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4 hours ago, Saxon said:

Thanks, but I'm on a 32-bit OS, unfortunately.

The files have been renamed, everything is correct now.


New files from "IDA" for Supermium 124

"v1.2.0.5064 (2024.06.24)
[*] XP,Vista: some additional code/rework to be compatible with Supermium v.124."


6 hours ago, Saxon said:

Unfortunately, I'm getting the same, what about you?

I don't have this error, I checked on three OS, one of which is XP x64. Did you take the files from chrome-xpapi-adapter_x86.b5064-wD3D9accel.zip and additionally the file from chrome-xpapi-adapter.5065.for.testing.zip?

15 hours ago, Saxon said:

Version 124 is sloooow as molasses on my doorstop so I returned to Thorium. To be honest Supermium and Thorium is a waste of time on my hardware but it's quite impressive that they work at all on this dinosaur from 2002.
MP68, NM28 and 360Redux are running OK on this historical relic.

My doorstop = Thinkpad A31: P4-Mobile 1.6 GHz/1.2GB DDR/30GB IDE HDD 4200 RPM/ATI7500 16 MB

"Throughout 2006, a ThinkPad A31p was being used in the Service Module Central Post of the International Space Station and seven ThinkPad A31p laptops were in service in orbit aboard the International Space Station.[61] As of 2010, the Space Station was equipped with ThinkPad A31 computers and 32 ThinkPad T61p laptops.[63] All laptops aboard the ISS are connected to the station's LAN via Wi-Fi and are connected to the ground at 3 Mbit/s up and 10 Mbit/s down, comparable to home DSL connection speeds."

To sum it up, running Supermium 124 on a Thinkpad A31 is a stressful XPerience but in space no one can hear you scream...


2 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

More OT...

From your links:

"In the new experiment, researchers transmitted, or "tunneled," sound waves across a vacuum between two zinc oxide crystals by transforming the vibrating waves into ripples within an electric field between the objects.
Unfortunately for space explorers being hunted by aliens, this does not extend to human screams."

Maybe it will work if they use two human crystals...


Well, I tried IDA's updated 5065 and fiddled with some flags and 124 became even sloooower... but I haven't managed to crash or freeze it yet...


On 6/24/2024 at 5:38 PM, Skorpios said:

HDD 4200 RPM

This is one the reasons of such browsers' slowness. They write a lot to ones HDD, I replaced that one with WD IDE 5400 250GB and the things were much smoother.

On 6/24/2024 at 9:29 AM, shelby said:

supermium 124 x64 ungoogled crashes

OS? XP64?

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