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Printing with KernelEx 4.5.1


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Hello jumper,

I tried your second way  to update without success on two ME machines (KernelEX 4.5.2). First I pasted your ComDlg32.dll file in the KernelEX folder. Then I copied the original WinME COMDLG32.dll to the desktop and renamed the copy  to ComDlg00.dll. I pasted ComDlg00.dll in the system folder. So that there are both files in the system folder. At last I added the string ([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KernelEx\KnownDLLs]"COMDLG32"="ComDlg32.dll") to the registry.  What's wrong? 

SumatraPDF 1.9: Error message - sumatrapdf.exe is linked to missing export-COMDLG32.DLL:PrintDlgExW.   Sumatra doesn't run. And I can't print with Seamonkey. 

If it makes sense I will try ways one and three.

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I tried your second way to update without success on two ME machines (KernelEX 4.5.2). First I pasted your ComDlg32.dll file in the KernelEX folder. Then I copied the original WinME COMDLG32.dll to the desktop and renamed the copy to ComDlg00.dll. I pasted ComDlg00.dll in the system folder. So that there are both files in the system folder. At last I added the string ([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KernelEx\KnownDLLs]"COMDLG32"="ComDlg32.dll") to the registry. What's wrong?

SumatraPDF 1.9: Error message - sumatrapdf.exe is linked to missing export-COMDLG32.DLL:PrintDlgExW. Sumatra doesn't run. And I can't print with Seamonkey.

This update currently only addresses the missing PrintDlgExA function in ComDlg32.dll. Try testing with SumatraPDF 0.9 instead.

With Seamonkey loaded, try deleting <system>\ComDlg00.dll. If you get a file-in-use error, that will confirm that the new ComDlg32.dll is correctly installed and in use.

Does Seamonkey display a Print Dialog at all? If not, Seamonkey must not be calling PrintDlgExA and has another issue not addressed by this update. Please search the Seamonkey folder for files with text "PrintDlgExA". If none are found, Seamonkey cannot be used to test this update. Instead, use ImportPatcher to test Seamonkey for missing imports and post results here. Thanks!

Tonight I will try to implement PrintDlgExW and update the update.

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SumatraPDF 1.9: Error message - sumatrapdf.exe is linked to missing export-COMDLG32.DLL:PrintDlgExW.   Sumatra doesn't run. And I can't print with Seamonkey. 

Either hex the string PrintDlgExW to the string PrintDlgExA in SumatraPDF or the string PrintDlgExA to the string PrintDlgExW in jumper's comdlg32.dll and it should work after that with any method. :lol:

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Seamonkey (2.7) appears to use the function PrintDlgW and it prints fine here (to adobe pdf writer as I don't have a real printer installed right now).

However it doesn't seem to print anymore if it uses jumper's comdlg32 so I think the recommended way to use it now should be on a per application basis and remove the comdlg32 entry in the system knowndll registry key.

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Seamonkey (2.7) appears to use the function PrintDlgW and it prints fine here (to adobe pdf writer as I don't have a real printer installed right now).

A Google search for "SeaMonkey +PrintDlgW" yields antivirus scans showing that SeaMonkey 1.9 and 5.0 use PrintDlgW. :thumbup And Firefox 9.0 too!

However it doesn't seem to print anymore if it uses jumper's comdlg32 so I think the recommended way to use it now should be on a per application basis and remove the comdlg32 entry in the system knowndll registry key.

Method 2 seems to cause Kex to bypass its internal ComDlg32 support. Methods 1 and 3 should be complementary to Kex--use one of them with the current ComDlg32 update to prevent apps that need PrintDlgExW from failing to load.

This is excellent feedback. It made me realize that if I add a stub for PrintDlgExW that returns success instead of failure (as Kex does), the default parameters will be used unchanged and something might print for those apps (like SumatraPDF 1.9) that need PrintDlgExW!

