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Windows 11?


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On 7/11/2021 at 2:05 PM, NoelC said:

 Maybe we'll be back to Windows 7 level soon.  Computing didn't need those 12 years to advance. 

it will
coz theres simply nothing to innovate on 2D surface frames

so you can either have
1-colored bul***** like they had with win 3.1 // 8 // 10 - which (for some reason) all id*** call modern
or sort of "3D" (classic) style
or anything bitmapped (lets call it XP style)
or translucent which came with vista/7 and now is comming to some sort back again

tho it looks more like KDE/Deepin to me but meh...

but does look really matter that much ?
people seemengly only comment on new look, nobody gives a rats arse it is still inherited windows 10 spyware

Edited by vinifera
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On 7/12/2021 at 9:57 PM, vinifera said:

so you can either have
1-colored bul***** like they had with win 3.1 // 8 // 10 - which (for some reason) all id*** call modern
or sort of "3D" (classic) style
or anything bitmapped (lets call it XP style)
or translucent which came with vista/7 and now is comming to some sort back again

wonder why could not have all options to chosable by end user. Linux allows you have different de and layout for example.

On 7/12/2021 at 9:57 PM, vinifera said:

but does look really matter that much ?

technically it wont but I like have some eye candy (xp themes, 9x-2k custom colors, win7 aero on systems I work daily):lol:. Also UI that makes sense

On 7/12/2021 at 9:57 PM, vinifera said:

people seemengly only comment on new look, nobody gives a rats arse it is still inherited windows 10 spyware

Microsoft own page admits it is only win10 with new look and few tools. Take look it faq. It says following. At end of day windows been same on kernel level since Windows NT


Windows 11 has all the power and security of Windows 10 with a redesigned and refreshed look. It also comes with new tools, sounds, and apps. Every detail has been considered. All of it comes together to bring you a refreshing experience on your PC.


Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
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don't get me wrong, i love eye candy too
if OS looks like crap i don't want to try using it

my comment was merely in context: is look far more important to people than their privacy squashed

Linux distros are in last 10 years ugly as hell too, but at least you can make them look as you want
both UI-wise and candy-wise

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5 hours ago, vinifera said:

don't get me wrong, i love eye candy too
if OS looks like crap i don't want to try using it

my comment was merely in context: is look far more important to people than their privacy squashed

I understood the point. Meant under hood there has been minimal different to many os. Windows nt 3.51 and nt4 were similar expect nt4 had nicer ui, Windows 95-ME was mostly same, Windows 2000 and xp were similar, Vista and 7 were similar. Windows 8 and early windows 10 were close expect win8 lacked most of telemetry and windows 10 and 11 are same spyware thing 

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From what I can see there's nothing more going on than a few eye candy changes.  In fact, it looks like just another update to Windows 10 that says 11 in a few key places.  Win 11 seems to run even the most complex Windows software developed pre-11 without changes.

There's nothing terribly wrong with evolution, and certainly compatibility is nice to have, but calling something a major new version when in fact it's just another set of patches is purely marketing.  So we can probably just ignore this new moniker without too much trouble.  If it's like e.g., Windows 8 they'll move the needle on the look and feel during the various prerelease builds.

In a larger sense, everything I've seen tells me that new updates to post-Windows 7 versions just keep getting slower and slower and more and more complex to do the same things.  Remember back in the "old days" when it only took less than 30 processes to support an empty desktop?  What are we really getting having 150 of them now?  Yeah, I know about the 20 or 30 that were added because services were split up.  That still leaves what, 90 more?  90!  What do we have that's truly new, even though our computers are capable of executing hundreds of times more code?  Are they more autonomous from online servers?  Are they able to give us more personal service?

Oh, wait, I can now plug in headphones and automatically have the sound output switch to them.  Whoop whoop!

My needs for computing haven't really changed.  I was doing reasonable hands-free teleconferencing going back to the beginning of Skype which released, around the time of Windows Vista? 

What have we really gotten besides bloat to soak up the billions more available CPU cycles and quadrillions more bytes of data storage?


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Microsoft kinda "has to" go that route.

Look at the success of Apple.

When we were growing up, a digital watch was a teeny tiny step up from white tape across the bridge of your glasses and donning a calculator watch.

But Apple turned that digital watch into a fashion trend, a social class moniker of sorts.

Apple led a revolution where you don't look to GM, GE, or Citigroup as an economic indication of the economy, you look at "phone stocks" and how many phones were sold over Christmas.

True, Microsoft tried to take Apple's lead and tried a mobile OS (8) but failed - because that OS was so-so for a tablet but it couldn't carry over to a wrist watch.

So now Microsoft is trying again and trying something that should not only fit today's tablets, but should also fit tomorrow's wrist watch.


Or something like that...

Edited by ArcticFoxie
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Now well wait until Microsoft will release Windows 12 and start hype it like crazy how it will revolutionize computing forever and is way better than Windows 11 :thumbup.

Then soon after it they will release windows 13 that will be unlucky release resulting MS go bankrupt because it requires quantum computer (that is only to load desktop that will still lag) that are not consumer market and google and others who got one refuses touch MS software on supercomputer :buehehe:.


I am afraid Microsoft will jump to rapid release bandwagon and start bumping Windows version way Apple and Google does with IOS/Macos/ChromeOS/Android.

On 9/5/2021 at 11:40 PM, vinifera said:

i still wear casio digital watch :P

F-91W is still best watch ever. It is dirt cheap and does what most new watches fails to, show me what time is it

Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
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On 9/27/2015 at 5:36 AM, vinifera said:

it would be equal to EA stop making DLCs...

On 10/29/2015 at 12:46 AM, kobe said:

sorry, had to do it.

Documentary Letter of Credit ???
Data Link Control ???
Developmental Learning Center ???
Distributed Leader Course ???
Disability Law Center ???
Dominion Lending Centre ???
Democratic Leadership Council ???
Digital Loop Carrier ???
Dual-Layer Capacitor ???
Date of Last Contact ???
Diamond-Like Carbon ???
Diamond Like Coating ???
Dioxin-Like Compound ???
Diagnostic Link Connector ???

Oh!  Downloadable Content!  But I had to get this far into an acronym list to find out what in Hades this "joke" was all about.  :blushing:

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It is good we can speculate...just I don't see the point where Microsoft are concerned.....

They lie and lie to us so what is the point of discussions on what Microsoft will, won't, are going to do?:buehehe:

Sorry....don't believe anything I see from Microsoft any more....they change their minds from day to day.....?!!!!!!!!!!




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Cortanalippy (Yes, Clippy is woke, married Cortana, and had a love child) told me that windows 10 is the final windows, and the latest windows is the most secure and stable windows in the history of the universe. Windows 11 is fake news.
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  • 6 months later...

Funny to look back a scant 6 months and see folks talking about Win 11 as vaporware.  Yeah, it's here.  With a vengeance.  And it's harder to use than ever.

Since when did losing occasional keystrokes and positioning the mouse to within less than 1.0 pixels to be able to grab an edge or corner make a system more professional or easier to use?

Context menus 2.0 - what an improvement!  Hey, I really didn't want to quickly be able to get to all those entries in there without another mouse click anyway!

Oh wait, they're trying to wean us off Windows.  I forgot.


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19 hours ago, NoelC said:

Since when did losing occasional keystrokes and positioning the mouse to within less than 1.0 pixels to be able to grab an edge or corner make a system more professional or easier to use?


Yes I hate that desktop thingy way over there on the right so I use that shortcut thing. https://www.repairwin.com/add-show-desktop-icon-in-windows-10-8-or-7-taskbar/

Using on Win11 currently


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