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New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.5.win32-git-20200404-4662b4f-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.5.win64-git-20200404-4662b4f-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.5.win32-git-20200404-4662b4f-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.9.1a1.win32-git-20200404-576a8f254-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.9.1a1.win64-git-20200404-576a8f254-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #1471 - Fix building on sparc64 Linux Correct various pre-processor defines for sparc64 and in mozjemalloc use the JS arm64 allocator on Linux/sparc64. This corrects build problems opn Linux sparc64 and is in line with bugzilla bug #1275204. (f7c9359b2)
- Issue #1467 - Part 1: Set up conditional NSS-SQL builds. (2a4827ea4)
- Issue #1467 - Part 1b: Fix type and make moz.configure happy. (6b3fbe9ef)
- Issue #1467 - Part 2: Make the PBKDF rounds adaptive to choice of NSS db (09abc1063)
- Issue #1467 - Part 3: Use UTF-8 file paths for NSS-SQL database. (6cbe27d14)
- Issue #1467 - Part 4: Rename NSS_SQLSTORE to MOZ_SECURITY_SQLSTORE. (6f1d8fcce)
- Merge pull request #1487 from MoonchildProductions/1467 (0212d6181)
- Issue #1491 - Part 1: Update nsCocoaFeatures for newer versions of MacOS X. (c1633db6d)
- Issue #1491 - Part 2: Disable a workaround on macOS 10.14+ for an Apple bug described in Mozilla bug 378645 involving popup windows that was fixed by Apple. (10a45dfda)
- Merge pull request #1492 from dbsoft/PopupWindowFixes (9308c03f5)
- Issue #447 - Update HSTS preload list (cc9b40cc2)
- Issue #1473 - Fix building `%OS_SLICE%` on non-Windows platforms (e74509ec5)
- Take nsSiteSecurityService out of UNIFIED_SOURCES (bc127ada3)
- Issue #1499 - Re-import ExtensionStorage.jsm (5e03c9ad4)
- Issue #1498 - Part 1: Stop using HSTS preload lists. (595c8d53d)
- Issue #1498 - Part 1: Stop persisting preload states. (09a229c70)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (e54e59827)
- Issue #1498 - Part 3: Remove support for storing "knockout" values. (9c4aef867)
- Issue #1498 - Part 4: Remove clearPreloads. (8ea2c0d5e)
- Issue #1498 - Part 5: Update SSService CID and correct mismatch. (50ebd3507)
- Issue #1498 - Part 6: Remove STS preloadlist pref. (e9723a6fd)
- Issue #1280 - Part 1: Remove HPKP components. (55aa6ce7b)
- Issue #1280 - Part 2: Remove HPKP tests. (0afd46b48)
- Update README.md (d19bcaf4b)
- Issue #1497 Revert "MoonchildProductions#1251 - Part 19" "Make the unpreprocessed file script work on Solaris." (2dfd75f7f)
- Issue #1497 Revert "Check if there are any unpreprocessed files" (e51d9fbc1)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (070eca4c2)
- Teach config.guess to know if we want to build 32 or 64 bit builds on Windows (9a31bea93)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (6676a7d6f)
- Merge pull request #1472 from JMadgwick/master (1039487b7)
- Merge pull request #1494 from JustOff/PR_osslice_non_windows (568ea8dea)
- Merge pull request #1500 from MoonchildProductions/1280 (f2b6fd248)
- Revert "Only state the stop notification for JSDownloads in nsWebBrowserPersist::EndDownload" (0750e2d3c)
- Properly fix crash in nsDownloadManager when repeatedly pausing and resuming a download (61d3be474)
- Issue #1280 - Stop requesting HPKP state from within devtools. (3bc5d67c9)
- Issue #1501 - Un-bust building of NSS after update to 3.48 on Solaris. (389f436c1)
- Issue #1280 - Un-bust certerror pages and ForgetAboutSite (a205ee704)
- Merge pull request #1502 from athenian200/nss348_solaris (d42beba47)
- Explicitly remove dist/bin before mozbuild's install_manifests get a hold of it (85ab34e50)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (f35d93396)
- Output webidl filenames as they are processed (c6eccd0e6)
- Make the reference to Handle unambiguous in ipc/testshell/XPCShellEnvironment.cpp (d4afddfad)
- Revert "Make the reference to Handle unambiguous in ipc/testshell/XPCShellEnvironment.cpp" (48a2e680c)
- Make the reference to Handle unambiguous in ipc/testshell/XPCShellEnvironment.cpp (66741ca7f)
- Issue #65 - Fix unprocessed directives in WebRequest.jsm (065ec07d6)
- Merge pull request #1504 from JustOff/PR_fix_WebRequest_jsm (90a9bc221)