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I can confirm it works with Sumatra 1.8. I placed the translation dll in the folder with sumatra, cloned the comdlg32 in \system and removed the reference from "known dlls" in the registry. I hexed the translation dll to replace PrintDlgExA with PrintDlgExW.

I tried it with Sumatra 1.1 and didn't have much luck, flagrant abuse of memory ensued and I don't think I got a readable output in several tries. But it did link up okay :yes::}

I don't think this has anything to do with Mozilla apps though, they always pop the print dialog, just output mostly blank pages....

Edit// the previous post in the thread popped up as i wrote this, sorry for the duplication.

Edited by snuz2
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Two better versions to try: ComDlgEx.7z

  1. ComDlgEx.dll - supports all three new functions:
    • PrintDlgExA - uses PRINTDLGA struct to call PrintDlgA
    • PrintDlgExW - uses PRINTDLGW struct to call PrintDlgW
    • Ssync_ANSI_UNICODE_Struct_For_WOW - stub: SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)

[*]ComDlgEx2.dll - as before, but support for both flavors

  • PrintDlgExA - uses PRINTDLGA struct to call PrintDlgA
  • PrintDlgExW - redirects to PrintDlgExA

Recommended installation method: 1b.

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Yeah, good idea, put all them in there! I notice that the other dialogs like save and open are broken now... I used method 3 to install. Any way to get them to map through to comdlg00 as well?

Sorry for my ignorance but what does Ssync_ANSI_UNICODE_Struct_For_WOW - stub: SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) do for us?

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Yeah, good idea, put all them in there! I notice that the other dialogs like save and open are broken now... I used method 3 to install. Any way to get them to map through to comdlg00 as well?

All original functions are mapped through to ComDlg00.dll. Nothing should be broken--the open and save dialogs are working for me using methods 1b and 2[edit] in Notepad and SumatraPDF 0.9 (with Kex). In SumatraPDF 1.9 with Kex, however, the open dialog fails to appear. I have an idea of how to fix this that I'll try in the morning[/edit].

Sorry for my ignorance but what does Ssync_ANSI_UNICODE_Struct_For_WOW - stub: SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) do for us?

If an app is linked to this function, it will load instead of reporting a link error. If the app calls this function and checks the error code using GetLastError, it will see that the function is not actually implemented. The function is probably for NT's internal use in 16-bit "Windows on Windows" emulation. It is unlikely to ever be called in Win9x.

Edited by jumper
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I've not much tested so far, but I've successfully printed with SumatraPDF 0.9 ( method 1.b, latest update ComDlgEx.dll). After that printing with Firefox failed. Maybe at the weekend I'll report more detailed results.

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Just adding some more info on the broken save/open dialogs:

Doesn't matter which version of the translation dll is used, doesn't matter if it is located in \system\ or local to the application. The Sumatra open save dialogs don't work.

Using the latest comdlgex.dll ( 3 functions) also doesn't pop the print dialog in sumatra. comdlgex2.dll does enable the print dialog to pop.

Installing ComDlgEx.dll ( 3 functions again) in \system\ broke open and save dialogs in Kmeleon1.6. although some apps still had their open/save dlgs working.

And.... I am using the portable version of Sumatra1.8.

Edited by snuz2
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Plan E: ComDlgEx.7z

  • Like the original plan A, but with wrappers for all functions.
  • Works for opening and saving files as well as printing in SumatraPDF 0.9 and 1.9
  • Requires no '00' dll...
  • ...however requires ImportPatcher (or hex editor) to patch apps.

