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Taskmanager showing I'm using more RAM than I have!


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Hello, I have noticed recently that when I check taskmanager, the RAM usage shows as if it were using more RAM than I even have installed (1GB). Although it shows such high usage compared to what I really have, my computer still seems to be responsive and fast. I have also noticed that after a restart, the ram usage will be back to normal, but when it is left on for a few hours the RAM usage gets a lot higher than it should ever be. I have run multiple virus scans with Malwarebytes, superantispyware, and spybot with a clean report. So why is taskmanager falsely showing such high RAM usage??? Replies are appreciated! Check out the picture I have attached.

RAM problem.PNG

RAM problem2.PNG

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When your RAM becomes full, Windows moves some of the data from your RAM back to your hard drive, placing it in the page file. This file is a form of virtual memory. While writing this data to your hard disk and reading it back later is much slower than using RAM, it’s back-up memory – rather than throwing potentially important data away or having programs crash, the data is stored on your hard drive.

Windows will try to move data you aren’t using to the page file. For example, if you’ve had a program minimized for a long time and it isn’t doing anything, its data may be moved from RAM to your page file. If you maximize the program later and notice that it takes a while to come back instead of instantly snapping to life, it’s being swapped back in from your page file. You’ll see your computer’s hard disk light blinking as this happens.

With enough RAM in modern computers, the average user’s computer shouldn’t normally use the page file in normal computer use. If you do see your hard drive start to grind away and programs start to slow down when you have a large amount open, that’s an indication that your computer is using the page file – you can speed things up by adding more RAM. You can also try freeing up memory — for example, by getting rid of useless programs running in the background.


Edited by VistaLover
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8 hours ago, ED_Sln said:

The task manager shows not only the memory consumption, but also virtual memory, the swap file. Therefore, applications can use a lot of virtual memory without consuming RAM.

I recommend when it comes to experience on this topic, that one should take a "page" from your book  :p

(thank you, thank you!  I'm here all week)


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Thanks for the replies guys! I will check out that alternative task manager. One other thing I forgot to mention was that I also used taskmanager to view the virtual memory as well...It still didn't add up to what the RAM usage was showing as. It doesn't make sense why it is giving such a high reading, yet nothing us using even close to all of the physical RAM and not much virtual memory either.

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