Official Basilisk changes since my last build:
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1360 - Align basilisk FE with this change (a9800c5)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1360 - Fix typo (4662b4f)

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- Issue #1495 - Fix aborting typo and bump UI version to re-migrate. (23c9a3911)
- Revert "Change sessionstore cache behavior to soft refresh" (7b5c1e916)
- Update Build Instruction urls (b4e16d784)
- Re-enable sessionstore cache soft refresh (cf12c10d6)
- Version bump (83adaa207)
- Update platform branch pointer (18f255945)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon (80a7b72b0)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1280 - Remove HPKP from Pale Moon (f3ea9fbbb)
- [prefs] Fix linkage between HWA layers and Direct2D. (ecacb67c2)
- Update platform branch pointer (03e70a666)
- Issue #1748 - Remove Windows rule from osx CSS (1d863ac33)
- Issue #1745 - Stop using deprecated calls to getMostRecent() (431c6d0b5)
- Merge pull request #1749 from SpockFan02/patch-2 (fbee575a2)
- Issue #1750 - Add pref to show edit panel upon starring new bookmark. (0e43da020)
- Make OS X default theme integrate better (d58095861)
- Update platform branch pointer (e5b37c3fe)
- Issue #1754 - Update browser-gestureSupport to work on UXP Based on https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/fb921354f6ca063a873725e6702156dece1d282c/browser/base/content/browser-gestureSupport.js (0226d80c6)
- Merge pull request #1752 from Lootyhoof/osx-theme (485f867df)
- Merge pull request #1755 from SpockFan02/history-swipe-gestures (ceaedd24a)
- Revert "Issue #1754 - Update browser-gestureSupport to work on UXP" (81f0c6986)
- Issue #1754 - Update browser-gestureSupport to work on UXP Based on https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/fb921354f6ca063a873725e6702156dece1d282c/browser/base/content/browser-gestureSupport.js (576a8f254)

Edited by roytam1


New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20200404-844f7d3f-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod.7z
Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20200404-844f7d3f-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod.7z

source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20191123.7z

Official repo changes since my last build:
- Update platform commit pointer (c5330331)
- Add a superclobber command to evolving mach stub (e4910e47)
- Update HWA prefs for mail (ccff9103)
- Update platform commit pointer (b5580923)
- Stop pretending the Interlink version doesn't have 52.9 in it. (9bf5cb7e)
- Clear removed-files for Interlink (ba05a4e1)
- Prefix fake-mach variables so they don't overwrite env vars (54ae5e00)
- Update platform commit pointer (844f7d3f)


New build of IceApe-UXP for XP!

Test binary:

For UXP changes please see above.