Installation Method 4:

  • put ComDlgEx.dll in
    1. <system> folder (for multiple apps)
    2. app folder (for single or portable app)

    [*] use hex editor or ImportPatcher on app to change import dependency:

    [DLL replacements]

Build environment: MS DevStudio 97 / VC++ 5.0 sp3 / Win98se

Please try others! :yes:


// PrintDlgExA.c - jumper, Mar 24, 2012

//***** Standard #define and #include statements *****//

//#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#define STRICT
//#define _USER32_
#include <windows.h>
#include "commdlg.h"

//***** DLL entry point *****//

BOOL APIENTRY _DllMainCRTStartup (HANDLE hInst, DWORD ul_reason_being_called, LPVOID lpReserved)
return 1;

//***** Export functions *****//

typedef struct tagPRINTPAGERANGE {
DWORD nFromPage;
DWORD nToPage;

typedef struct tagPDEX {
DWORD lStructSize;
HWND hwndOwner;
HGLOBAL hDevNames;
DWORD Flags;
DWORD Flags2;
DWORD ExclusionFlags;
DWORD nPageRanges;
DWORD nMaxPageRanges;
DWORD nMinPage;
DWORD nMaxPage;
DWORD nCopies;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
LPCTSTR lpPrintTemplateName;
LPUNKNOWN lpCallback;
DWORD nPropertyPages;
HPROPSHEETPAGE *lphPropertyPages;
DWORD nStartPage;
DWORD dwResultAction;

pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
pd.hwndOwner = pPdex->hwndOwner;
pd.hDevMode = pPdex->hDevMode;
pd.hDevNames = pPdex->hDevNames;
pd.hDC = pPdex->hDC;
pd.Flags = (pPdex->Flags & PD_RETURNDC)? pPdex->Flags | PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE: pPdex->Flags;
pd.nFromPage = 0xFFFF;
pd.nToPage = 0xFFFF;
if (pPdex->nMaxPageRanges) {
pd.nFromPage = (WORD)pPdex->lpPageRanges[0].nFromPage;
pd.nToPage = (WORD)pPdex->lpPageRanges[0].nToPage;
pd.nMinPage = (WORD)pPdex->nMinPage;
pd.nMaxPage = (WORD)pPdex->nMaxPage;
pd.nCopies = (WORD)pPdex->nCopies;
pd.hInstance = NULL; //for templates
pd.lCustData = 0;
pd.lpfnPrintHook = NULL; //pPdex->lpCallback; //
pd.lpfnSetupHook = NULL;
pd.lpPrintTemplateName = NULL;
pd.lpSetupTemplateName = NULL;
pd.hPrintTemplate = NULL;
pd.hSetupTemplate = NULL;

if (PrintDlgA (&pd)) {
pPdex->dwResultAction = 1; // Print
pPdex->hDevMode = pd.hDevMode;
pPdex->hDevNames = pd.hDevNames;
pPdex->hDC = pd.hDC;
pPdex->Flags = pd.Flags;
if (pPdex->nMaxPageRanges) {
pPdex->nPageRanges = 1;
pPdex->lpPageRanges[0].nFromPage = pd.nFromPage;
pPdex->lpPageRanges[0].nToPage = pd.nToPage;
pPdex->nCopies = pd.nCopies;
} else {
pPdex->dwResultAction = 0; // Cancel
return 0; // S_OK;

pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
pd.hwndOwner = pPdex->hwndOwner;
pd.hDevMode = pPdex->hDevMode;
pd.hDevNames = pPdex->hDevNames;
pd.hDC = pPdex->hDC;
pd.Flags = (pPdex->Flags & PD_RETURNDC)? pPdex->Flags | PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE: pPdex->Flags;
pd.nFromPage = 0xFFFF;
pd.nToPage = 0xFFFF;
if (pPdex->nMaxPageRanges) {
pd.nFromPage = (WORD)pPdex->lpPageRanges[0].nFromPage;
pd.nToPage = (WORD)pPdex->lpPageRanges[0].nToPage;
pd.nMinPage = (WORD)pPdex->nMinPage;
pd.nMaxPage = (WORD)pPdex->nMaxPage;
pd.nCopies = (WORD)pPdex->nCopies;
pd.hInstance = NULL; //for templates
pd.lCustData = 0;
pd.lpfnPrintHook = NULL; //pPdex->lpCallback; //
pd.lpfnSetupHook = NULL;
pd.lpPrintTemplateName = NULL;
pd.lpSetupTemplateName = NULL;
pd.hPrintTemplate = NULL;
pd.hSetupTemplate = NULL;

