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Opera, KernelEx and related matters


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I installed Opera 12.00 beta1 (04/25/2012) successfully with comp. mode Win2000. Main problem: Opera doesn't detects any plugins on Win ME, so that I can't open many pages. It works (not quite stable), if I disable all plug-ins. Opera detects them on WinXP SP1 and SP2 .

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HTML5 support Test

A little comparison

Opera 12.00 beta 385 points out of a total of 500 points

Opera 11.62 338 points

Opera 10.63 240 points

Opera 10.10 126 points

Firefox 10.0.2 327 points

Firefox 8.0.1 323points

Firefox 3.5.19 173 points

Pale Moon 8 338 points

Pale Moon 3.6.31 188 points

IE 6 SP1 26 points

Edited by schwups
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...


Recently I have created a Windows 98SE virtual machine. After finally getting it on the internet, I downloaded some apps, including IE6 and Opera 10.10, which is compatible with Windows 98. However, Opera crashed on the KernelEx website, so I couldn't download KernelEx from there. IE6 wouldn't download it either. I tried upgrading to Opera 10.50, which for some strange reason was running in a 256 color mode.Although I could download KernelEx with it, once I installed KernelEx, Opera 10.5 was set to Windows 2000 SP4 compatibility mode, which is necessary. It wasn't working in W2K compatibility either. I updated my msimg32.dll, tried every compatibility mode but Windows 95 (Opera 10.10 probably won't run in W95), and also tried Firefox 3.6.28, 10.0, and Opera 11.64. Still nothing. Openoffice.org 3.1.1 under KernelEx seems to work fine. Also, Windows 98 has no 256 color mode.

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Recently I have created a Windows 98SE virtual machine. After finally getting it on the internet, I downloaded some apps, including IE6 and Opera 10.10, which is compatible with Windows 98. However, Opera crashed on the KernelEx website, so I couldn't download KernelEx from there. IE6 wouldn't download it either. I tried upgrading to Opera 10.50, which for some strange reason was running in a 256 color mode.Although I could download KernelEx with it, once I installed KernelEx, Opera 10.5 was set to Windows 2000 SP4 compatibility mode, which is necessary. It wasn't working in W2K compatibility either. I updated my msimg32.dll, tried every compatibility mode but Windows 95 (Opera 10.10 probably won't run in W95), and also tried Firefox 3.6.28, 10.0, and Opera 11.64. Still nothing. Openoffice.org 3.1.1 under KernelEx seems to work fine. Also, Windows 98 has no 256 color mode.

I confirm that Opera 10.10 crash on sourceforge.net and I can't download KernelEX with IE6 on sourceforge.net. I successfully downloaded it with Opera 10.01. I've no virtual machine running. IMO Opera 10.5 is a very bad choice on Win98.

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Thanks. I tried installing SeaMonkey 1.1.19 as my alternative browser instead. While it works fine, it runs somewhat slow. So I tried installing Seamonkey 2.0.14, which should work fine on windows 98/ME with KernelEx. But, it did the same thing as Opera & Firefox (the color mode). Now that I come to think of it, Openoffice.org 3.1.1 has a few spots where there is a strange color change, but aside from that, it runs fine.

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Did you verify your KernelEX installation with the KernelEX Tool "verify.exe" and "Ktree" (Kext: DIY KernelEx extensions topic)? Ktree must show under Core.ini kexbasen and kexbases.

Did you install a graphics driver?

Did you try Opera 10.63 and Firefox Set the compatibility mode to disabled.

I guess you know that virtual machines always run slower.

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Thank you for your suggestions. I did not install a graphics driver, though I verified my KernelEx installation. I solved the problem on my own though. I did not realize before that my whole VM was running in 256 colors. Now it is true color and I have Opera 11.64 working decently.

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If you want to continue to experiment with different browsers for Win-98, you might want to try Netscape Navigator I use that browser on websites that my default browser (Firefox gives me problems. I don't use higher versions of Firefox because they cause thin white lines (1 pixel lines) to be drawn across bitmapped images when scrolling web pages up and down and other strange behavior with toolbar icons.

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  • 1 month later...

I have installed Opera 12.02 on Win98SE/KernelEx. When I tried to click on .htm files, Opera started with an error and garbage in a search engine box instead of starting that file. So I installed Launcher.exe as described above.

Now I can indeed start Opera by clicking on a .htm or .html file and it will display correctly. But once Opera is already started, clicking on any additional .htm file shows up that error and search engine gibber again. (Dragging into browser window works ok.) Another bizarre bug is that clicking on a HTTP link in Thunderbird (e-mail program) opens an explorer window with the root directory of partition E: instead.

-Is there a way to fix this?

For the quicklaunch icon I use this start link to avoid errors with Opera already running:

E:\Programme\Launcher\LAUNCHER.EXE OperaNewWin ""
My Launcher.ini looks like this:

[*]override=%AppData%\Launcher\launcher.ini[OperaNewWin]command=""E:\Programme\Opera\opera.exe" "%1" /nowin /e"ddeexec="%1",,0application=Operatopic=WWW_OpenURLIfExec=request=1ActivateTopic=WWW_Activate[OperaNewPrivateWin]command=""E:\Programme\Opera\opera.exe" "%1" /nowin /e"ddeexec="%1",,-1application=Operatopic=WWW_OpenURLIfExec=request=1ActivateTopic=WWW_Activate[WebBrowser]command=""E:\Programme\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nohome"ddeexec="%1",,-1,0,,,,application=IExploretopic=WWW_OpenURLIgnoreNotProcessed=1
Is here anything wrong? Edited by CyberyogiCoWindler
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