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Posted (edited)

Update System_Info-49

Download:  System_Info  from GitHub

File is is Encrypted with password = bootwimb

- Hard_Link_List organisation improved with subfolder for Selected Drive_Folder
- FileList of multiple HardLinks is given e.g. Hard_Link_Drive_Folder_Date.txt

The Maximum number of 36 HardLinks for data is found in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps  
This HardLink List can serve to find Files that must be removed by Win_Reduce-45 to make minimal Windows 10/11 with UsedSize = 2 GB
Removal of C:\Windows\assembly only saves space when the files connected by Hardlinks to the same data are also removed.

Sys_Info_HL_cmd_2021-11-04_100721.thumb.png.3c9e4a5d36b69651b41036bd013b30d1.png     Sys_Info_HL_2021-11-04_100925.thumb.png.bbfd4828919a3d3daeca100c200cf102.png

Edited by wimb
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Update System_Info-53

Download:  System_Info  from GitHub  -  File is Encrypted with password = bootwimb

- Added Double Driver - can be used in PE Environment - requires that PE has file \SysWOW64\imagehlp.dll
  Mini 10/11 x64 contains file \SysWOW64\imagehlp.dll - Thanks to alacran for checking this
- Added WinContig - File Defragmentation Tool
- Added PStart Button to Run PS_x64.exe - Find and Run \PStart\PStart.exe on Any Drive gives PStart Menu for Portable Apps
- Apps lauched by System_Info and from the Launched PStart Menu are Auto Running as Administrator
Save Drivers + Info using pnputil.exe will ask to Select Drive for Saving Drivers in Drivers_Info folder
  In case of Cancel then Drivers_Info folder inside System_Info folder is used
  Space Check is added - WARNING - Free Space Below 1500 MB - Message is presented

System_Info_2021-11-23_072545.jpg.091b5e7fa1a66eaa693d73d3518b20ef.jpg  ==  System_Info_FolderSize_2021-11-23_092645.thumb.jpg.9fa1562cb81f3264ef2582b5f85c0ad4.jpg

Edited by wimb

I don't know if you've seen this little app before, but if it's functionality is not already in System_Info somewhere, it might be worthwhile either including it, or it's functionality in a later release. The app hasn't been updated in three years, so might be considered quasi-abandoned? It's also just an HTA, so it's straightforward to update or modify if needed.

The app is atmzzrSystemCheck - http://automizzer.webatu.com/atmzzrsystemcheck-en.html - It's function is to check the version of the various runtimes on your system, and provide links to the latest official versions available to download, if you are not up to date.






With this program you can list versions of important components and runtimes installed on your system.
You can also save it as a report in a text file on your desktop.


- This program is compatible with all Windows versions from 5.1 to 6.4 and 10 [XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 2012, 8, 8.1, 10] x86|x64;
• WinXPx64 | Win2003x64 users may need to install KB960037-XP | KB978334-2003 hotfix for this program to work correctly;
- It's only one .exe - no installation, no changes to user system;
- Available command-line switches:
  /offline - runs the program in offline mode (without updates).
  /log - save only .txt file without the main screen and updates.
    /? - show help.


- If you hover the system field (the identified one on the right) you'll see a hint with original product name and version number - useful for users with modified OSes;
- When you hover the DirectX version field you may see a hint if DirectX 9.0c is also installed - on newer OSes;
- In case of getting 'mismatch' status for Flash Plugin, Java or VC++ hover the field for details;
- Colored 'LEDs' determine the state of plugins and allow to download them if necessary, if the plugin is up-to-date double-click on the green diode opens the latest link;
- You can use keyboard shortcuts for: help [F1], .txt file save [CTRL+S] and close [ESC];
- You can change background and text colors also the background image with an .ini file (continue reading for details).



Half of what atmzzrSystemCheck is doing, is available already in System_Info.

e.g. .NET Framework Info, System Info and DirectX are giving similar info.

A problem is that atmzzrSystemCheck is in conflict with Security Software, e.g. SmartScreen.

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Dave-H said:

.Net Framework Enumerator.exe is being flagged by Malwarebytes.
Detected as MachineLearning/Anomalous.100%
Is that anything to worry about, and should I just tell Malwarebytes to ignore it?

It must be a False Positive. Thank you for giving Info about Detection by Malwarebytes.

It will be very nice if you can tell Malwarebytes to ignore it.

Tokener is a well-known fellow of reboot.pro forum and I trust his .NET Framework Enumerator

VirusTotal  Malwarebytes and MS Defender have no problem with System_Info-53.zip

Edited by wimb

Strangely Malwarebytes didn't flag it when the file was first installed.
The warning only came up when MB did its weekly scan.
I've added the file to the "allowed" list now.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Update System_Info-55

Download:  System_Info  from GitHub  -  File is Encrypted with password = bootwimb

- Added Regshot - Take Snapshots to get Registry changes related to System changes
- Added Foxit PDF Reader - small PDF utility
- Added ProcMon - Process Monitor - shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity
- Added PowerRun - to launch Apps as Trusted Installer e.g. Explorer++ and regedit.exe
  PowerRun is used to Install Context Menu items for PC Icon, Command and PowerShell - Thanks to alacran



Edited by wimb

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