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Official - Windows 10 Worst Crap Ever!


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On 8/23/2018 at 12:31 AM, cc333 said:

Even Vista is better than 10!!


Looks like that would be QFT, for the Asus P6T Deluxe with an earlier Killer ethernet card! My upload speed at testmy.net, on FTTH, never looked as good as this before!

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W10 bad, but everyone knew that lol. Still on my quest for classic Windows, it is not going well. I have a machine that runs with classic theme (oddly well) using rocket dock (explorer can't handle running the mod anything metro is useless) and a semi-functioning program called vfind (looks like mac/linux top menu), but I still have my hopes! (they are unreasonable I know, but I am still gonna try)W10RD.thumb.jpg.3e3bae787ed1eed5bc4b53ad709963ac.jpgVfind is not working hopefully will find a workaround, however, I think I need to start from scratch on my vm.

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If using Server 2016 with desktop (as opposed to Core), the default UI is still Server Manager, and everything can be done through there. Or you can use the context on the Start button to go to other places. It has a Start Screen like Windows 8/10 does but I've never used it and have only opened it by accident.

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Looking forward to some new crap in October.  At OS Build 17751.1 and slowly moving closer.  The old Dell laptop took about 20 hours to finally digest the Update and complete to that Insider release.  The update completed for other people in an hour and a half.  Sometimes I just don't understand computers and the software.  :unsure:

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thats a lul

remember older times when upgrading from 98 to XP took maybe 1 hour and maybe some bit more
yet hardware was crap comparing to now

now you have freaking warp speed and it takes 20 hours :D
(probably coz of all winblows 10 garbage stiffed in)

what happened to
- protect/lock programs and user data and simply overwrite every other system file ?
-> winblows 10 happened :P

maybe before "upgrade" they are scanning your HDD's to see what toilet paper you use the most

Edited by vinifera
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I have seen a stock Windows 10 do an upgrade in 18 hours. Stock meaning that the system was setup just to test the upgrade process. The software was not "used" as a person normally would and nothing additional was installed besides drivers to make flags go away in Device Manager. The fact that the average time it takes a stock system to do a version upgrade is 4 hours out to say something.

But we all realise that the OS is much larger these days than in Win98 days, and the OS is doing way more and there is a lot of overhead. People do not compare current technology to old technology, or properly efficient old technology because they have no experience with it. We know examples of how a new install of Windows 95 installed onto a 5400RPM hard disk could take 5 seconds to boot to desktop, and this speed can only be matched these days by having an immensly faster boot disk and a tuned OS, be it Windows 7 or newer. The cheats that the industry use to speed up "boot" time by making the computer enter hybernation at shutdown do not count!

Hardware has certainly gotten better, but a lot of software really hasn't.

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On 8/20/2018 at 11:26 PM, bookie32 said:

Hi RanCorX2...

Wont change the fact that Windows 10 is crap...I do install classic shell on most computers with windows 8 or 10 if the customer doesn't prefer the standard menu...but I can't go uninstalling apps etc...there would be nothing left...:ph34r:



you only remove the uwp apps as they are useless crap, the whole thing is worse than steam with it's sandboxed bs. at least steam games can be moved easily from pc to pc without requiring re-downloading on the slow a** and buggy store. how old is the store now? it still sucks.

windows 10 as a windows os is not that bad, it's quick and stable, it's the modern crap they piled on that is the problem. uwp apps, modern start menu, settings app, the xbox integration, countless new services, lots of new background processes and of course the telemetry.

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Crap: With all this "New" Windows 10 software a new question came to mind.  How do you "Hide" an update that you don't want installed?  Can you even delete an update before it installs?  I seem to be missing crap control for updates.  Maybe there is none?  Maybe it can be removed from a download file somewhere?  Just sorting through the crap.  :cool:

75 degrees this morning in Phoenix, I think it's Winter arriving early.

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you want to download windows update mini tool and add it to control panel, you can find it on the mdl forums as well as other sites, but they are probably less trustworthy.

disable auto updates and update when a full windows build goes public, that's what i do, i stopped bothering with updates sometime ago as they do not install properly on my machines, they always fail after the reboot with the annoying failure configuring updates error, been like that since 8.1, up to 8 updates usually installed fine without errors, only a few failed. Then something changed and updates fail to install, happened when ms switched to big chunky updates rather than small hotfixes....

the odd small update installs fine.



Edited by RanCorX2
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Some new crap to think about:  Several friends have Windows 10 PCs that they ask me to look at.  The PCs are of the 17134.285 released Windows 10 version.  However, there is a new Windows 10 release coming out soon so I'm starting to prepare for "some new crap."  Just allowed the MacBook to update from 17134.285 32 bit released version to 17760.1 32 bit Insider version that is in the area of what will be the new released version coming sometime in the near future.  I kept the MacBook on the old released version so I could better understand the problems of normal end users.  Now it's time to prepare for some new crap.  Let the fun begin.  :cool:

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