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Uninstall Cortana from Windows 10


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Well, it's been a couple of days since I booted up my Win 10 VM, and I was feeling more and more festive as the horrible memories were fading, but since it's you asking I'll make an exception and boot up the abomination...  :)


Here's the sum total of my current service configuration:


Folder: \TaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Adobe Acrobat Update Task                N/A                    Disabled      AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-W10PVM-NoelC         N/A                    Disabled      Aero Glass                               N/A                    Running       GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore              N/A                    Disabled      GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA                N/A                    Disabled      SpeechRuntimeTask                        N/A                    Disabled      WizMouse                                 N/A                    Ready         Folder: \MicrosoftTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============INFO: There are no scheduled tasks presently available at your access level.Folder: \Microsoft\WindowsTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============INFO: There are no scheduled tasks presently available at your access level.Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\.NET FrameworkTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319           N/A                    Disabled      .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 64        N/A                    Disabled      .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 64 Critic N/A                    Ready         .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 Critical  N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Active Directory Rights Management Services ClientTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============AD RMS Rights Policy Template Management N/A                    Disabled      AD RMS Rights Policy Template Management N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\AppIDTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============EDP Policy Manager                       N/A                    Ready         PolicyConverter                          N/A                    Disabled      SmartScreenSpecific                      N/A                    Disabled      VerifiedPublisherCertStoreCheck          N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Application ExperienceTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser        N/A                    Disabled      ProgramDataUpdater                       N/A                    Disabled      StartupAppTask                           N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\ApplicationDataTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============CleanupTemporaryState                    N/A                    Disabled      DsSvcCleanup                             N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\AppxDeploymentClientTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Pre-staged app cleanup                   N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\AutochkTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Proxy                                    N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\BluetoothTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============UninstallDeviceTask                      N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\CertificateServicesClientTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============AikCertEnrollTask                        N/A                    Ready         CryptoPolicyTask                         N/A                    Ready         KeyPreGenTask                            N/A                    Ready         SystemTask                               N/A                    Ready         UserTask                                 N/A                    Ready         UserTask-Roam                            N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\ChkdskTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============ProactiveScan                            N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\ClipTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============License Validation                       N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\CloudExperienceHostTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============CreateObjectTask                         N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement ProgramTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Consolidator                             N/A                    Disabled      HypervisorFlightingTask                  N/A                    Disabled      KernelCeipTask                           N/A                    Disabled      UsbCeip                                  N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Data Integrity ScanTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Data Integrity Scan                      1/1/2016 3:39:27 AM    Ready         Data Integrity Scan for Crash Recovery   N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\DefragTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============ScheduledDefrag                          N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Device SetupTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Metadata Refresh                         N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\DeviceDirectoryClientTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============IntegrityCheck                           12/24/2015 12:00:00 PM Ready         RegisterDeviceAccountChange              N/A                    Ready         RegisterDeviceConnectedToNetwork         N/A                    Disabled      RegisterDevicePeriodic1                  N/A                    Disabled      RegisterDevicePeriodic24                 N/A                    Disabled      RegisterDevicePeriodic6                  N/A                    Disabled      RegisterDeviceScreenOnOff                N/A                    Disabled      RegisterDeviceSettingChange              N/A                    Ready         RegisterUserDevice                       N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\DiagnosisTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Scheduled                                N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanupTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============SilentCleanup                            N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\DiskDiagnosticTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataColl N/A                    Disabled      Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticResolver N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\DiskFootprintTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Diagnostics                              N/A                    Ready         StorageSense                             N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\DUSMTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============dusmtask                                 N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\ErrorDetailsTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============EnableErrorDetailsUpdate                 N/A                    Disabled      ErrorDetailsUpdate                       N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\FeedbackTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============INFO: There are no scheduled tasks presently available at your access level.Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Feedback\SiufTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============DmClient                                 N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\File Classification InfrastructureTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Property Definition Sync                 N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\FileHistoryTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============File History (maintenance mode)          N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\LanguageComponentsInstallerTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Installation                             N/A                    Disabled      Uninstallation                           N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\License ManagerTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============TempSignedLicenseExchange                N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\LiveTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============INFO: There are no scheduled tasks presently available at your access level.Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\LocationTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Notifications                            N/A                    Disabled      WindowsActionDialog                      N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\MaintenanceTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============WinSAT                                   N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\ManagementTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============INFO: There are no scheduled tasks presently available at your access level.Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Management\ProvisioningTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Logon                                    N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\MapsTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============MapsToastTask                            N/A                    Disabled      MapsUpdateTask                           N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\MemoryDiagnosticTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============ProcessMemoryDiagnosticEvents            N/A                    Ready         RunFullMemoryDiagnostic                  N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Mobile Broadband AccountsTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============MNO Metadata Parser                      N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\MUITaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============LPRemove                                 N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\MultimediaTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============SystemSoundsService                      N/A                    Running       Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\NetCfgTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============BindingWorkItemQueueHandler              N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\NetTraceTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============GatherNetworkInfo                        N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\NlaSvcTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============WiFiTask                                 N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Offline FilesTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Background Synchronization               N/A                    Disabled      Logon Synchronization                    N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\PITaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Secure-Boot-Update                       N/A                    Disabled      Sqm-Tasks                                N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\PLATaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============INFO: There are no scheduled tasks presently available at your access level.Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Plug and PlayTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Device Install Group Policy              N/A                    Ready         Device Install Reboot Required           N/A                    Ready         Plug and Play Cleanup                    N/A                    Ready         Sysprep Generalize Drivers               N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency DiagnosticsTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============AnalyzeSystem                            N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\RasTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============MobilityManager                          N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\RecoveryEnvironmentTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============VerifyWinRE                              N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\RegistryTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============RegIdleBackup                            N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAssistanceTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============RemoteAssistanceTask                     N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\RemovalToolsTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============MRT_HB                                   N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemoTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============CleanupOfflineContent                    N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\ServicingTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============StartComponentCleanup                    N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\SetupTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============SetupCleanupTask                         N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\ShellTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============CreateObjectTask                         N/A                    Disabled      FamilySafetyMonitor                      N/A                    Disabled      FamilySafetyRefresh                      N/A                    Disabled      IndexerAutomaticMaintenance              N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatformTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============SvcRestartTask                           11/26/2115 11:21:50 AM Ready         SvcRestartTaskLogon                      N/A                    Disabled      SvcRestartTaskNetwork                    N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\SpacePortTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============SpaceAgentTask                           N/A                    Ready         SpaceManagerTask                         N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Storage Tiers ManagementTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Storage Tiers Management Initialization  N/A                    Ready         Storage Tiers Optimization               N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\SysmainTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============HybridDriveCachePrepopulate              N/A                    Disabled      HybridDriveCacheRebalance                N/A                    Disabled      ResPriStaticDbSync                       N/A                    Ready         WsSwapAssessmentTask                     N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\SystemRestoreTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============SR                                       N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Task ManagerTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Interactive                              N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\TextServicesFrameworkTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============MsCtfMonitor                             N/A                    Running       Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Time SynchronizationTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============ForceSynchronizeTime                     N/A                    Ready         SynchronizeTime                          N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Time ZoneTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============SynchronizeTimeZone                      N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\TPMTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Tpm-HASCertRetr                          N/A                    Disabled      Tpm-Maintenance                          N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestratorTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Maintenance Install                      N/A                    Disabled      Policy Install                           N/A                    Disabled      Reboot                                   N/A                    Ready         Resume On Boot                           N/A                    Disabled      Schedule Scan                            N/A                    Disabled      USO_RebootDisplay                        N/A                    Disabled      USO_UxBroker_Display                     N/A                    Disabled      USO_UxBroker_ReadyToReboot               N/A                    Disabled      USO_UxBroker_WnfDisplay                  N/A                    Disabled      USO_WnfDisplay                           N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\UPnPTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============UPnPHostConfig                           N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\User Profile ServiceTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============HiveUploadTask                           N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\WCMTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============WiFiTask                                 N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\WDITaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============ResolutionHost                           N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Windows DefenderTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Windows Defender Cache Maintenance       N/A                    Ready         Windows Defender Cleanup                 N/A                    Ready         Windows Defender Scheduled Scan          N/A                    Ready         Windows Defender Verification            N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error ReportingTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============QueueReporting                           N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Windows Filtering PlatformTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============BfeOnServiceStartTypeChange              N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Windows Media SharingTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============UpdateLibrary                            N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\WindowsColorSystemTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Calibration Loader                       N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdateTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============AUFirmwareInstall                        N/A                    Disabled      AUScheduledInstall                       N/A                    Disabled      AUSessionConnect                         N/A                    Disabled      Automatic App Update                     N/A                    Disabled      Scheduled Start                          N/A                    Ready         sih                                      N/A                    Disabled      sihboot                                  N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\WininetTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============CacheTask                                N/A                    Running       Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\WOFTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============WIM-Hash-Management                      N/A                    Ready         WIM-Hash-Validation                      N/A                    Ready         Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Work FoldersTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Work Folders Logon Synchronization       N/A                    Disabled      Work Folders Maintenance Work            N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Workplace JoinTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Automatic-Device-Join                    N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\WSTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============Badge Update                             N/A                    Disabled      License Validation                       N/A                    Disabled      WSRefreshBannedAppsListTask              N/A                    Disabled      WSTask                                   N/A                    Disabled      Folder: \OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatformTaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status        ======================================== ====================== ===============SvcRestartTask                           N/A                    Disabled      