New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200404-842aa7563-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200404-842aa7563-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200404-842aa7563-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win64-git-20200404-842aa7563-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 847287 patch 1 - Add additional tests. r=birtles (10f885ee6)
 - Bug 847287 patch 2 - Add flag for CSS properties that can be animated on the compositor. r=birtles (859fae81c)
 - Bug 847287 patch 3 - Add assertions about consistency of the flags for animating on the compositor. r=birtles (bd7565728)
 - Bug 1144973 - Ensure that StringifySavedFrameStack puts its stack string in the cx's compartment. r=bz (546bef57a)
 - Bug 1147670 - Remove duplicate IsMarked/IsAboutToBeFinalized for off-thread use; r=jonco (b460a96ca)
 - Bug 674779 - Per-component CPU monitoring, low-level. r=blassey, r=jandem (040bdbad7)
 - Bug 674779 - Per-component CPU monitoring, high-level. r=blassey, r=mossop (59af11234)
 - Bug 674779 - PerformanceStatsService data is not monotonic (wallpaper). r=yoric (32cecadf9)
 - Bug 674779 - Deactivating subtest of test_measure for Windows XP. r=yoric (08833731a)
 - Bug 1039866 - Rip out a bunch of metro-only code. r=jimm,gavin,rstrong (8e0e04182)
 - Bug 1024668 - Extract core logic of abouthealth.js into new WebIDL interface. r=bz,gps,wchen (52675144a)
 - Bug 1046420 - Part 1: Make MozSelfSupport a Window property instead of a global property. r=bz,wchen (7d50f737d)
 - goannaAppInfo -> geckoAppInfo for coherency with IDL (8f04e1cdd)
 - Bug 1075160 - Support action: reset a pref to the default setting r=gfritzsche, r=bholley (d68725e18)
 - Bug 1075157 - Support action: reset search. r=gfritzsche, r=florian, r=bholley (1c770639b)
 - Bug 1149343 - Part 1: Unify prefs/blacklist for hardware acceleration video decoding. r=cpearce (6380c6d16)
 - Bug 1158430 - A small construct to allow only sending errors and warnings once per statement. r=botond (219130127)
 - Bug 1162530 - Part 1: Add versioning to graphics blocklist. r=jmuizelaar (7f344653c)
 - Bug 1162530 - Part 2: We were not allowing webrtc to be blocklisted in the downloadable scenario at all, expicitly look for unknown OS, and some minor white space changes. r=jrmuizel (45389ab14)
 - Add an nsIGfxInfo function to query monitors. (bug 1175005 part 1, r=mattwoodrow) (22c4e7813)
 - Add nsIGfxInfo::GetMonitor support for Windows. (bug 1175005 part 2, r=jimm) (307254292)
 - Add nsIGfxInfo::ListMonitors support for OS X. (bug 1175005 part 3, r=mstange) (9b691de8d)
 - Add nsIGfxInfo::GetMonitor support for Linux. (bug 1175005 part 4, r=nical) (a5cb518f2)
 - Add APZ info to about:support. (bug 1146727, r=jrmuizel) (262235820)
 - Bug 1146315 - Part 1: Create D3D media device on the ImageBridge thread. r=nical (3f930ad66)
 - Bug 1146315 - Part 2: Release D3D11 YUV textures on the main thread. r=nical (9271a351f)
 - Bug 1144900: Fix windows gfx out of memory assertion. r=Bas (73f7e963b)
 - Bug 1147439: Report telemetry correctly for individual devices resetting. r=vladan (c19fb3322)
 - Bug 1162587 - Part 1: Ensure consistent reporting of device reset until reinitialization. r=jrmuizel (eeb66799a)
 - Bug 1162587 - Part 2: Abort painting a painted layer when a device reset has ocurred. r=jrmuizel (ae666232c) (be1329052)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1122433 - Expression closure replaced in Abouthome.jsm. r=dao (8612e7067)
 - Bug 1131107 - Part 13: Do not use non-standard flag argument of String.prototype.replace in toolkit/. r=gavin (8187e0a16)
 - Bug 1159717 - Loading the search form from an empty search bar should send the purpose, r=markh. (6c736c167)
 - Bug 1171730 - Funnelcake builds should use geo-specific defaults. r=florian (e67854137)
 - Bug 1073212 - Filter searchplugins to find existing ones, and print out missing ones. r=Pike (2e93339b1)
 - Bug 1111607 - Searchplugins should be picked up from en-US, if possible. r=glandium (87f81c3e6)
 - remove another devtools duplicate (ec4e04bde)
 - remove another devtools duplicate (4a5959615) (b418aff0b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 847287 patch 4 - Add a method to nsRuleNode that reports the properties overriding a CSS animation. r=birtles (993741c96)
