WITH "manually updated" (or manually revoked, for as far as that goes) certificates.

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