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Trace why Windows 8 boots, shutsdown or hibernates slowly


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- <timing bootDoneViaExplorer="46262" bootDoneViaPostBoot="109662" 

booting to the UI takes 46s and the system is booted in 90s. This is bad.

The first delay happen in the PreSMSS phase, where the ACPI driver takes long to init:

  <pnpObject name="\Driver\ACPI" type="Driver" activity="Init" startTime="4859" endTime="17021" duration="12162" prePendTime="12162" />   <pnpObject name="ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0" type="Device" activity="Start" startTime="17022" endTime="19561" duration="2538" prePendTime="2538" description="Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System" friendlyName="" /> 

I see that loading the hwpolicy.sys happens here.

The boot process is slow because the HDD is busy for a longer time.

Looks like you need a SSD to improve the boot.

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Sorry to be a little simple MagicAndre, I do my best to read and follow whats going on, but I'm not exactly on your level!

What can I do about this? Are you just saying I need a new SSD (A new Hard drive basically?) If so Do you think that mine is just old and needs replacing (Its been working fine for ages and I've defragged and run the relevant HDD test on it from WD and Seagate one (I have 2 HDDs)) My PC used to boot in about 30secs then suddenly it takes 10mins to boot. Nothing has changed as far as I'm aware.

Else Can I reload the ACPI driver? Would that help?

hwpolicy.sys is this right? > Microsoft Windows Hardware Policy Driver system driver file

Can I just remove this driver and if so how?

Thanks in advance for putting up with nub questions


booting to the UI takes 46s and the system is booted in 90s. This is bad.

OH yes!!!!! ;-)

Edited by j9900090
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Hi Andre,

I bought a new SSD and installed Win8 on it, however it takes >5 minutes to boot. I uploaded a trace here:


I noticed a lot of "The IO operation at logical block address 1244e206 for Disk 0 was retried." events in event viewer. Also an error about "The shadow copies of volume \\?\Volume{7257efcf-6d40-11e3-be65-806e6f6e6963} were aborted during detection because a critical control file could not be opened." Could it be the SSD is bad? I uploaded the system log here:



Edited by flys
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starting the SATA controller is still slow:

- <phase name="bootStart" startTime="32" endTime="244183" duration="244151">  <pnpObject name="PCI\VEN_8086+DEV_1E03+SUBSYS_15071043+REV_04\3+11583659+2+FA" type="Device" activity="Start" startTime="243" endTime="240511" duration="240267" prePendTime="240267" description="Intel(R) 7 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller" friendlyName="" />
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Yeah, not really sure what to do about that... Putting the computer in sleep mode or any other mode for that matter and then trying to reboot/wake it up leads to a freeze where nothing happens but the mouse is still usable though.

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hi andre! i'm having a tough time figuring out what is slowing my computer as it is waking from hibernation. currently running windows 8.1 on a samsung laptop (ativ book 8) and when i awake it from hibernation, it takes a good 5-8 minutes before it is usable.

this has only happened over the past few days and it was otherwise ok. didn't update any drivers/install anything during this time. so i'm wondering where is the problem. i've created the etl trace. would you be willing to help take a quick look? if you are, i'd upload it onto skydrive

cheers! and happy new year

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