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Office Shrinker [reduce source of o2k3/xp/2k]


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I tried to shrink my office xp without slipstreaming it. And it done. But when i try to use it it display error that file not found.

When i check the property of Shrinked officexp. It was only 7 mb.

What's wrong.

Please describe how can officexp get shrinked, without slipstreaming it?

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i would love to shrink my source of office but whenever i do it i get error a lot of errors and nothing is done.

most of the errors ar ERROR 1308


i have tried atleast 10 times and every time i get the same problem

anybogy please tell what are the problems..........


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  • 2 weeks later...

i need HELP!!!!!

I followed all the steps but something is happening with 7zip. that my silent install is not working.

I tested to install it after the shrunk proccess and it works great.

Then after i 7zip it it wont work again. If i make the silent install it will just roll back ont he middle of the isntallation so i took out the /qb- switch to see what its happening and i get error 1309: Error reading from file: c:\windows\temp\7zs58.tmp\files\pfiles\common\msshared\srceng\ose.exe and if i click ignore i get a lot more. I already did the 7z compress 3 times always with same result?

Any clue of what could be the problem??.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Has anyone succeeded shrinking a O2003 Sp3? My script always stops at somewhere saying some files not found.

No success here. It says the shrink "is already complete" although the the OS is clean (without any install of Office before). And then when i run the shrinked version of Office, the install completes so it seems to work. However, when i launch Outlook and then i configure an account, it says some components are missing.

There's another problem too : it configures Office for the current Windows profile only. So when i launch any Office software (Word, Excel, Outlook or Powerpoint) from another Windows account, the progress bar appears to install some components again.

I tried by creating a new MST file with ORKA but that didn't change anything ... I never had any of these problems with SP2 before.

Edited by Lucius Snow
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However, when i launch Outlook and then i configure an account, it says some components are missing.

There's another problem too : it configures Office for the current Windows profile only. So when i launch any Office software (Word, Excel, Outlook or Powerpoint) from another Windows account, the progress bar appears to install some components again.

Well it's finally not due to Office shrinker. Those problems occur everytime i want to use Office with a new user account. Anyone knows how to configures Office through setup.exe with other Windows accounts ?

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Hi there, I wanted to let everyone who still has problems installing shrinked Office (at T13) know the following:

When I install Office AFTER installing .Net Framework 2 + 3, I get an error (you can only click OK) and installation will fail (rollback).

I looked up the error number and found out it was caused by some files/reg entries still in use by .Net Framework. This is extremely weird since I use VMCLEANER.exe (kills all tasks after installation) to speed up the whole process of installing Apps.

Unfortunately I forgot the error number!

So the solution is: Install Office FIRST! after Office you can install .Net Framework 2+ 3

@Lucius Snow, it seems I now have the exact same problem you have, Office tries to install at every first logon for any account! Ofcourse it fails since the installation files are not on the harddrive (they were only temporarily extracted for setup!).

The only thing I can think of: FormatCOnverters.exe! I've added this to my office setup (enables you to open, edit and save office 2007 files). I'll test later without this.

Edited by ZileXa
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