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Compiling ACPI v2.0 driver for Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2003 SP2 (x32/x64)

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Posted (edited)

Oh crazy, I still get Write Protected message during

AmiSetupWriter 0xCB3 0x0

Hm, this looks, as if the UEFI nvram Write Protect BIT is not only located in Bios



EDIT: AmiSetupWriter 0xCB3 0x0

gives now answer:

Current Setup[0xCB3] is 0x0

Ru.efi tells the same now for the very first time.

That means, the variable has indeed changed  from 01 ==> 00 via Bios modd.

But still the crazy message after this:

SetVariable call returned Write Protected.


This means: I can change nvram Variables via Bios Modd, but I cant change this Write Protect until now.

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Posted (edited)

Yesssaaa :cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader:

I succeed to enable CSM mode, even it is not shown in Bios^^


PS: Just now I am installing XP SP3 on the ASRock N100DC-ITX.

EDIT: After flash of Bios Modd, you always have to clear CMOS with jumper!


Here is the Bios for working CSM of the ASRock N100DC-ITX

and all the needed EFI tools. No EEPromer is needed! Intel lost this time:P



EDIT2: I install with Firadisk . When you want to see F8, you have to disconnect this USB stick for a second and reconnect. The same is needed for GUI Setup, when you see the running bar, crazy^^..

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Posted (edited)

XP SP3 on Alderlake N100 cpu, 6 Watt



Now, this board is full XP SP3 compatible:

Sound, Lan, Graphik, COM1, LPT1, PS/2 combi (works), Harddisks, USB3, USB2, nvme

all works. And it is fast.

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Summary - did you do it like that - right ??

  • bios mod to set UEFI Variables Protection 00
  • flash with Intel FPT.efi
  • clear CMOS
  • enable CSM with AmiSetupWriter 0xCBE 0x1
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Posted (edited)


Hi, until now I cant set any nvram variable with any tool, that is on the market. Because all in Bios is still Write Protected.

I can use those tools only for to check, if my change by hand of the nvram variable is correct.

I look for the Byte pattern of each nvram variable with UEFI tool.

For the search via UEFITool I use Byte length of about 300, because with shorter length I always get other "matches".

I correct those 3 raw files by hand via Winhex.


Raw files in





For 0xCB3 I change Byte pattern from  01 ==> 00 by hand in each of those 3 raw files.

For 0xCBE I change Byte pattern from  00 ==> 01 by hand in each of those 3 raw files.

May be, that all nvram variables are stored only in this 3 raw files.

But because I cant set off the Write Protection from Intel, this Write Protection sits on other place too,

may be even not in Bios but on other chip on mainboard, crazy..

Then I integrate this 3 raw files, each modded at 2 places for 0xCB3 and 0xCBE, back into Bios via UEFITool.

Then I flash this modded Bios with FPT.efi.

After this I clear CMOS via its jumper. And voila, CSM is enabled, but nothing of this can be seen in Bios.

Would be nice, to set all the other nvram variables too, that enables the CSM menu in Bios.

Also the menu for to select the graphic card is still not there



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only when there is a CSM-Core in Bios, you have a chance to set it free.

But now there are some boards without any CSM.

I think, that it may be not too difficult, to write a generic csm.efi, that you can integrate into Bios

as a normal driver. But the hardware around is different on each board,

so such a generic csm driver could handle only the most basic things


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Posted (edited)


Can you take a look at all the nvram Variables, that can to be enabled in the Bios of the ASRock N100DC-ITX?

I compare it with the 3 raw files of the Bios from the Asrock N100M and found 20 places where an 00 is a 01 or vice versa


EDIT: Sometimes it may be not easy to understand, if this feature should be enabled in Bios.

Because a 01 for the Write Protection should be for sure not.

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On 6/5/2024 at 10:00 PM, Dietmar said:

XP SP3 on Alderlake N100 cpu, 6 Watt

Now, this board is full XP SP3 compatible: Sound, Lan, Graphik, ...

all works. And it is fast.

Hi @Dietmar, (how) did you achieve to have the internal (?) graphics (Alderlake UHD) supported with XP/3?? Or have you added an external?

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I added an external graphic card.

Geforce GT 730.

It fits even with its large 16 PCI-e into the 4 PCI-e slot on this board, because this4PCI-e slot is open at the side.

The board is stable under XP SP3, I did some tests


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Posted (edited)

Yea, i've had already the suspicion - Kepler forever :). Currently i'm looking for an active cooled Zotac GT 730 GDDR5: passive GT-7x0's get too hot and the GTX 7xx are exaggerated for my purposes.

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from what i remember there once was a virus called CIH
this virus deleted up the bios
it was often claimed that the BIOS is a non programmable ROM 
but it was NOT - it was EEPROM aka a programmable "ROM" (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)

therefore a decision was made if the EEPROM bios where deleted 
then it used a backup what actually then was a real non programmble ROM

that backup then was put into the EEPROM again that is actually programmable 


i do not know if that helps

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Dietmar said:

Can you take a look at all the nvram Variables, that can to be enabled in the Bios of the ASRock N100DC-ITX?

I do not know what you mean? UEFI VARIABLES are in three places because one for Optimized Defaults, two for FailSafe Defaults and third for current settings?


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I cant have the menu in Bios for  CSM on the board ASRock N100DC-ITX, for to switch between enabled and disabled.

But the Asrock N100M has this menu.

And I dont know, if it is easy to restore this menu also


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