if (PrintDlgW (&pd)) {
pPdex->dwResultAction = 1; // Print
pPdex->hDevMode = pd.hDevMode;
pPdex->hDevNames = pd.hDevNames;
pPdex->hDC = pd.hDC;
pPdex->Flags = pd.Flags;
if (pPdex->nMaxPageRanges) {
pPdex->nPageRanges = 1;
pPdex->lpPageRanges[0].nFromPage = pd.nFromPage;
pPdex->lpPageRanges[0].nToPage = pd.nToPage;
pPdex->nCopies = pd.nCopies;
} else {
pPdex->dwResultAction = 0; // Cancel
return 0; // S_OK;

// Wrappers for classic functions that KernelEx supports
BOOL APIENTRY exChooseColorA (LPCHOOSECOLORA a) { return ChooseColorA (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exChooseColorW (LPCHOOSECOLORW a) { return ChooseColorW (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exChooseFontA (LPCHOOSEFONTA a) { return ChooseFontA (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exChooseFontW (LPCHOOSEFONTW a) { return ChooseFontW (a); }
DWORD APIENTRY exCommDlgExtendedError(VOID) { return CommDlgExtendedError (); }
HWND APIENTRY exFindTextA (LPFINDREPLACEA a) { return FindTextA (a); }
HWND APIENTRY exFindTextW (LPFINDREPLACEW a) { return FindTextW (a); }
short APIENTRY exGetFileTitleA (LPCSTR a, LPSTR b, WORD c) { return GetFileTitleA (a, b, c); }
short APIENTRY exGetFileTitleW (LPCWSTR a, LPWSTR b, WORD c) { return GetFileTitleW (a, b, c); }
BOOL APIENTRY exGetOpenFileNameA(LPOPENFILENAMEA a) { return GetOpenFileNameA (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exGetOpenFileNameW(LPOPENFILENAMEW a) { return GetOpenFileNameW (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exGetSaveFileNameA(LPOPENFILENAMEA a) { return GetSaveFileNameA (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exGetSaveFileNameW(LPOPENFILENAMEW a) { return GetSaveFileNameW (a); }
HBITMAP WINAPI LoadAlterBitmap (int id, DWORD rgbReplace, DWORD rgbInstead);
HBITMAP WINAPI exLoadAlterBitmap (int a, DWORD b, DWORD c) { return LoadAlterBitmap (a, b, c); }
BOOL APIENTRY exPageSetupDlgA (LPPAGESETUPDLGA a) { return PageSetupDlgA (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exPageSetupDlgW (LPPAGESETUPDLGW a) { return PageSetupDlgW (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exPrintDlgA (LPPRINTDLGA a) { return PrintDlgA (a); }
BOOL APIENTRY exPrintDlgW (LPPRINTDLGW a) { return PrintDlgW (a); }
HWND APIENTRY exReplaceTextA (LPFINDREPLACEA a) { return ReplaceTextA (a); }
HWND APIENTRY exReplaceTextW (LPFINDREPLACEW a) { return ReplaceTextW (a); }