 - Bug 847287 patch 5 - Add method to update animations on layer. r=birtles (32f2a293d)
 - Bug 847287 patch 6 - Set mWinsInCascade for CSS Animations. r=birtles (6b511909d)
 - Bug 847287 patch 7 - Dynamically update cascade results when animations start or stop being in effect. r=birtles (5ee6be671)
 - Bug 847287 patch 8 - Only update transition manager's cascade results when an animation starts or stops being in effect. r=birtles (921be34b0)
 - Bug 847287 patch 9 - Use fully-updated style rule for animations when updating cascade results for transitions. r=birtles (883af79a8)
 - Bug 847287 patch 10 - Only call CheckNeedsRefresh if we might have changed mNeedsRefreshes, to make it cheaper to call EnsureStyleRuleFor more than once per refresh cycle. r=birtles (fe16261aa)
 - Bug 847287 patch 11 - Only check that we can throttle animations once per refresh cycle (or invalidation of style rule), to make it cheaper to call EnsureStyleRuleFor more than once per refresh cycle. r=birtles (ccad05663)
 - Bug 847287 patch 12 - Check mWinsInCascade for all callers of GetAnimationOfProperty/HasAnimationOfProperty. r=birtles (e64960b09)
 - Bug 847287 patch 13 - Apply animations/transitions on the layer in the order that reflects how they override, rather than the opposite. r=birtles (4ad1ce381)
 - Bug 1149848 - Stop calling NotifyAnimated (and thus repeatedly cycling layer activity) when sending OMT animations to the compositor. r=birtles (51fc3e010)
 - Bug 1149848 patch 2 - Remove no-longer-needed flags to GetAnimationsForCompositor. r=birtles (1adf12a3a)
 - rewrite to comply with Bug 1208465 - Part 2: Disable using Direct2D when 1.1 is unavailable. (b4599fe9a)
 - Bug 1238028: When D2D 1.0 is not allowed disable D2D completely when not using 1.1. r=jrmuizel (d3eb2bace)
 - Bug 1142260 - Re-sorted the prefs in gfxPrefs.h and added a big scary warning at the bottom of the list. r=kats (ca76ad66f)
 - Bug 1150767 - Add pref for requiring hardware-backed GL. - r=jrmuizel (5972b4984)
 - add comment (7ebc21fee)
 - Bug 1164970 - Implement failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat. r=jgilbert, r=ehsan (5f9bea2f2) (842aa7563)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git f875e0174..842aa7563:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 847287 patch 1 - Add additional tests. r=birtles (10f885ee6)
 - Bug 847287 patch 2 - Add flag for CSS properties that can be animated on the compositor. r=birtles (859fae81c)
 - Bug 847287 patch 3 - Add assertions about consistency of the flags for animating on the compositor. r=birtles (bd7565728)
 - Bug 1144973 - Ensure that StringifySavedFrameStack puts its stack string in the cx's compartment. r=bz (546bef57a)
 - Bug 1147670 - Remove duplicate IsMarked/IsAboutToBeFinalized for off-thread use; r=jonco (b460a96ca)
 - Bug 674779 - Per-component CPU monitoring, low-level. r=blassey, r=jandem (040bdbad7)
 - Bug 674779 - Per-component CPU monitoring, high-level. r=blassey, r=mossop (59af11234)
 - Bug 674779 - PerformanceStatsService data is not monotonic (wallpaper). r=yoric (32cecadf9)
 - Bug 674779 - Deactivating subtest of test_measure for Windows XP. r=yoric (08833731a)
 - Bug 1039866 - Rip out a bunch of metro-only code. r=jimm,gavin,rstrong (8e0e04182)
 - Bug 1024668 - Extract core logic of abouthealth.js into new WebIDL interface. r=bz,gps,wchen (52675144a)
 - Bug 1046420 - Part 1: Make MozSelfSupport a Window property instead of a global property. r=bz,wchen (7d50f737d)
 - goannaAppInfo -> geckoAppInfo for coherency with IDL (8f04e1cdd)
 - Bug 1075160 - Support action: reset a pref to the default setting r=gfritzsche, r=bholley (d68725e18)
 - Bug 1075157 - Support action: reset search. r=gfritzsche, r=florian, r=bholley (1c770639b)
 - Bug 1149343 - Part 1: Unify prefs/blacklist for hardware acceleration video decoding. r=cpearce (6380c6d16)
 - Bug 1158430 - A small construct to allow only sending errors and warnings once per statement. r=botond (219130127)
 - Bug 1162530 - Part 1: Add versioning to graphics blocklist. r=jmuizelaar (7f344653c)
 - Bug 1162530 - Part 2: We were not allowing webrtc to be blocklisted in the downloadable scenario at all, expicitly look for unknown OS, and some minor white space changes. r=jrmuizel (45389ab14)
