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First of all: thanks to Tihiy for creating this genius program. Now here is my question:

- When I open the Start menu, I only have 'Disconnect' and 'Lock' under the Power button (and 'Sign Out' on the button itself). I would like to add 'Restart' to these options too -- how can I do that? I'm running StartIsBack+ 1.5.2.

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First of all: thanks to Tihiy for creating this genius program. Now here is my question:

- When I open the Start menu, I only have 'Disconnect' and 'Lock' under the Power button (and 'Sign Out' on the button itself). I would like to add 'Restart' to these options too -- how can I do that? I'm running StartIsBack+ 1.5.2.

Sorry, but there's no option for that now.

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First thanks a million for your application it's far away the best one for start menu

Suggestion, Thanks, and comments : Hope your application will provide one day second task bar managing (pin + try icon + clock + desktop + toolbar) that would be amazing... i am using Actual Windows Manager for that purpose for the moment to get a real second taskbar... also have a license for your application, and i just want to say SIB is a must have ! even when i was using win7 would be very glad to use your application for the feature "Xp Style all apps" i was really missing that display style, am very happy to get it back, you are making an amazing job really !!! Thanks once again, also enjoy a lot the way your application work (dll injection) it's very pleasant to see dev knowing exactly what they are doing and doing it the best way :) it's somehow rare in IT world... i know it's a lot of thanks but you deserve it ! SIB is just amazing ! was a bit scared from win 8 hate background apps doing poor job but discovered SIB bring the Waw :) he he he

1. Info : Can you please tell how the dll is injected in exploer.exe ? thanks

2. Solved Issue : Updated to 1.6 beta and i just want to say thanks again, i came here because i have an issue with SIB 1.5.2/1.5.3.RC while using "Actual Window Manager" to display a real second taskbar, the issue was blinking second taskbar when moving desktop icons, i still did not reboot, but seems to be solved on 1.6 beta then thanks a lot ! and as i read here, apparently we just need to come to the forum to get our issues solved without posting hahahaha "Sod's Law :-)" hahaha "Startisback v1.6 Sod's Law Release" not beta lol :P any way good work, will check other new settings after my post...

3. Suggestion : ColorizationColor value manage frame and taskbar color on windows 8 which is weird, thanks for adding the feature that let us select taskbar color separately it's appreciated :) ... the feature also change native second taskbar color, but with "Actual Window Manager" ... the feature is not working, then i have 2 bar with different color... i know AWM is not related to your application, is it possilbe to check if you could make the feature applicable to AWM if it's not complicated to be done

4. Suggestion : I am using native start icon, but my task bar height is 3 block then the native start icon is a bit too small, it would be nice to be able to set the button size, tried to create a button, but we never get native button quality...

Thanks once again :)

And good work with 1.6

Edited by intika
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Wow, Tihiy must be blushing while reading the above thanks and comments!

Something I like most about SIB is that when it is installed, it restarts the explorer without closing any running applications. I can install all the new/beta versions to try and then if I don't like it, I have no trouble reinstalling the old one.
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2. Solved Issue : Updated to 1.6 beta and i just want to say thanks again, i came here because i have an issue with SIB 1.5.2/1.5.3.RC while using "Actual Window Manager" to display a real second taskbar, the issue was blinking
second taskbar when moving desktop icons, i still did not reboot, but seems to be solved on 1.6 beta then thanks a lot ! and as i read here, apparently we just need to come to the forum to get our issues solved without posting hahahaha "Sod's Law :-)" hahaha "Startisback v1.6 Sod's Law Release" not beta lol :P any way good work, will check other new settings after my post...

Bug is not solved... after reboot, second task bar provided by "Actual Tools" still blinking when moving desktop icons... will try to see why it stopped when i upgraded to 1.6 before reboot...

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Tihiy: I was asked to visit this thread in response to a question on "Ex7forW8" from My Digital Life.

Question: With StartIsBack, does Metro (Modern) UI not get loaded into memory thereby saving RAM? (Ex7forW8 could do this). I am looking for a way to completely get rid of Metro UI.


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Can you increase the transparency level in apperance tab in the program? I cannot decrease it below 40 value. I want to use full transparency (0 value) for toolbar as win7.

I am using version 1.5.2 now. Can you explain, how should I update the program?. First uninstall the previous version, than install the new version or?


Edited by baybora72
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Can you increase the transparency level in apperance tab in the program? I cannot decrease it below 40 value. I want to use full transparency (0 value) for toolbar as win7.

Settings i use with StartIsBack+ 1.6 BETA 0

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\StartIsBack]"TaskbarAlpha"=dword:00000000"StartMenuAlpha"=dword:00000000"TaskbarColor"=dword:00000000"StartMenuColor"=dword:00000000
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no, it still loads "Metro". Several parts are now "metro" (connect to network) and they don't work when you kill "metro".

Ok thanks for confirming. I will use "Ex7forW8" then as it does not load Metro UI in memory.

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I doubt that it will work with 8.1. You can kill Metro by killing the Thread windows.immersiveshell.serviceprovider.dll!CImmersiveShellController::s_ImmersiveShellComponentsThreadProc of Explorer.exe.

there was a tool posted called fxxkmetro was does this for you:


I have no idea if it works in 8.1

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