;BASE 0x7FE00000

nn100=ComDlg32.@100 @100 NONAME
ChooseColorA=exChooseColorA @101
ChooseColorW=exChooseColorW @102
ChooseFontA=exChooseFontA @103
ChooseFontW=exChooseFontW @104
CommDlgExtendedError=exCommDlgExtendedError @105
FindTextA=exFindTextA @106
FindTextW=exFindTextW @107
GetFileTitleA=exGetFileTitleA @108
GetFileTitleW=exGetFileTitleW @109
GetOpenFileNameA=exGetOpenFileNameA @110
GetOpenFileNameW=exGetOpenFileNameW @111
GetSaveFileNameA=exGetSaveFileNameA @112
GetSaveFileNameW=exGetSaveFileNameW @113
LoadAlterBitmap=exLoadAlterBitmap @114
PageSetupDlgA=exPageSetupDlgA @115
PageSetupDlgW=exPageSetupDlgW @116
PrintDlgA=exPrintDlgA @117
PrintDlgW=exPrintDlgW @118
ReplaceTextA=exReplaceTextA @119
ReplaceTextW=exReplaceTextW @120
WantArrows=ComDlg32.WantArrows @121
dwLBSubclass=ComDlg32.dwLBSubclass @122
dwOKSubclass=ComDlg32.dwOKSubclass @123

Ssync_ANSI_UNICODE_Struct_For_WOW has been removed.

Edited by jumper
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The problem turned out to be that KernelEx is needed for GetOpenFileNameW, but undesired for PrintDlgExW (and vice versa for ComDlgEx) . KernelEx also can't process ComDlg32 functions unless they are imported (not export-forwarded) from a DLL named ComDlg32.dllicon13.gif

So the solution was two-fold:

  • switch from export-forwarding to wrappers of imported functions
  • use dependency order App->ComDlgEx->ComDlg32

Using the previous test versions, KernelEx processing was either fully enabled or fully disabled--meaning it allowed GetOpenFileNameW to work but returned an error for PrintDlgExW, or the new PrintDlgExW worked but GetOpenFileNameW was not patched to work. This affected apps that use the Wide functions: SumatraPDF 1.8, 1.9, and apparently FireFox 3.

Apps (like SumatraPDF 0.9) that use the Ansi functions don't need a KernelEx patch for GetOpenFileNameA, so could print and open files under some install methods (when redirected).

[if requested, I'll expand the above to explain in more detail why each function worked (or didn't) on each app for each method.]

icon11.gif Because KernelEx 4.5.1 does some processing of most of the functions in ComDlg32, I will next try to break out all of that code into a stand-alone DLL into which I can add the new PrintDlgEx code. If successful, this new DLL would be installed using an easier Method 2 (without the renaming or copying). It would also be an example of how KernelEx can be extended without recompiling the full core package.

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The problem turned out to be that KernelEx is needed for GetOpenFileNameW, but undesired for PrintDlgExW (and vice versa for ComDlgEx) . KernelEx also can't process ComDlg32 functions unless they are imported (not export-forwarded) from a DLL named ComDlg32.dllicon13.gif

So the solution was two-fold:

  • switch from export-forwarding to wrappers of imported functions
  • use dependency order App->ComDlgEx->ComDlg32

Using the previous test versions, KernelEx processing was either fully enabled or fully disabled--meaning it allowed GetOpenFileNameW to work but returned an error for PrintDlgExW, or the new PrintDlgExW worked but GetOpenFileNameW was not patched to work. This affected apps that use the Wide functions: SumatraPDF 1.8, 1.9, and apparently FireFox 3.

Apps (like SumatraPDF 0.9) that use the Ansi functions don't need a KernelEx patch for GetOpenFileNameA, so could print and open files under some install methods (when redirected).

[if requested, I'll expand the above to explain in more detail why each function worked (or didn't) on each app for each method.]

icon11.gif Because KernelEx 4.5.1 does some processing of most of the functions in ComDlg32, I will next try to break out all of that code into a stand-alone DLL into which I can add the new PrintDlgEx code. If successful, this new DLL would be installed using an easier Method 2 (without the renaming or copying). It would also be an example of how KernelEx can be extended without recompiling the full core package.

I was able to print with SumatraPDF 1.9 using a DLL containing PrintDlgExW and my DLLHOOK redirector.

I used a debugged version of jumper's code from Post #8 to create the DLL.

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