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Uninstall Cortana from Windows 10


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Did you turn off MAPS? I found that creature updating itself, something not included in either above.

Can do same by going in and unchecking update but I prefer to add it to my ST*U reg list




Yes, I had already cleared that setting.


Per my firewall log, a service STILL tries (infrequently) to contact a number of addresses in the 131.253.61.x range, using both ports 80 and 443.  I suspect this is that remnant level of telemetry Microsoft requires for everything short of Win 10 Enterprise.



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Hey Jaclaz...


Hey Jaclaz...


Hey Jaclaz...


Hm, no response.  Must be old tech.



Wow, you actually found an article about Cortana online!  You really ARE good at finding things!!




All in fun!



Edited by NoelC
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I have caught usage of file c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\Downlevel\StateRepository-Machine.srd

I think this is some sort of backup. I was able to edit it also. Now i will try to restart my PC...

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I've disabled a number of things in my Task Scheduler setup.  Perhaps that's what's triggering for you that's not triggering for me.


Also, specifically, I used Remove-AppxPackage -allusers as well as Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online.  Note in the screen grab I posted earlier I show no provisioned packages whatsoever.



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I've disabled a number of things in my Task Scheduler setup.  Perhaps that's what's triggering for you that's not triggering for me.


Also, specifically, I used Remove-AppxPackage -allusers as well as Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online.  Note in the screen grab I posted earlier I show no provisioned packages whatsoever.



No, I have only Windows Store in the ProvisionedPackage. It seems that I have to remove it via DISM also...

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Noel, have you used script from first post of this topic? I mean 10Cortana_Search2.cmd?

After I have used it (DISM), Cortana has gone, but I've 4 errors in Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log:

Activation of the app Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI for the Windows.BackgroundTasks contract failed with error: The specified module could not be found..



And 4 errors in Application log:

Activation of application Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI failed with error: The specified module could not be found. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.



These errors repeating after each reboot.

Edited by opdenis
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Those errors disappeared for me immediately after following intika's instructions.


Somehow it seems you are not actually getting the packages truly removed.


See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.


Update:  I found the log under Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Apps > Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational.


I think I see why it's not reappearing for me: 


ActivateApplicationForContractByAppIdAsUserWithHost of the app Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI for the Windows.Launch contract failed with The package could not be installed because the Windows Firewall service is not running. Enable the Windows Firewall service and try again..



So this seems to be another good reason to use a 3rd party firewall.



Edited by NoelC
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I reinstalled LTSB ran git, wimtweak, powershell and tried everything. With Powershell 2 apps would not  show uninstall CloudExperienceHost and Cortana and I was getting errors in Event Log about Cortana like opdenis



Using HTG Takeownership took owner on Windows\SystemApps and deleted every folder of everything I uninstalled

reboot still errors

Using HTG Takeownership took owner on srd directory

Used SQLiteDatabaseBrowserPortable and opened .srd file direct. Its showing Isinbox at 0 so I thought what the heck. I deleted the records of everything I uninstalled which means everything but immersivecontrolpanel and ShellExperienceHost. 'Write Changes' and exit. Now delete every file and folder in that folder with name of anything you uninstalled. Check the Sub Folders also


Clear Event Log and Reboot error still there.

Using my Jump2RegTen I searched for exact name it was showing in Event Log Cortana*_neutral and found 2 KEYS very Interesting



There are 2 keys under that named S-1- identical




Delete both the S-1- keys and clear event Log and reboot


No more errors from Cortana in Event Log for me

I do not know whether it was a combination of ALL. Whatever Works


This is the HTG Take Ownership registry file I use. It serves me well

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\runas]; How To Geek Take Ownership@="HTG Take Ownership""HasLUAShield"="""icon"=-"NoWorkingDirectory"=""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\runas\command]@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F""IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\runas]@="Take Ownership""HasLUAShield"="""icon"=-"NoWorkingDirectory"=""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\runas\command]@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F /t""IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F /t"
Edited by maxXPsoft
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Clear Event Log and Reboot error still there.

Using my Jump2RegTen I searched for exact name it was showing in Event Log Cortana*_neutral and found 2 KEYS very Interesting



There are 2 keys under that named S-1- identical




Delete both the S-1- keys and clear event Log and reboot


No more errors from Cortana in Event Log for me


Nothing in those keys for me.


The only error I see at this point for Cortana is in:


Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Apps > Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational


At every logon:


ActivateApplicationForContractByAppIdAsUserWithHost of the app Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI for the Windows.Launch contract failed with The package could not be installed because the Windows Firewall service is not running. Enable the Windows Firewall service and try again.


Not really a problem since I don't run the Windows Firewall, having replaced it with a better tool, so my system is stable.  But I'm curious...


MaxXPsoft, just for clarity, are you saying you don't see this message logged in the place I described?  I would like it not to be there.



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Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Apps > Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational


At every logon:


ActivateApplicationForContractByAppIdAsUserWithHost of the app Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI for the Windows.Launch contract failed with The package could not be installed because the Windows Firewall service is not running. Enable the Windows Firewall service and try again.


Not really a problem since I don't run the Windows Firewall, having replaced it with a better tool, so my system is stable.  But I'm curious...


MaxXPsoft, just for clarity, are you saying you don't see this message logged in the place I described?  I would like it not to be there.





Nothing in there except 5950 about ShellExperienceHost launching.

I use 3rd party firewall also Windows Firewall Control V4.5

Edited by maxXPsoft
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Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Apps > Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational


At every logon:


ActivateApplicationForContractByAppIdAsUserWithHost of the app Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI for the Windows.Launch contract failed with The package could not be installed because the Windows Firewall service is not running. Enable the Windows Firewall service and try again.


Not really a problem since I don't run the Windows Firewall, having replaced it with a better tool, so my system is stable.  But I'm curious...


MaxXPsoft, just for clarity, are you saying you don't see this message logged in the place I described?  I would like it not to be there.





Nothing in there except 5590 about ShellExperienceHost launching.

I use 3rd party firewall also Windows Firewall Control V4.5


I have done similar method as you and only thing i get is message:  

(5950)"The app Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy!App was activated for the Windows.Launch contract successfully."

But I guess the real problem I have is I don't have "turn on or off windows features"  the dialog box is "empty"

I have removed ALL traces of cortana, search2, maps, contacts, diagtrack, cloudhosting, xbox,

from LTSB    I guess i "removed" too much


Edited by DJMani
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Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Apps > Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational


At every logon:


ActivateApplicationForContractByAppIdAsUserWithHost of the app Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI for the Windows.Launch contract failed with The package could not be installed because the Windows Firewall service is not running. Enable the Windows Firewall service and try again.


Not really a problem since I don't run the Windows Firewall, having replaced it with a better tool, so my system is stable.  But I'm curious...


MaxXPsoft, just for clarity, are you saying you don't see this message logged in the place I described?  I would like it not to be there.





Nothing in there except 5590 about ShellExperienceHost launching.

I use 3rd party firewall also Windows Firewall Control V4.5

from LTSB    I guess i "removed" too much



Easy to do. Why I stick by my Acronis, 6 minutes I'm back to try another route.


Am pleased with this LTSB but I guess I'm on a 90 day turn around but don't matter to me I hose it up before then anyway tinkering with stuff. I would buy this if I could of all the X10 version's. They not gonna screw with the Enterprise versions cause that's their only money trail anymore, that and OEM's. So have to realize they not really giving away free that much, most buy OEM PC's and the OS already paid for.

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