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Opera, KernelEx and related matters


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That has no effect whatsoever, after the corruption happens things will not get back normal. I've been running here with broken GFX for I think 4 hours now, no change. The leak caused by Opera gets solved almost immediately after closing it, with little or nothing getting "lost" in the resources.

Edited by TmEE
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  • 2 weeks later...

  • 3 months later...

Rainyd at said he got Opera 10.6 to work.

I tried it tonight, build 3433, and got nothing but crashes from Opera.

I had set both the install program and opera.exe for XP SP2 compatibility.

I just installed it today, and so far nothing has worked for me on my system.

System: Win 98 SE, SP 2.0.

You don't need to set compatibility for Opera 10.60.

I don't understand this.

I went back and unchecked the XP SP2 compatibility box for Opera, and it worked.

I thought the whole point of KernelEx was to make Opera think that it was operating on an XP system and the point of the XP SP2 compability box was to tell Opera it was XP, as opposed to the alternatives.

Without the XP compability turned on, what kept Opera from thinking it was on an 98 system?

Did you tried Firefox 2 or 3?

No. I don't have Firefox at the moment. I am a long time Opera fan boy. However, given all the problems with Opera 10, I may have to soon.

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Great to hear a new version of KernelEx is in the works. :hello:

Hopefully it'll take care of the kernel32 encode pointer and decode pointer functions which I am thinking are now needed by any executable compiled with MSVC 2010 making those files incompatible with anything below XPSP2. The HTML5 video and audio stuff (all that is in the gstreamer folder) in Opera don't work anymore because of that since a few builds and since the last 10.60 build it is not even possible to use older gstreamer files anymore to play HTML5 vids apparently.

Dunno if it can be usefull but there is a patch for Win2K in existence with source code taking care of them and a few others (ActCtx stuff which is seen quite frequently as well now in in new executables) in case you are not aware of it: http://win2kgaming.site90.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7

Wondering as well if VLC and what's compiled with recent QT toolkit will have the missing text in dialogs fixed, any scoop as to what is coming in the new version?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just run into the problem of the latest version of the Opera browser not working on Windows 98.

I've never used KernelEx before, but I gather that it will fix this.

I'm slightly wary of installing beta versions, but I have been told that a new version 4.5 Beta 3, is coming soon.

Anyone any idea how "soon"?

Should I wait for it?

Also if I decide to go with the final of 4.0 rather than install a beta, does anyone know if this will this also fix my problem?

Thanks, Dave.


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I have just run into the problem of the latest version of the Opera browser not working on Windows 98.

I've never used KernelEx before, but I gather that it will fix this.

I'm slightly wary of installing beta versions, but I have been told that a new version 4.5 Beta 3, is coming soon.

Anyone any idea how "soon"?

Should I wait for it?

Also if I decide to go with the final of 4.0 rather than install a beta, does anyone know if this will this also fix my problem?

Thanks, Dave.


Yes, 4.0 Final 2 is enough to run Opera 10.60 (but not Flash 10.1). KernelEx is the most painless install/uninstall ever; they designed it to be ridiculously safe considering the file it modifies. I can't say for 4.5 (I'm waiting for beta 3), but I imagine it's just as simple as 4.0.

Even if you don't use (practically) any other unofficial patches to 98SE, KernelEx (4.0+) and RP9 are both simple, safe and powerful; I don't really know why anyone WOULDN'T use them (even if you don't use any other unofficial patches).

Personally, for KernelEx, I held out until they added the ''off by default for all programs'' option. After that, I installed it and love it. For the few programs I have that won't work without KernelEx, I turn it on for them (VLC, Opera 10.60, El Dorado), and every single other program runs just as it normally would on 98SE, no issues.


Edited by Queue
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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't confirm EvanD that Java 1.6.21 works with Firefox 3.6.8.

It works up to Firefox 3.5.11 (and Opera 10.1), if I rename "new_plugin"

(see Member WIN98SE before).