The processes running:




The services running:




What's logged at startup:





What Apps are installed / provisioned:




Hm, I think Windows.PrintDialog may have come back on its own, probably with a recent Windows Update.  Seems to me I had the list down to just two items at one point.




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  • 2 weeks later...

weird why some of you are having cortana reinstall it self.


not sure if this relevent, but i downloaded two simple ps scripts that just run the following commands;


Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage (removes all metro apps)

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage –online (cleans up)


then i run the cortana script from here that removes it with dism / wimtweak


then i run my own that removes with dism / wimtweak, just to check it's gone, if it just flys through then i know it's gone.

(same removal command just without all the custom stuff script bits)


haven't had cortana return once in more than 20 reinstalls of windows 10.


have you guys deleted all the app registry keys amd folders from systemapps & the program files app folder (if relevent) i didn't look to see if cortana is stored in the app folder like in windows 8 with it's apps.

Edited by RanCorX2
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I think metro apps have another place with manifest files

I removed those folders also, it didn't reinstalled it


However don't remember if update was disabled

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  • 3 weeks later...

So it seems that over on another IT pro forum I'm subbed to, a lot of folks are getting overly concerned with the fact that they cant turn things off or get rid of them in their enterprise enviro.


Would it be of any help if I forward some of them here? I typically dont cross forums, but the feedback on a larger scale might be useful.


Also, cortana's still gone! :thumbup

Edited by themechman
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Just experimenting with insider build.


Installed build 14251.1000 as an in-place upgrade to 10586.71 just as an experiment.  Observations:


  • Telemetry settings are turned back on (per O&O ShutUp10).
  • All Apps are reinstalled.
  • OneDrive, settings sync, Cortana all reinstated.
  • Services that had been disabled are re-enabled.
  • Scheduled tasks that had been disabled are re-enabled.
  • My firewall shows lots more connections being attempted again (I had 10586 quiet).


Looks like it's going to be pretty much the same experience as the upgrade to version 10586 from 10240.


After removing all the Apps Cortana kept trying to come back on reboot this time around, so in frustration I swept through the registry and wiped her the hell out.  Now she doesn't try to come back, but I may have cut too deep and now some stuff doesn't work - I can't seem to start the Services.msc snap-in any longer, for example.  I believe I'm going to restore my pre-App removal snapshot and go through it again carefully when I'm more fresh.  For anyone seriously considering following down the Redmond yellow brick road, it really does seem to warrant the development of an automated tweaker / re-tweaker script or program, if that's possible.


I can see where getting a Win 10 system back into shape after each in-place upgrade really is going to take days.


This exercise has me all the more convinced I really don't want to get on the track to receive what Microsoft is shoveling.  Thank goodness I have got my Win 8.1 and 7 systems under control to where they're not trying to become Win 10 systems.


At least it looks to be still possible using the tricks and tweaks in this thread to remove all the Apps...





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Just experimenting with insider build.


Installed build 14251.1000 as an in-place upgrade to 10586.71 just as an experiment.  Observations:


And we get to do this FULL install because they fixed 3-4 things and every 3 months or so


Haven't installed the 14251.1000 yet but will when I get time.


How the hell we create a Corp so we can do LTSB? Call ourselves GAG (Geeks Against Garbage)

Prob not worth it $ wise

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Well, to be fair it costs big $$$ to be on the enterprise path.  Not that I'm against paying for a good OS, but what we'd get is just Windows 10 with a slight improvement (no need to reinstall every 4 months isn't exactly a feature, more like a slight reduction of pain near the chair).


Nope, I will not be paying for Windows 10.  It may be a long time - if ever - before I run it in any fashion except as a curiosity in a virtual machine, even IF I get this re-tweaker I'm working on in good working order.



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