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KernelEx 2022 (Kex22) Test Versions (


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DbgPrint is just the messenger--it displays a simple MessageBox that has nothing to do with files or the registry. The error occurs whether or not DbgPrint displays it.

// MessageId: E_FAIL
// MessageText:
// Unspecified error
#define E_FAIL _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80004005L)

Enable logging on Wiashext.dll and report the last lines from the log at the time the error box is displayed. Same with RegSvr32.exe. You can also try disabling KernelEx on these two files.

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Console log as requested. It is the similar throughout but does go though a MapViewOfFileEx in kernel32 so why does it not take the strings and place them in reg? The error happened when GetWindowLongA was active. I put full log as what I posted prior is probably useless. KEX disabled & mode changes do not make any difference. The registration does not get to update the WEB HTT camera files.


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NB found full log file now, in previous post, and logging done with KEX18.

*\mfc*u*.dll is working again. KMP works well with 2K settings now. If I use XP settings I get the DbgPrint errors but if I use 2K then there are no errors. I fixed DbgPrint errors on Maxthon 2.5 by placing Vista mode without child on the DLL that needs it MxMute.dll and using 2K on the program, no errors now. When override settings of individual modules is selected there is an error in Kexbasen on all of programs I tried it on.

@Schwups: there probably will be different system files loaded with VLC3 between our systems. Mine does not load NVopenGL.dll when viewed with Process Explorer. I have these files loaded which may be particular. Wintab32.dll and WinSCard.dll. I had a few programs not exiting cleanly but they terminated and after a time of several months they did exit cleanly. I have it solved VLC I think; the modern build did not show OpenGL as an option in the player preferences (all) output modules. Something strange here, I think I installed it at one stage. Anyway I solved the playback issue I mentioned on p42. I had to disable OpenGL for VLC3 to render the files. So this is the difference, Try disabling OpenGL. VLC 2.05 has not got the option of OpenGL unless something strange happened here again. I tried 4.5.2 back again on old build and setting OpenGL back to automatic did not make OpenGL load and so VLC3 worked. OpenGL screen savers work good with my graphics card but games I think have real problems.

Edited by Goodmaneuver
Maxthon exiting OK now as I forgot to take into account of the refresh time I placed on CodeStuff Starter
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Hi Jumper, I can now print with SumatraPDF 3.1.2. using the 'Win2k_PD4: PrintDlgW_fwd' comp-mode !!
The other three did not work. Haven't checked the ME modes.
Will test other apps during the weekend. Thank you very much !!!!

@Goodmaneuver. Thanks for looking into my SeaMonkey issue but I have to admit that I did not understood
what you suggested to do. But no problem !!

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That is the original version of PrintDlgW from KernelEx 4.5.2 that forwards to Unicows.dll and that didn't work years ago, sparking much discussion and a search for a working solution! What mode do you have Unicows.dll set to and what versions of kex files and extras are you using?

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*\UNICOWS.DLL DCFG1 KEX22 the same files as mentioned on p42 no KEX extras. Unicows.dll does not link with Ntdll.dll directly so why is reporting KernelEx - Ntdll.DbgPrint doesn't Unicows link to Kernel32.dll?


Edited by Goodmaneuver
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Hi Jumper, I am not sure if you meant me or GoodM but:
- KEX disabled on unicows.dll both '\\system wide' with a setting in flags and also directly in the dll's kex-tab.
- KEX all the latest builds.
- Kext not in use right now.
- After removing ReactOS I am now using a few MS files in known dll's.

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I am using the original Msimage.dll Msimg32.dll from WinME and a ROS Wtsapi32.dll (I forgot about this. vs is 2013, vDbgPrintWithPrefix = DbgPrint :- ROS Dll string change) other KEX additions are Uxtheme.dll ROS as on page 35 2010, and Pdh.dll vs 5.0.2195.1600. Psapi.dll and Userenv.dll as found in KernelEx-master.zip and some Dlls are directed to Psapx.dll and Userenv.dll vs 03. I do not use any KEX KnownDlls they are in the system same with KEX files on modern build. I am posting against your wishes of using a clean drive but it could be OK?

I have tried latest KEX with an intermediate build and there are no DbgPrint errors with this drive. I have had to disable Msimage.dll Msimg32.dll with latest KEX for PowerDVD, it was already disabled in modern build. The application mode I chose was Millennium for if using above NT6 the internal file player, like WMP, has the file format not supported error. New build has some files from PowerDVD8, but error still occurred when going back to original files (un-registering & reregistering). DbgPrint error is in common to WMP; before GUI with PowerDVD and after GUI with WMP.

I have been using Dependency Walker for years & had not noticed the profile tab come up. I mentioned before that certain nVidia files need different KEX settings now. I have installed drivers after KEX22 and OpenGL is of the Microsoft variety of vs 1.1. So NVopenGL is not working in my system. The DbgPrint error pops up at Nvwimg.dll load using DW profiler. Text taken after acknowledging DbgPrint message twice; hence Nvwimg.dll hooked & unloaded twice. Vlmship.dll is VolumeMouse.

