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Can anyone confirm? For me, DWM DLLs are still at version 17415 since October so there is absolutely no reason why it should get broken now... unless you are using some prehistoric version.


Can anyone confirm? For me, DWM DLLs are still at version 17415 since October so there is absolutely no reason why it should get broken now... unless you are using some prehistoric version.

Everything is still working perfectly for me!

Posted (edited)

Apparently I'm using Aero Glass for Win8.1 v1.2.5 x64

I was under the impression it auto updated.  I installed v1.3.1 x64 and it's working again.  

Edit: and just found out I need to rename license.key to donation.key so all is good again.

Edited by nascent
Posted (edited)

In the docs, under the Registry options section, the 'TextGlowMode' mentions it's possible to set the glow size using a 'HIWORD'.


How do I add the HIWORD to the DWORD value (or otherwise)? Searched but didn't find anything.



Also the v1.3.1 download link on the main Aero Glass site is returning a 404 btw.

Edited by Specular

I thought it was MS Office on drugs, in other words, office 2013 (flat4never)

Posted (edited)

In the beginning, there was the Byte.  It replaced the Abacus.  It was a Simpler Time.


Computers made by those who believed sticky tape can fix eyeglasses could chew up the nearby Humans' text a Byte at a time.  The Byte was sufficient unto itself.  The Byte was used by chips with very small part numbers.


Then came the Word, because Humans who stood sideways upon the Earth compared to the Humans with the taped up glasses wanted to be able to use THEIR languages.


The Word was formed from 16 Whole Bits, cooperating in integral binary harmony.  And it was Good.  No one would ever need more of anything than the numbers that could be represented by The Word.


But restless Humans looked upon the Word, thought of obscenely big numbers, and proclaimed, "ith tooth smalleth" (well, Humans using the Lisp programming language did.  Honest.).


And so 16 more whole Bits were marched in and formed the Double Word.


The Double Word was Bigger.  Humans all know that Bigger is Better, but only up to a point.  No one could EVER need more things than can be represented in 32 bits.  Ever.  Never.


The Programmers, who are a lazy lot and not generally Humans anyway, preferred to type DWORD rather than unsigned long, because they have to be different, and they have no lives.


For a time the Double Word reigned surpreme, until some Humans decided Much Bigger is Much Better.  But that is another story.



To answereth your quethstion directly, if a DWORD, expressed in hex, is 12345678, then the High Word, which would be the most significant 16 bits (hm, that could be what HIWORD means) is 1234 and the Low Word (LOWORD?) is 5678.  Those quaint Humans write things down with the most significant things on the left.  High things are generally considered more significant than low things.



As an exercise, what are the High and Low words of this hex value?



As another exercise, if you wanted to set a blur radius of 9, what hex digits would you use in place of the hex digits DEAD?


Lastly, what is the decimal equivalent of the hex digits 0009?



And now we pause to ponder that RegEdit provides you the ability to entereth your DWORDs directly in hex.  Eth.



Edited by NoelC
To answereth your quethstion directly, if a DWORD, expressed in hex, is 12345678, then the High Word, which would be the most significant 16 bits (hm, that could be what HIWORD means) is 1234 and the Low Word (LOWORD?) is 5678.


As an exercise, what are the High and Low words of this hex value?



As another exercise, if you wanted to set a blur radius of 9, what hex digits would you use in place of the hex digits DEAD?


Lastly, what is the decimal equivalent of the hex digits 0009?



And now we pause to ponder that RegEdit provides you the ability to entereth your DWORDs directly in hex.  Eth.




Cheers for the laugh :) So if I'm understanding it correctly the HIWORD for the glow size would be the first four digits converted to hexidecimal and the existing value (the glow mode) would be the last four digits. Meaning I'd enter '00090003' as the registry value if I wanted a value of '9'? Hope that's right.


btw how large is the size by defalt?


The theme I'm using is 12 afaik, not sure about the default value in the other Aero Glass text glow mode.

Posted (edited)

Cheers for the laugh :) So if I'm understanding it correctly the HIWORD for the glow size would be the first four digits converted to hexidecimal and the existing value (the glow mode) would be the last four digits. Meaning I'd enter '00090003' as the registry value if I wanted a value of '9'? Hope that's right.


I believe you have it right, above.


By the way, you might want to try the Testing version of GUI application to modify Aero Glass parameters from this page:




Though at the moment in IE the .7z file at that link loads as text in the browser instead of opening a "Download or Open" type of prompt, probably because the Mime Type is set wrong on the web site.



Edited by NoelC
Posted (edited)



By the way, you might want to try the Testing version of GUI application to modify Aero Glass parameters from this page:





Though at the moment in IE the .7z file at that link loads as text in the browser instead of opening a "Download or Open" type of prompt, probably because the Mime Type is set wrong on the web site.





I just right click the link then save as and change the .htm to .7z and it downloads ok then.

Edited by groomp
Posted (edited)



I wanted to report an issue since i've updated my Windows 8.1 update 1 with the latest security patches.


So i've uninstalled it, renamed the c:\aeroglass and then installed it again with the latest version.


After the install, the system became unstable and i have see that 7 minidump of 150MB each have been created.


it is currently uninstalled.


Upload is in progress, i will post the link when the upload is finished.


Below the download link to one minidump file.



Edited by gontie

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