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Windows/Microsoft Update Not Working on Windows 2000/XP/2003


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It would seem that the Windows/Microsoft Update site is a little bit broken. I noticed this recently and first thought that it was just a problem with Windows 2000. But it seems to be affecting Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 as well. All of the affected OS's give that same error message, with IE6 and Microsoft Update on Windows 2000, and IE8 and Microsoft Update on XP and Server 2003. Strangely enough, it would seem that the older (I think) Windows Update client still works, at least that is the case on my main computer running Windows XP x64.


Has anyone else noticed this issue?

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Yes, if I recall correctly, you need to install one of the Internet Explorer Updates before the Windows Update site gets non-broken.  I can't say which one because I download updates anyway.   I just know it doesn't work out of the box, and then starts working after those updates gets applied.

Edited by Glenn9999
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My two Windows XP machines have all the latest POS Ready updates too, and Microsoft Update is broken on both of them!

It was working after the updates were installed, so I don't think that one of them has broken it, but I would like to know which update you now have to install to fix it!


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This must be an issue with the update server. The problem appeared today for the first time, probably after the emergency patch was released. I was installing multiple Office versions in VM before MU broke...

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I did notice it last week with Windows 2000. I thought it was just an isolated issue, possibly due to the newer release of BWC's extended kernel. But I soon found that not to be the case, and today I noticed that it was affecting XP and Server 2003 too.


At least one other person I know had noticed it on Windows 2000, but only intermittently. It seemed to mostly work for them.

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I noticed it too, tonight. Just to keep things as together as possible I quote my post about it here:


When I go to Microsoft Update I get a message "The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. [ Error number: 0x80248015 ]".
0x80248015 seems to mean: "SUS E DS SERVICE EXPIRED" (the caller has requested a service whose registration has expired)... but this is about as informative as an I-Ching hexagram... If it doesn't go away by itself, something is amiss.

This notwithstanding, the out-of-band MS14-068 patch KB3011780 is available from the Microsoft Update Catalog and it has not the bothersome IsWinEmbedded condition in the .inf, so it'll install as downloaded. :yes:

I also posted about it at RyanVM's, BTW: <link>

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I'm now getting

404 - File or directory not found

on the IE8 Microsoft Update link, with the Windows Update address in the address bar, so it looks as if it can't re-direct.

I was getting this earlier yesterday too, but it then went to the "cannot display the site" message.


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Me too. Let's hope it means they're working on their side. Let's wait for MS to fix up the MU/WU sites (the issue is clearly on their side). 

Meanwhile, as I said above, the lone out-of-band MS14-068 patch KB3011780 (for POSReady 2009) is available from the Microsoft Update Catalog and it has not the bothersome IsWinEmbedded condition in the .inf, so it'll install from the command-line as downloaded. Hence, we're not in a hurry. :)

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The "cannot display site" message is back now for me.

The "find solutions" link is also not working, "HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found".

The other links seem to be still OK.

I successfully manually downloaded and installed KB3011780 using the automatic updates option, which I have set to inform me of updates but not to actually do anything until I tell it to, so that is still working as it should be.


Edited by Dave-H
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I get the same error on each of my Windows XP/2000/2003 machines. 0x80248015 with the error message above. I haven't seen the 404 error, or the missing directory error at all. What I find interesting is that one of my XP x64 installs with the Windows Update client (instead of the newer Microsoft Update client), seems to connect to Windows Update perfectly fine, every time. Except it won't actually connect to Windows Update, it connects to Microsoft Update, and it doesn't look like it's being re-directed.


I have a feeling that this may be a regional problem. I've heard from somebody in Australia who just did a fresh install of Windows XP recently and didn't have any issues whatsoever. And I've heard from people in North America who say that Windows/Microsoft Update has been working intermittently, but mostly working at that.

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There's another thread about this here:




It looks like WindowsUpdate works, whereas Microsoft Update doesn't.


According to this...




... you can click on "Change Settings" on the Microsoft Update page to disable Microsoft Update and revert to Windows Update, but this option is unavailable and greyed out due to the site being broken!

Edited by dada22
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I saw that thread too. The suggested work-around is to either rename or delete the "c:\windows\software distribution" folder after stopping the Automatic Updates and Background Intelligent Transport Services. After doing that, the update system is kinda "reset" for lack of a better word. But for me it just goes straight to the 0x80248015 error after prompting me to "Try Microsoft Update Today!".

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hello sir, the file C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\AuthCabs\muauth.cab->Authorization.xml have been expired!!1!



to solve the problem temporarily, please downgrade muweb.dll to -> 7.6.7600.256


see -> http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/173049-windowsmicrosoft-update-not-working-on-windows-2000xp2003/#entry1089383



Edited by Tripredacus
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