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No youtube for Win9x/ME users without KernelEX anymore now?


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On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 0:40 AM, jumper said:

Login at Youtube and check your preferences. Also, if you ever watched from a slow connection Youtube or Flash might have set a cookie....

I don't login to watch videos. Also this happens across multiple machines and other browsers... looks like Commodore has found the culprit, which seems to confirm the discussion I read on the Firefox addon page.

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 10:08 AM, Commodore said:

Well guys, i just opened with Opera the html source of a generic youtube video page and i found the guilty: u0026web_player_disable_flash_watch=true

Obviously it's enough to replace "true" with "false", then apply the change; flash player immediately back to work... I hate these artificious restrictions!

Now we just need an "addon" that will make this change automatically... :whistle::lol:

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4 hours ago, LoneCrusader said:

Now we just need an "addon" that will make this change automatically... :whistle::lol:

You're right! So, manually, it's too slow and intricate... Maybe an user javascript should be enough :)

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addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-flash-video-player -- Options for viewing in HTML5 or flash

A Google search for "youtube bookmarklets" yields lots of options for direct downloading and viewing at various resolutions, and altering the interface.

Google search for "youtube url options": url modding tricks

->YouTubeHD -- bookmarklet I found among my FF2 bookmarks.
   javascript:function ythq(url){if(!url||url.indexOf('youtube.com')==-1){url=prompt('Enter YouTube URL','http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=');}if(!url||url.indexOf('youtube.com')==-1){return;}if(url.indexOf('fmt=')==-1){url+='&fmt=6';}else{url=url.replace(/fmt=\d+/i,'fmt=6');}window.location.href=url;}ythq(window.location.href);

Edited by jumper
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On martedì 1 agosto 2017 at 3:08 AM, jumper said:


 Thanks Jumper, but it doesn't work for me. I believe because Opera run the user javascript before the page has loaded. What do you think about it?

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On 29.7.2017 at 8:06 PM, Commodore said:

From yesterday i have noticed that Opera is now unabled to load flash player into youtube.
Can you confirm? Does it work to you today? 

Anyway, I have successfully experimented a different way.  :whistle:
Always without gsstreamer folder, flash still normally works in embed mode  (https://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO_ID)


How did the gstreamer thing actually have to be applied to a system using Opera 12 /Opera 12.02 (without the plugin_wrapper) to work?

Some months ago it was suggested but never worked for me.

Also althought it seems people found a woraround Im very pessimistic that the staff of ABC.XYZ/G00gle/Y0utube are going to destroy our workaround soon.

Like they did nearly a dozend times already. But anyway

On 30.7.2017 at 4:08 PM, Commodore said:

Well guys, i just opened with Opera the html source of a generic youtube video page and i found the guilty: u0026web_player_disable_flash_watch=true

Obviously it's enough to replace "true" with "false", then apply the change; flash player immediately back to work... I hate these artificious restrictions!

Compliments for finding that!

I just hope they dont read this board! I havent tried the embedding on Win 7 with Opera anymore but might check if it goes for Win98.

If it does than thats good news. Figured out I wont be able to install a graphics card that supports HTML Five. So lets just hope things stay like they are.

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Not so bad news: I got it going again on a newer machine (windows 7 and up) with Opera 46 "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36 "

and Flash player version 27 (its a beta version so dont wonder about that) atleast for the one video I checked now.

What I did:

Installed Extension:

"Flash Player for YouTube™

Version 0.1.5 from emmyaldor"

Then allowed opening in private windows.

And finally:

On 30.7.2017 at 2:28 AM, Nomen said:

If you take your standard youtube link, which looks like this:  "www.youtube.com/watch?v=(video-id)" I find that I can typically always play it in either FF2 or Opera 12.02 if I change the link to this:  "www.youtube.com/v/(video-id)".  Now that said, I've got 2 win-98 systems, and one of them I can seem to play youtube video's in the first format on opera 12.02 and I don't get the "your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available" message.  If I right-click on the video and select "get debug info" I see a lot of garble-dee-gook and nothing obvious telling me what version of flash that my Opera is using (I'm assuming that flash is used somehow).

So if anyone knows how to find out what Opera is using to play these video's, I can then figure out how exactly my one system is still able to play them in "native" (window'd) format.

Im not sure if this will work on XP/2000/ME/98SE (its not Presto Opera but the one with the Blink Engine) .

