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Streaming & Downloading Youtube Videos in 2020


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On Montag, 7. September 2020 at 12:03 AM, loblo said:

New version of standalone youtube-dl for 9x + KernelEx (2020-09-06): https://www.datafilehost.com/d/a1ddfe9e

So how you guys are getting on with 3DYD, any success story to report?

Fortunately, if that's not the case, there are a number of other options. ;)


So far I also haven't gotten to grips with youtube-dl. It gives an error "AttributeError: Function LockFileEx not found" and crashes immediately. Could it be, that it runs for you due to you use an older KernelEX version? Maybe in this case I should test with older versions or I simply do something wrong...

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@schwups, that's the core KernelEx files I use:

Kernelex 4.5.2015.9 (Jumper)
Kexbasen (Xeno)
Kexbases 4.5.2015.9 (Jumper)

Other than that I have kstub822 and auxilliary dlls from Jumper. I never went past the .11 files and then I downgraded to .10 and then .9, not to mention I never used jumper's kexbasen because of all the stuff I had running it was breaking but this is nothing new, I reported all the regressions back then and instead of getting the stuff fixed there was only more breakage with newer versions... I gave up.

The exe I posted is built with Python 2.7.17 and py2exe. Can you run Python 2.7.17? You can try running youtube-dl straight from python. Get python 2.7.17 portable, extract the python dir, get youtube-dl (the one without file extension), put it next to python.exe and just do "python youtube-dl url" from the command.com console or a batch file, it should start downloading within a few seconds.

I can stream online videos (about 20 sites tested working so far, including YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Veoh, PornHub, Twitter) from my browsers with 7 different media players, 2 require 3DYD source filter and another 5 don't but all rely on the youtube-dl executable for stream address extraction, if you guys can't even run youtube-dl it's totally pointless I post this pack.

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16 hours ago, loblo said:

I can stream online videos (about 20 sites tested working so far, including YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Veoh, PornHub, Twitter) from my browsers

That is excellent, how do you get the web pages to display correctly? DailyMotion is just a white screen for me. Placeholders are there on Youtube mainly although the player is shown and video can be seen along the progress bar preview. Maxthon3 still operates YouTube correctly with Maxthon Trident engine instead of WebKit which is default. This would be for 2K uses though as I can not get it to run on WinME.

16 hours ago, loblo said:

You can try running youtube-dl straight from python

I tried that and get Python has made an error in Kernel32. If I use the executable and just run it in command prompt I get the same as Schwups. Loblo the fact that you can view MSFN in full width default mode instead of IPS is special too. I will have to learn how to use kstub822 or is there an easy way you can show/explain what settings you are using. I have included the command shot of the downloader perhaps you could show what is does when you try it.

PYTHON caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 01b7:bff6a285.
EAX=01133618 CS=01b7 EIP=bff6a285 EFLGS=00010212
EBX=026c0e34 SS=01bf ESP=0071e798 EBP=0071e7d8
ECX=00100000 DS=01bf ESI=0158d81c FS=528f
EDX=00f60008 ES=01bf EDI=01133618 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 03 a8 01 74 25 25 fc ff ff 0f 8b 53 08 03 f0
Stack dump:
0071e7d8 0158d81c 010f3614 00040004 bff6a501 00c40000 01133618 0158d81c 00000000 00c4000c 00c40000 010f3614 00000000 00000000 000026c0 000010f4


Edited by Goodmaneuver
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LockFileEx is still provided by kexbases of KEX 24, but something goes wrong. First I ran youtube-dl straight from python on command.com and got "Import Error: No module named site". Then on XP I tested some commands for correctness to rule out errors here. On XP I also had had the "Import Error: No module named site", if I ran it straight from python. But your "standalone" worked. Afterwards back to ME I tried it with the older KernelEx combination 9 and 8 (kexbasen 8), psapi and uxtheme - initially without DoItYourselfKernelEx. KEX 9 up to 11 were known to be very flawed. Indeed something changed: Now your "standalone" seem to work and the access to the Internet takes place. Unfortunately a new proplem occurs, that the Certificate verify fails - SSL:c:727.:}

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Python/Youtube-dl look in the registry for CAs. Try updating your system CAs. There is also the option of using  youtube-dl with --no-check-certificate argument (normally not needed to do that.)

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Thanks, I followed successfully your guidance to update the system certificates -  System Certificates Updater (The easy way). I had a message "...missing export kernel32.dll: FindFirstVolumeW", but apparently the update was OK. And yes I downloaded a music file from Youtube on ME! I didn't create the config file and found the YT file in the windows folder merged into mkv (mp4/webm to mkv) format. It informed me about the possibility to keep mp4 and webm files (pass -k to keep).


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I have been looking at YouTube source filter. It is not KernelEx 24 that stops it. I did try KEX9 with Kexbasen 4.5.2 but that build did not have LAV filters installed, there was no problem with the source_filter. What I found was that the YouTube source filter + LAV splitter + LAV video + LAV audio must not have been mappable in the memory all together. This was apparent when I systematically registered LAV 74.1.9 XP filters in sequence. All was OK until I got to register LAV audio. So I had a zip of LAV audio 58 and I put of all files needed in a separate directory. Now MPLAYER2 downloads 720p and plays excellently. Probably a more modern LAV audio will work as well with its separate libraries.

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The separate directory is not essential it is the different library names that give it a separately copy of the functions in memory. It is a race to load I think that occurs not necessarily that the memory manager could not map all functions. There are a lot of registry settings for 3DYT source filter and the XP version of LAV has supposed to have removed DirectX 11 so there are a few variables of which I have not laid to rest yet until I back up again and configure properly the rest of the codecs on the working drive ( Haali splitter way need to be fully removed or restored for one thing as an example of what I needs to be done ). The reason being the above post of mine does not work on all builds, - even without LAV installed 3DYT source can error.

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Yesterday, after I had the first success with Youtube-dl on WinME with KernelEx update 8/9, I tried to stream youtube videos again. Something has changed here too. I got a warning message and then on the player bottom "Failed to render File". I'm not sure, whether it was a good choice to replace CryptStringToBinaryW by CryptMsgClose in source_filter.ax. It's kind of nonsense. The DependencyWalker shows a green resolved C import. GraphStudioNext has automatically built a working playback graph. But as I said, streaming still doesn't work. Today I'm back to KEX24 and want to see what is possible with the new approaches. Is this a special version "zip of LAV audio 58"?? Can I download it somewhere? Goodmaneuver@ Am I right assuming that you don't replace CryptStringToBinaryW.


Stream error.png

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Wintrust from Windows2000-KB935839-v30e-x86-ENU and Crypt32 from Microsoft Windows XP (''Whistler'' 5.1.2296.1 Professional B1) will take the issue of this missing function call away. I will be some time trying to ascertain what makes the YouTube source filter work or not but when I solve it I will let you know straight away. I got LAV 58 from here https://www.videohelp.com/software/LAV-Filters/old-versions . If you unregister the audio filter and then the player downloads and plays the video then it might work for you. Try downloading with WMP 6.4 : - MPLAYER2.exe located inside the WMP directory. This is the lightest player I think. I managed to break the 3DYT filter on the backup hard drive so a backward step again required. When checking properties with WMP6.4 and playing YT it says I have 2 LAV splitters no source_filter so this is strange. That video link defaults or has only 720p available when I pick another it downloads 1080p. A 1:1 hard drive copy and start again for me I did not do 1:1 yesterday.


Edited by Goodmaneuver
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