 - Add an nsIGfxInfo function to query monitors. (bug 1175005 part 1, r=mattwoodrow) (22c4e7813)
 - Add nsIGfxInfo::GetMonitor support for Windows. (bug 1175005 part 2, r=jimm) (307254292)
 - Add nsIGfxInfo::ListMonitors support for OS X. (bug 1175005 part 3, r=mstange) (9b691de8d)
 - Add nsIGfxInfo::GetMonitor support for Linux. (bug 1175005 part 4, r=nical) (a5cb518f2)
 - Add APZ info to about:support. (bug 1146727, r=jrmuizel) (262235820)
 - Bug 1146315 - Part 1: Create D3D media device on the ImageBridge thread. r=nical (3f930ad66)
 - Bug 1146315 - Part 2: Release D3D11 YUV textures on the main thread. r=nical (9271a351f)
 - Bug 1144900: Fix windows gfx out of memory assertion. r=Bas (73f7e963b)
 - Bug 1147439: Report telemetry correctly for individual devices resetting. r=vladan (c19fb3322)
 - Bug 1162587 - Part 1: Ensure consistent reporting of device reset until reinitialization. r=jrmuizel (eeb66799a)
 - Bug 1162587 - Part 2: Abort painting a painted layer when a device reset has ocurred. r=jrmuizel (ae666232c) (be1329052)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1122433 - Expression closure replaced in Abouthome.jsm. r=dao (8612e7067)
 - Bug 1131107 - Part 13: Do not use non-standard flag argument of String.prototype.replace in toolkit/. r=gavin (8187e0a16)
 - Bug 1159717 - Loading the search form from an empty search bar should send the purpose, r=markh. (6c736c167)
 - Bug 1171730 - Funnelcake builds should use geo-specific defaults. r=florian (e67854137)
 - Bug 1073212 - Filter searchplugins to find existing ones, and print out missing ones. r=Pike (2e93339b1)
 - Bug 1111607 - Searchplugins should be picked up from en-US, if possible. r=glandium (87f81c3e6)
 - remove another devtools duplicate (ec4e04bde)
 - remove another devtools duplicate (4a5959615) (b418aff0b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 847287 patch 4 - Add a method to nsRuleNode that reports the properties overriding a CSS animation. r=birtles (993741c96)
 - Bug 847287 patch 5 - Add method to update animations on layer. r=birtles (32f2a293d)
 - Bug 847287 patch 6 - Set mWinsInCascade for CSS Animations. r=birtles (6b511909d)
 - Bug 847287 patch 7 - Dynamically update cascade results when animations start or stop being in effect. r=birtles (5ee6be671)
 - Bug 847287 patch 8 - Only update transition manager's cascade results when an animation starts or stops being in effect. r=birtles (921be34b0)
 - Bug 847287 patch 9 - Use fully-updated style rule for animations when updating cascade results for transitions. r=birtles (883af79a8)
 - Bug 847287 patch 10 - Only call CheckNeedsRefresh if we might have changed mNeedsRefreshes, to make it cheaper to call EnsureStyleRuleFor more than once per refresh cycle. r=birtles (fe16261aa)
 - Bug 847287 patch 11 - Only check that we can throttle animations once per refresh cycle (or invalidation of style rule), to make it cheaper to call EnsureStyleRuleFor more than once per refresh cycle. r=birtles (ccad05663)
 - Bug 847287 patch 12 - Check mWinsInCascade for all callers of GetAnimationOfProperty/HasAnimationOfProperty. r=birtles (e64960b09)
 - Bug 847287 patch 13 - Apply animations/transitions on the layer in the order that reflects how they override, rather than the opposite. r=birtles (4ad1ce381)
 - Bug 1149848 - Stop calling NotifyAnimated (and thus repeatedly cycling layer activity) when sending OMT animations to the compositor. r=birtles (51fc3e010)
 - Bug 1149848 patch 2 - Remove no-longer-needed flags to GetAnimationsForCompositor. r=birtles (1adf12a3a)
 - rewrite to comply with Bug 1208465 - Part 2: Disable using Direct2D when 1.1 is unavailable. (b4599fe9a)
 - Bug 1238028: When D2D 1.0 is not allowed disable D2D completely when not using 1.1. r=jrmuizel (d3eb2bace)
 - Bug 1142260 - Re-sorted the prefs in gfxPrefs.h and added a big scary warning at the bottom of the list. r=kats (ca76ad66f)
 - Bug 1150767 - Add pref for requiring hardware-backed GL. - r=jrmuizel (5972b4984)
 - add comment (7ebc21fee)
 - Bug 1164970 - Implement failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat. r=jgilbert, r=ehsan (5f9bea2f2) (842aa7563)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76