But since I heard this trick worked for Mozilla (with other addons), I think it might do the job.

It didnt work when I tried this before with other addons, and also I didnt have the newest flash version.

It might be that Opera/Chrome demand the newest flash version whereas Firefox might be okay as long as the "video-id" think is used or any extension helps.

However Im glad I can use flash if I need to, its better than nothing. 

SADLY I must tell you that this will only work for very very few videos. Its embedding, and since embedding somehow conflicts with copyrights, music videos will not work using Flash in most cases. So be aware that you might be able to watch some "normal" videos but not copyright protected material. Copyright protected material only works within HTML5.

Edited by winxpi
Music videos only for HTML5, flash cant play them
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On 7/30/2017 at 7:08 AM, Commodore said:

Well guys, i just opened with Opera the html source of a generic youtube video page and i found the guilty: u0026web_player_disable_flash_watch=true

Obviously it's enough to replace "true" with "false", then apply the change; flash player immediately back to work... I hate these artificious restrictions!

where exactly do you go to apply these changes? is there a similar setting for firefox or seamonkey95? i'm trying to get youtube working again on windows 95 but don't know where to go to apply these changes. does one also need the flash 7 spoof for this? 

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Are you saying youtube-flash-video-player didn't work?

It's in the HTML of the served webpage, so a plugin is needed to modify the served page. Or the loaded page can be modified with a bookmarklet. Or the page can be saved locally, edited, and then reloaded.

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On domenica 13 agosto 2017 at 1:49 AM, cov3rt said:

where exactly do you go to apply these changes?

Cov3rt, i do it only with Opera and its embedded source viewer. When you change something and press the apply changes button, Opera automatically reloads the page so changed. 
I believe that Firefox doesn't do this.

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  • 1 month later...

Atleast daily motion still will work with Flash. 

So for compability reasons (e.g. your browser doesnt support HTML5 well):

Always change the way of the url from video to "/swf/video"

Example you have  .com/video/1234abd


 change it to


Might be they will  also remove support so Im not listing an entire test url here.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I actually found out about a Plan B to use Flash. It had to do with "Javascript". The Russian "Ru Board" mentioned back in Autumn 2017 some Javascript file that could be used.

But it didnt work for Opera 12.0x which I tested on Windows 98SE.

Interestingly I somehow achieved to DOWNLOAD(!) youtube videos that seem to be FLV format. Im not sure 100% because I had to pick an file extension name.

It happened that I modified css settings or so and somehow the youtube design was messed up in Opera 12, and I got a message that the "video is not available". But after F5 it loaded with HTML5 unluckily....BUT after right-clicking inside the video an option "download video" appeared.

And Im not ******** you guys: This options appeared without of the use of any addon. Im pretty sure of that cause I tested it on two different opera installations.

And before I changed the css settings(or how its called) this option wouldn appear.

Only downside of this: Of course you need hard drive space, but if your wathcing a video for one time only you might delete it afterwards...

And I didnt find out how the files resolution or lets say "definion" (240p,360p...720p) is defined. I downloaded a music video and it was like 20 MB in size.


I might post a step to step description with 4 or 5 screenshots if I get the time to transfer the files to my Win7 machine.

Anyway atleast on ym machine I could only open the "FLV" files with opera. Not with firefox (hmm) and not locally...that was strange. But I must admit: I didnt install VLC Player, just an Image editing software, firefox, Opera.

And the FLV will play when you drag it into an open Opera instance. It doesnt use internet connection once its stored, seems the format is not pure FLV since it should open up with Flash Player (standalone or something similiar). But I also dont have such tools on that machine so might work.

I think that the downloaded file is a hybrid of FLV and "HTML5" stuff. But on the other hand I never really checked how FLV video files get played in Opera.

So if you want the description for the download workaround (I think you cant change the  resolution however) let me know.





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On 19.11.2017 at 10:41 AM, jumper said:

Using that embedded url "trick" with videos marked no-embed has always produced that result

I dont know how often you checked youtube with Flash.

The issue the user mentioned is the one that systems with Windows 98/ME might be sluggish with HTML5 so like me and others he tried to play it with old school Flash (nohtml5=1 previously lastly embedding via  /v/ in the url).

That message Youtube shows up is not so old like you may have written here. It happened this year the first time. I think if I remember correctly Flash was usable around march and even till june 2017. And as I remember it: Ending of summer this year Youtube turned off Flash support entirely (since than the message started to appear).

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