Loaded "WTSAPI32.DLL" at address 0x706D0000. Successfully hooked module.
DllMain(0x706D0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "WTSAPI32.DLL" called.
DllMain(0x706D0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "WTSAPI32.DLL" returned 1 (0x1).
Loaded "VLMSHLP.DLL" at address 0x02050000. Successfully hooked module.
DllMain(0x02050000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "VLMSHLP.DLL" called.
DllMain(0x02050000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "VLMSHLP.DLL" returned 1 (0x1).
Loaded "NVWIMG.DLL" at address 0x01E70000. Successfully hooked module.
Unloaded "NVWIMG.DLL" at address 0x01E70000.
Loaded "NVWIMG.DLL" at address 0x01E70000. Successfully hooked module.
Unloaded "NVWIMG.DLL" at address 0x01E70000

Edited by Goodmaneuver
File name error, NB setting for Pdh.dll - NT40
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Intermediate build has registering some files problem as well as new build Old flash ocx 11.6.602.180 and Wiashext.dll. This build had a working 4.5.2 system and Flash 11.6.602.180 was working. Maxthon stopped opening with KEX22. This was because flash was being loaded with 4.5.2 but not with KEX22.


Edited by Goodmaneuver
cleaned up
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Yes I should have said message but there must have been an error for the message to post. It was my fault as I have said (ROS file needed to be set disabled) so I am happy with DgbPrint message in KEX22.

I have fixed OpenGL; I had both Opengl32 & NVopenGL disabled. This was OK for MS but not nVidia. I have OpenGL 2.0 now working by having Base(Kexbases,Kexbasen) on NVopenGl.dll. It can make error on exiting like Schwups said but I am happy it is working now and the program terminates. MakeHuman 1.1.1 works if pythoncom27.dll is taken from vs 1.0.0. Error on exiting occurs in MakeHuman except vs 1.0.2 & not in VLC with OpenGL on auto. Various games have nVidia error on exit. DDHELP caused an invalid page fault in module NVDD32.DLL. This was a fault that happened with 4.5.2 as well. Programs terminate OK but a reboot is required to re-instate DDHELP. OpenGL frame rate is improving.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Changing Video output from automatic to DirectX (Direct Draw) fixed my errors on VLC exit. Latest: VLC 3.0.8.

Yes, setting Base(Kexbases,Kexbasen) on nvopengl.dll works, too!


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@Goodmaneuver: Disable KernelEx extensions on DDHELP.EXE (v. for all 4.5.x versions.

I also found that if ddhelp.exe is loaded with different KernelEx compatibility options than VLC, I get an Access Violation at 8XXXXXXX. This could be a huge problem if two media apps that require different KernelEx options are run at the same time!

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I disabled as suggested but It does not prevent the exiting error. At one stage I deleted DbgHelp in the program Alias and in the system and it stopped the error, but this does not happen with my current video card. So nothing conclusive here. DDhelp has got a CPU priority high & at one stage I had a DDhelp problem several years ago (probably card trouble) so I tried an earlier version which had CPU priority normal. It seemed to make a slight difference but did not stop the problem & up until now used but I have looked into it again & decided to use vs 5.0.1995.1.

VLC3 libsmb_plugin.dll will load if netapi32.dll is directed to radmin32.dll. liblibbluray_plugin.dll will load if the _s is removed from the strtok_s string with 31113 as msvcrt, shame 40607 does not work along with about 50% of other executables. I am using 40607 as system msvcrt at the moment and using a mapped folder with original msvcrt to accommodate the Exes that do not work & placing 31113 in VLC folder.

I am wondering why WS2_32.dll is so sensitive to KEX settings only Min and Bases settings work. I have mentioned some extras before that I use but I can give a more precise account of active modules & KEX settings? I found now Explorer set to Basesn gives best results & Oleaut32 vs 2.40.4532.3 needs Bases; Basesn; NT40; or similar setting but stops some JScripting if Basen is chosen. I run Ctelesvr.exe continuous for clear type. NVopenGL may benefit slightly with Basen over Basesn; won't work with Bases. MSVCR80 will be blamed for errors it may not be responsible for, proof, remove or rename onmi.jar in Mozilla.

HD Video Converter Factory: most things work with 40607 as msvcrt in VCF folder but a couple of errors need fixing. Miro video converter works great with 31113 and a proper python27.dll but is not an editor, so VideoConverterFactory would be a good addition. Older VCF vs are better as they convert WTV but may be a bit hard to get now. VCF has a YouTube downloader and can convert using H265. This post could be significant because of latest FFmpeg works; avcodec-58.dll etcetera. ApiLog of vs 13.

Divx player works up to KEX14. The program is set disabled in KEX otherwise Exe switches to Advapi32 CrypyAcquireContextW instead of CryptAcquireContextA. This error only happened since KEX14. It could be significant. The ApiLog is of Divx set disabled. CryptAcquireContextW is a function of Advapi32.




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