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Win98SE its possible to use Process Explorer or other tool as Task manager replacement for CRTL+ALT+DEL?

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basic Windows 98 task manager sucks, it simply often not working for me, dont kill process and freeze whole machine. Process explorer working fine, newer version has option to replace Task manager directly in option menu, but last version 11.11 which is still working without KernelEX doesnt.

   Its possible to make it run afret CRTL+ALT+DEL press or its there other good replacement.. i remember that i was using something named TaskInfo or similar, it looked nice, but it was source of small freezes during gaming and i took me lots of time to discover that.. so this is no way.

Posted (edited)

Yes you can but it will not be any better at terminating programs. There is also Starter which can be used and works in Safe Mode. You would use a shortcut to Process Explorer or Starter instead of Ctrl+Alt+Del. Code Stuff Starter needs the PSAPI from KEX auxiliary Dlls. RP9's Ctrl+Alt+Del three times might work in restarting machine, often does. If a program is locked up or cycling into a lock up the best termination is restart from the Start button. You have to hit the close button on the error message a few times while machine tries to exit from Explorer. When gaming try the Windows key or Alt+Tab or Ctrl+F4 sometimes works. Sometimes it is impossible to come out from, if the frame rate is extraordinarily slow then reset button is often the best option.

Edited by Goodmaneuver
added Safe Mode

For me is important that Process explore is working better for me.. and i can map it to CTRL+ALT+DEL.. if not will have to get used to other shotcut..

Posted (edited)

Can't think of anything other than Revolutions Pack's new Ctrl+Alt+Del interface it provides.

is there a reason why you need to use the absolute latest version of Process Explorer that doesn't have the replacement option?

Oh, sorry, misread your post.

Edited by MrMateczko

Well i though that only newer not Win98 compatible versions has this options, if is not true and only older version have this option, let me know which version to try..

Posted (edited)

Please answer the question!!!

Edit: "No other reason" seems to be the answer.


Edited by jumper

Process Explorer add Image Hijacks on Regedit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
	[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe]

On Windows 98 no idea XD.


Sorry, I misread your post. I thought that older Win9x compatible versions had that option, but no Win9x compatible version have it.


Take a look at the discussion above, has some interesting details...

I guess the best way would be to use a remapping/macro software that runs at startup that maps the ctrl+alt+del combination to launch the program.


Thanks for info, i asked for present state of matter.. i will not pioneer with this, if is not easily possible, is dead end for me. I have other things to mess with.


Win98 doesn't have Taskmgr.exe and I couldn't get IFEO to work for other substitutions.

Taskman.exe is another simple option.



>>Well i though that only newer not Win98 compatible versions has this options, if is not true and only older version have this option, let me know which version to try..

Revolutions Pack is only compatible with Win98/ME. AFAIK latest update is 9.7.2 and it tells you the version under Misc tab. The update has version 6.0.2900.2180 assigned to the executable and updates Comctl32 and Dibeng to 4.98.8000 and has Ctras vs Also has Gdiplus but I use 6.0.3264.0 which has more functions than any other compatible version.

When exiting using Ctrl+Alt+Del to tell windows to terminate a program that is not responding, do it twice after a few seconds as often this is required. ATI had hot keys so perhaps a key assignment program can assign Process Explorer. Latest PE is v10.2 for 98/ME, PE is important to see what libraries are relocated due to image base conflicts.

Posted (edited)

Mine is an older version. the readme file says:


ATM is completely free, and even you are free to distribute it.

I couldn't find the original archive, so attached whatever was in my programs folder.

There is a setting to select a hotkey, don't remember if CRTL+ALT+DEL was possible. Try to run the .exe and check yourself.

My Win98SE starts only in safe mode currently, since i changed the mobo and video... Starting normally leads to a "It's now safe to turn off your computer" screen, pfff.




Edited by RainyShadow

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