The plugin checks fails with Version 3.6.8.!

pluginchecker.com / www.java.com/de/download/installed.jsp

Note: I don't allow the internet Connection to install Java.

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The Java 6 Update 21 "new generation" plugin doesn't work on Opera 10.60 on my Windows 98 system either.

It does work when I'm in Windows XP (dual boot) using exactly the same installations of Opera and Java.

One thing which is strange, and it seems to be the same on EvanD's screen grab of his Firefox plugins page too, is that the plugin seems to have far more supported functions listed when running in Windows XP than it does when running in Windows 98, which I don't understand when it's exactly the same file from the same folder!


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AM I the only one with flash 10.1 problems, anyways???

No you're not alone - I have some distortion with sound, which I don't have with previous version of Flash (

While I can confirm that it is not currently possible to change sound volume during video playback, I can't confirm any kind of distrotion.

Can it be heard on all videos and animations?

Thanks guys. I couldn't get Alt-PrtScrn to work last night, so tonight I'll just try a regular Print Screen. If that works then I'll clip down the image. Hopefully MSFN.com will let me upload that, at least.

As for pictures you can use imageshack.us, tinypic.com and post here a link

as for files use something like speedyshare.com, 2shared.com and also post link here

The Java 6 Update 21 "new generation" plugin doesn't work on Opera 10.60 on my Windows 98 system either.

As for now there is no way to run the "new generation" plugin on 9x, while I'm looking into the issue I can't promise to fix it fast as it requires major work (named pipes interprocess communication support).

VLC 1.1 and Maxthon issues are being worked on as well.

Btw. I'll be offline for a couple of days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new to KernelEx, having just recently installed 4.5 beta 2 then updating to RC 1 after it was released. It seems to be working well overall although I have not installed any KernelEx-only applications yet. Just a couple of observations/comments and questions...

- After installing the recent Adobe Flash Player 9.0.280 security update, I noticed that NPSWF32.dll was configured by default to run in Windows XP SP2 specific compatibility mode. I've also noticed this is the default setting for several other system files. Is this correct? I don't understand the compatibility modes and settings for KernelEx.

- Through trial and error, I've found that Opera 10.54 seems to be much more stable when KernelEx extensions are disabled. When they're enabled, Opera 10.54 tends to crash frequently and randomly with invalid page fault errors mostly in module <unknown>.

- As I mentioned in a separate thread, Windows Media Player 9 now runs normally with the updated Quartz.dll when KernelEx extensions are enabled.

Edited by Prozactive
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- After installing the recent Adobe Flash Player 9.0.280 security update, I noticed that NPSWF32.dll was configured by default to run in Windows XP SP2 specific compatibility mode. I've also noticed this is the default setting for several other system files. Is this correct? I don't understand the compatibility modes and settings for KernelEx.

NPSWF32.dll is configured for XP mode because Adobe Flash Player 10.1 won't work without it.

There is compatibility mode set for any of the system files. In fact some of them are blocked from KernelEx altogether.

- Through trial and error, I've found that Opera 10.54 seems to be much more stable when KernelEx extensions are disabled. When they're enabled, Opera 10.54 tends to crash frequently and randomly with invalid page fault errors mostly in module <unknown>.

This is a known issue. Please upgrade to Opera 10.6 which works correctly or disable KernelEx extensions for Opera 10.5.

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I'm new to KernelEx, having just recently installed 4.5 beta 2 then updating to RC 1 after it was released. It seems to be working well overall although I have not installed any KernelEx-only applications yet. Just a couple of observations/comments and questions...

- After installing the recent Adobe Flash Player 9.0.280 security update, I noticed that NPSWF32.dll was configured by default to run in Windows XP SP2 specific compatibility mode. I've also noticed this is the default setting for several other system files. Is this correct? I don't understand the compatibility modes and settings for KernelEx.

- Through trial and error, I've found that Opera 10.54 seems to be much more stable when KernelEx extensions are disabled. When they're enabled, Opera 10.54 tends to crash frequently and randomly with invalid page fault errors mostly in module <unknown>.