Palemoon 28.9.1 32-bit build has link same as 64-bit:

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.9.1a1.win64-git-20200404-576a8f254-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.9.1a1.win64-git-20200404-576a8f254-uxp-90a9bc221-xpmod.7z

Posted (edited)

Does media.av1.enabled do anything? It's not present in the latest official Basilisk, exists in latest Serpent, but doesn't seem to actually enable AV1 decoding.

Edit: with the setting enabled, it almost looks as if it's going to work on this test site, you don't get the message about AV1 support immediately - you see the player with the play button, volume controls etc., then the message appears. With the setting disabled, message appears right away.

Edit2: never mind, it does work. I didn't notice NoScript blocking needed scripts.

Edited by UCyborg

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.5.win32-git-20200411-4662b4f-uxp-552470fb6-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.5.win64-git-20200411-4662b4f-uxp-552470fb6-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.5.win32-git-20200411-4662b4f-uxp-552470fb6-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.9.1a1.win32-git-20200411-9d42e31a9-uxp-552470fb6-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.9.1a1.win64-git-20200411-9d42e31a9-uxp-552470fb6-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #1507 - Remove nsRefreshDriver's use of high res system timers. (7630b1c56)
- Issue #1508 - Redirect moz://a to http://thereisonlyxul.org/ (a333257d7)
- Issue #1497 - Re-implement an un-preprocessed file check (fd5e25ff4)
- Issue #1505 - Rebuild application version string (d0cf67573)
- Issue #1505 - Part 2: Store application build ID in nsHttpHandler (eadff6165)
- Issue #1505 - Part 3: Make native mode actually native again. (d9f17c9f8)
- [Docshell] Ensure nsDocShell::mContentViewer is released properly. (33b22f615)
- Alter config.guess to properly detect host and target bitness on SunOS (2383a02b5)
- Align mar generation on Windows with other platforms (d0eee8f01)
- Follow up to d0eee8f01 - Run precomplete cmd during package staging (c51c10bf0)
- Take files out of preprocessing that no longer require it (eb28b1f32)
- Silence removing dist/bin (50f198669)
- Move aom source to a sub-directory under media/libaom (5545a8983)
- [js] Handle functions with rest parameters in isObservableArgumentSlot. (85a97e9a3)
- Issue #1511 - Bail on orphan situation. (56103d675)
- [layout] Always move descendants of layout frames if moved. (552470fb6)

