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Everything posted by Damnation

  1. @Tecchie Make sure to use the x64 acpi.sys, the x86 acpi.sys won't work on XP x64.
  2. @Dietmar From what I've found on Gigabytes website. https://www.gigabyte.com/WebPage/917/amd600-bios.html On the Favorites (F11) page. AMD at least still has CSM. (It might only apply to 600 series and not 800 series chipsets though) edit: https://www.gigabyte.com/WebPage/1081/amd800-bios.html All good, CSM support still there on the Main Menu page.
  3. @Dietmar Have you tried running XP on Arrow Lake?
  4. Unless someone makes a kernelex for XP, it won't work.
  5. @Dietmar @reboot12 Have either of you given quibble a go to see if it can boot XP32 in UEFI64? https://github.com/maharmstone/quibble
  6. @MilkChan So everything worked fine up until the sound driver was installed?
  7. @Dietmar A few edits had to be made. Used -DWIN2K_COMPAT_SLIST_USAGE=1 switch when compiling. Stubbed HeadlessDispatch. Had acpi driver do ExInterlockedCompareExchange64 internally. Commented out HaliIsVectorValid where present. Needed to pass procinit explicitly to HalAcpiMachineStateInit in NotifyHalWithMachineStates.
  8. @Dietmar Hi Dietmar, I've ported acpi.sys 7777 to now work with windows 2000 - can you apply all the hacks that you've applied to the XP version to this one too? https://easyupload.io/0qm58b
  9. @Dietmar Does this mean we now have a way to enable CSM on UEFI class 3 systems?
  10. @UCyborg It's about fixing XP's acpi.sys driver to work with newer hardware.
  11. @Dietmar The one I linked does, maybe try that?
  12. @Dietmar Does IDE work at least?
  13. @Dietmar I'm not sure how to tell if it has a boot ROM or not.
  14. @Dietmar These VIA chipset PCI cards have drivers going back to win3.1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/195952338235
  15. Dietmar knows how to switch properly from Standard PC to ACPI. @Dietmar can you show him how you did this?
  16. @Cixert It's not that simple to switch over to ACPI with an existing XP install. @Dietmar knows how to do it properly and can help.
  17. @Cixert You may as well try it and see if it works for you. What ACPI BSOD are you getting btw? have you got a screenshot.
  18. @Cixert Have you tried the updated community made 7777 acpi.sys?
  19. @Cixert Has the boot order changed in the BIOS since the update?
  20. @Cixert Is your boot drive visible to the BIOS after you update?
  21. @Dietmar I recall you saying you had encountered this black screen issue before? did you manage to fix it?
  22. @gordo999 You can make a new thread for it if you want. I'm not sure what's going on with your XP, maybe @Dietmar knows something that might help.
  23. @66cats This is all the acpi.sys files as far as i know, including the newest acpi.sys I have. https://ufile.io/xl07mr8a @Dietmar might have a newer one though.
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