- As I mentioned in a separate thread, Windows Media Player 9 now runs normally with the updated Quartz.dll when KernelEx extensions are enabled.

I currently use the latest version of Opera (10.61) on my 98SE computer. KernelEx 4.5 beta 2 is installed, but for Opera 10.61, I have neither disabled KernelEx, nor have I selected Windows XP SP2 or other specific compatibility mode. On versions of Opera prior to 10.60, KernelEx was disabled (in Opera's Properties Compatibility tab) to keep Opera from crashing. So, versions of Opera prior to 10.60 may have had compatibility issues with KernelEX.

Thanks for pointing out that Flash in KernelEX was configured by default to run in Windows XP SP2 specific compatibility mode. My Opera browser only runs Flash with Adobe Flash Player 9x installed, whereas my Firefox 3.5 and Prism browsers only run Flash with Adobe Flash Player 10x installed. My solution was to run two versions of Flash, depending on the browser. But perhaps Opera can run Adobe Flash Player 10x after all, if my KernelEX installation is configured differently. I'm adding investigating this possibility to my "to do" list.

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I currently use the latest version of Opera (10.61) on my 98SE computer. KernelEx 4.5 beta 2 is installed, but for Opera 10.61, I have neither disabled KernelEx, nor have I selected Windows XP SP2 or other specific compatibility mode. On versions of Opera prior to 10.60, KernelEx was disabled (in Opera's Properties Compatibility tab) to keep Opera from crashing. So, versions of Opera prior to 10.60 may have had compatibility issues with KernelEX.

Thanks for pointing out that Flash in KernelEX was configured by default to run in Windows XP SP2 specific compatibility mode. My Opera browser only runs Flash with Adobe Flash Player 9x installed, whereas my Firefox 3.5 and Prism browsers only run Flash with Adobe Flash Player 10x installed. My solution was to run two versions of Flash, depending on the browser. But perhaps Opera can run Adobe Flash Player 10x after all, if my KernelEX installation is configured differently. I'm adding investigating this possibility to my "to do" list.

Only one version of Opera (10.60) actually needed KernelEx to run on Windows 98. This seems to have been by accident rather than by design on Opera's part, and it was corrected in 10.61.

I was really glad to see that although they don't officially support Windows 98, and haven't for some time, Opera are going out of their way to try and keep the browser still working on Windows 98.

I use Opera 10.61 now, with KernelEx still enabled. I only installed KernelEx to enable me to run Opera 10.60, but I see no reason to remove it now that it's there.

I've also now installed Java 6 Runtime, which I think needs KernelEx, but I can't get that to work in Opera, only in Internet Explorer.


Edited by Dave-H
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NPSWF32.dll is configured for XP mode because Adobe Flash Player 10.1 won't work without it.

There is compatibility mode set for any of the system files. In fact some of them are blocked from KernelEx altogether.

Thanks for your reply Xeno86 and all the other followup posts. I'm still somewhat confused what Adobe Flash Player 10.1 has to do with the default XP SP2 specific compatibility mode I noted for Adobe Flash Player 9.0.280 that I installed. Like I said, I don't understand the compatibility modes and settings for KernelEx at all.

I did not read all 36+ pages in this thread so I was not aware of the issues with KernelEx and Opera 10.5x. I discovered that through my own trial and error experimentation. I deliberately wait a long time before I upgrade to newer versions of major software like web browsers so that hopefully most of the significant bugs, etc. are worked out. I was aware that Opera 10.60 would not work without KernelEx and that supposedly 10.61 would. I do plan to upgrade to 10.61 soon and hopefully that will work well.

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  • 1 month later...

The background image problem in Firefox 3.6.10 has been fixed by KernelEx 4.5 RC 4. Besides, Opera 10.70 snapshot 9050 also works with OUniAnsi.dll from 10.62.

Thank you for the great work :thumbup

Edited by halohalo
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