No official Basilisk changes since my last build.

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- Cleanup OS X default theme (9ccee6cb9)
- Merge pull request #1759 from Lootyhoof/osx-theme-cleanup (30a13ca32)
- Add HiDPI toolbar icons to the library on Windows (b16d582fb)
- Make sure we index libraryToolbar.svg (f3f0d002d)
- Merge pull request #1762 from Lootyhoof/windows-hidpi (b39b36475)
- Replace -moz prefixed logical properties in themes (efbbc81e1)
- Update platform branch pointer (unstable 2020-04-05) (e1e9caa2d)
- Add patientaccess.com UA override (Angular) (b5a1fb02b)
- Merge pull request #1763 from Lootyhoof/inline-properties (910986e8e)
- Update platform branch pointer (9d0cead1a)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon (148f4337b)
- Issue #1751 - Make the Mac bottom tab bar blend better (21806294c)
- Merge pull request #1767 from Lootyhoof/osx-tabbar (91d56fef9)
- Issue #1766 - Add pref to allow copying unescaped URL from the URL bar (9689c4c34)
- Issue #1769 - Improve fullscreen mode on Windows (88fbb8805)
- Merge pull request #1770 from Lootyhoof/windows-fullscreen (b4de87d53)
- Merge pull request #1768 from JustOff/PR_decodeURLsOnCopy (9d42e31a9)

1 hour ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

A little late today.
Happy Easter, my friend, to you and your family.:hello:

P.S. We,in Italy,are always locked in the house .....:(

glad to see you're still fine. :)

5 hours ago, roytam1 said:


Found bug here. Menu "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> tab "Advanced" is broken. Console says:

Error initializing preference category paneAdvanced: TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null  	preferences.js:182

	gotoPref chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/preferences.js:182:5
	init_all/< chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/preferences.js:74:50
	_fireOnSelect chrome://global/content/bindings/richlistbox.xml:78:13
	selectItem chrome://global/content/bindings/listbox.xml:244:11
	onxblmousedown chrome://global/content/bindings/listbox.xml:978:13

TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null		[Learn More]  		advanced.js:22:7

	setEventListener chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/advanced.js:22:7
	init chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/advanced.js:52:5
	init chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/preferences.js:46:7
	init_category_if_required chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/preferences.js:39:3
	gotoPref chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/preferences.js:180:5
	init_all/< chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/preferences.js:74:50
	_fireOnSelect chrome://global/content/bindings/richlistbox.xml:78:13
	selectItem chrome://global/content/bindings/listbox.xml:244:11
	onxblmousedown chrome://global/content/bindings/listbox.xml:978:13




@roytam1: Your attention is required... And, BTW, keep on the great work! :cheerleader:

On 4/11/2020 at 12:28 PM, Dr. Drill said:

Found bug here. Menu "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> tab "Advanced" is broken.

2 hours ago, Montana Slim said:

Looks like the March 21st release of Basilisk 52 is the last one to work with that preference tab.


Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, dencorso said:

@roytam1: Your attention is required... And, BTW, keep on the great work! :cheerleader:


fixed in git, will be fixed in next build

Edited by roytam1
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