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NOD32 Antivirus Software


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hi everyone, i noticed no-one has put the silent switches for NOD32, ive just started using this instead of piddling about trying to get NAV2004 silently in! i gotta say its bloody quick and has some awards for being so **** good, i really recommend you give it a go if you're fed up with NAV.

anyways, here's the switch i'm using for silent install:

setup.exe /silentmode

regedit /s settings.reg

the settings.reg file, is all the settings exported from the registry from an already installed and configured version. here's the rest of the switches with descriptions if you are interested
/silentmode - silent installation - switches to the mode without any dialog windows

/uninstall - uninstall of the existent installation

/forceold - installs also over a newer version

/cfg= - a switch with the configuration file name set up by the administrator (eg: "config.xml")

/settings= - name of the mandatory "setup.xml" file

/test - a test of the program - it just runs and does nothing (it just writes date of the execution and parameters of the program to the "nsetup.log" file)

/reboot - in silent mode, even if there is a need for restart after the installation, the machine is not restarted. If this parameter is used a restart is forced.

/pwd= - entering a password for uninstall - it's needed to add when the NOD settings are locked

/nup= - if this parameter has any value set (to a filename with a component), the setup doesn't require "setup.xml" for the whole installation, but it is possible to make a supplement installation with that component)

/instmfc - switches the mfc installation on, if needed, also without asking - also important especially for the silent mode; if some of the mfc’s from Microsoft are part of the installation package (if they are in the same directory) – they are checked by setup if these (or a newer ones) are on the target computer - if not, they will be installed.

hope this helps someone.

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/instmfc - switches the mfc installation on, if needed, also without asking - also important especially for the silent mode; if some of the mfc’s from Microsoft are part of the installation package (if they are in the same directory) – they are checked by setup if these (or a newer ones) are on the target computer - if not, they will be installed.

what does MFC mean? what does that do?

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/instmfc - switches the mfc installation on, if needed, also without asking - also important especially for the silent mode; if some of the mfc’s from Microsoft are part of the installation package (if they are in the same directory) – they are checked by setup if these (or a newer ones) are on the target computer - if not, they will be installed.

what does MFC mean? what does that do?

An MFC DLL is a binary file that acts as a shared library of functions that can be used simultaneously by multiple applications.

Source: MSDN

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is there a switch to enable the ENABLE AUTOMATIC STARTUP of AMON to be on?

cos with the /silentmode switch it is disabled by defualt.. i have to enable after windows logon..

mayb a registry tweak or something?

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tried that but doesnt work..

even with this registry key it doesnt work..



i herd u need the administrator version of nod32 to make a cutom XML file for installation...

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Enabling IMON is an option during an attended install. That is why it will not show as being enabled during a silent install and a reboot. The reg hack should work, as long as it is imported prior to the required reboot.

I use mine during RunOnceEx, which does a reboot after all of my software is installed.

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You will also need to put the imon.dll in your system32 folder. You can do this the easiest by putting the dll (from a previous install) in your $OEM$\$$\System32 on the install CD.

The reg key to switch on AMON didn't work for me though :s

I know how to get round the update part, it may not be the cleanest way, since I don't know which files actually list the updates, so I just copy the entire contents of the Eset folder from a previous install on the CD. Then just after the silent install, I overwrite the contents of the %SYSTEMDRIVE%\program files\eset with the copied install on the CD. It works just fine and the copying will give no errors when using it in RunOnceEx since the files aren't in use yet. Just installed a fresh copy today and it immediately gave me the 1.772 version.

njoy :)

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Your solution looks interesting, Aztec. Never thought of doing it that way. There are some file located in the \updfiles folder, which may included the definition updates, along with some other components.

I will try your method on a rebuild later in the week.


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yup, the updatefiles are there, but only copying those files won't work (I think) or maybe nod32 DOES detect them itself without having an updated list somewhere... I don't know, so I just copy the entire thing. But I will experiment from time to time with this (after my exams are done :)) and will let you guys know if I find out which files you need exactly.

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