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Roll Call 2021


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I use Windows 98 FE for day-to-day operation, music, cinema, internet and games. This is the basic (and the most basic) system. Here's a message like this from outside (using GoogleChrome software, shipped from Virtual PC 5.0):




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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, this kinda got me motivated to fix my ancient laptop, which (due to defective power supply) has spent the last couple years just collecting dust on my table and serving as some kind of elevated platform for my mobile devices and a pile of various parts...

It just occured to me that the power suppy (also external) for my monitor gives out the same voltage, so after patching an additional cable, now my trusty Dell Latitude x200 is back in action :D Gonna need some heavy cleaning though, as half of the keyboard keys won't work unless i hit them very hard...

Specs: Pentium 3 @ 800MHz, 640MB RAM, i830 graphics, 160GB IDE HDD, also a floppy drive and a CD-RW in the dock. Dualbooting Win98SE and XP SP3.


Not going to count the Win98SE on my main PC (XP SP3, Win7, Debian, Win98SE from most to least used), since the lack of proper video driver is killing my desire to boot it...

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  • 3 weeks later...

win95 on HP Vectra p2 400MHz.

98fe on {PIII 600MHz, Abit BH6, 768MB ram, Quadro FX 2000, SB Live}, {Intel C2Duo E7600 ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA, 2GB Ram,7900GTX, SB Live}

98se on {Intel C2Duo E7600 ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2, 2GB Ram,7900GTX, SB Audigy2 ZS}.

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I haven't been here in a while now... I use 98SE and ME but no longer on my main use machine, which runs XP primarly instead. It has been very difficult to do every day things involving internet on 9x machines. I have stopped looking at any developments on KernelEx and related front also...

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Win98SE (MSI PT-880 with P4-family Celeron, 1GB RAM) as main for graphics, coding and pretty much everything else. Dual-boot Win2000 for chkdsk. WinXP (over RDP; hardware about the same as Win98) for web-browsing and other things that cannot be forced to run on Win98 easily.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

While I am promarily now a windows 7 user, I still use windows ME occasionally (really lod games that dont like compatibility mode but need full hardware 3d acceleration thus ruling out using a VM)

That being said my win ME rig is a real beast for that OS.  Athlonxp 3800+  4x256mb ddr400 (rloew patch) 160gb wd velociraptor on IDE/Sata adapter (120gb windows partition rest unused/unallocated) Radeon X850 256mb AGP8x gpu)  it certifies as bare minimum to run vista, but its blazingly fast on ME (feels like 7 does on a quadcore and ssd).   I run a pagefile of 256mb, Creative audio soundcard (pci) and ISA 10base-T ethernet card (connected to a wifi repeater with ethernet port configured to serve as a wifi to ethernet adapter).  thought thats more for LAN than internet as I've yet to get a browser working these days.  email does work, but getting thunderbird working was a pain in itself.  It does its job well enough at any rate, and I have windows 7 for all that fancy internet stuff anyway.

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