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Windows 7 or window XP


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It should help a lot. Look into UAC and junctions. If you actively look for information (Google is your friend) you'll find out it works a lot better than expecting to be spoon fed the information. And it's not like it's hard to find either, people have been talking about that stuff since Vista came out in 2007 (that'd be like 5 years ago)

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  • 1 month later...

10 Advantages of Windows 7

1. A better desktop.

2. Smarter search

3. Easy sharing with HomeGroup

4. Built for speed

5. Better wireless networking

6. Windows Touch

7. Plays well with devices

8. Watch, listen, and stream

9. Internet Explorer 9 and Windows Live

10. Nag-free notifications

1. how better ? O_o

2. not really, needs long arse indexing

4. so was XP

6. very little home users uses it

7. XP does not ?

8. what the hell ?

9. not by default, not to mention far better alternatives to IE... its ridiculous to even call IE an advantage of OS ...

10. UAC is nag free ?

Edited by vinifera
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Please tells about Computer Configuration

10 Advantages of Windows 7

1. A better desktop.

2. Smarter search

3. Easy sharing with HomeGroup

4. Built for speed

5. Better wireless networking

6. Windows Touch

7. Plays well with devices

8. Watch, listen, and stream

9. Internet Explorer 9 and Windows Live

10. Nag-free notifications

As compared to what?

If it's Apple Works or a poke in the eye with a sharp stick then Windows 7 wins hands down.

If it's Windows XP then not so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My last post on this thread was rather flippant so while I’m sitting here waiting for Spybot to clean my Windows 7 computer (one hour and counting,) I thought I’d chronicle my attempts to make Windows 7 my main home office OS.

I previously tried to use 7 on my family home computer but I was unable to get the Microsoft game Halo working on this Microsoft OS.

The deal breaker for 7 in my home office is its inability to play all the video formats I need. I work in the entertainment industry and if I can’t play a clients video the client will inevitably find someone who can.

Windows 7 with Windows Media Player 12 or VLC 2.0 will play about 80% of the videos that come across my desk. Windows XP with WMP 11 or VLC plays all of them.

The XP machine I use is a Pentium 4 with integrated sound and graphics that I picked up on Craigslist for $10.00. Clearly not having the latest and greatest hardware is not the problem.

I’ve searched the internet looking for a solution and none of those I’ve found have fixed the problem. I did find a codec that lowered my CPU usage during playback using some very clever code. Unfortunately those same clever programmers managed to bypass my security defenses and sneak some hard to remove adware onto my computer. These codecs also cause Catalyst Control Center to crash intermittently so it’s a no go with these.

So until Microsoft or someone else comes up with a solution to this I’ll be doing my job with XP and use the OS with all the flashy thingys for internet surfing and playing mahjong (it does this well, I’ll give it that.)

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I previously tried to use 7 on my family home computer but I was unable to get the Microsoft game Halo working on this Microsoft OS.

I would hardly consider this a valid complaint against Windows 7. Halo was released in 2001 with an OS requirement of Windows 98 SE.

I recently purchased a DVD of The Wizard of Oz. The movie was released in 1939 and made to run on projectors of that era. If the motion picture industry can re release their classics in original form for modern tech, why can't the software industry?

Back to my main point. I received an email suggesting a hack that would allow me to install WMP 11 on Windows 7 but this doesn't make sense to me. VLC has the same problems in 7 as WMP 12 and to me this suggests the problem is with the OS not the players.

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who can tell me which one shoud i choose ? :rolleyes:

Well, with such a vague OP I'm not sure how I should answer your question. Though if you could care less about games, get Windows XP. It's stable and it still receives Windows updates, even now... it downloaded updates just the other day.

However if you would like the latest and greatest video cards and games you should get Windows 7. Though make sure you read about the different flavours of Windows 7 and avoid netbooks if you're a newbie as those are slow as anything and you might be disappointed if you dont understand their limitations.

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I previously tried to use 7 on my family home computer but I was unable to get the Microsoft game Halo working on this Microsoft OS.

I would hardly consider this a valid complaint against Windows 7. Halo was released in 2001 with an OS requirement of Windows 98 SE.

I recently purchased a DVD of The Wizard of Oz. The movie was released in 1939 and made to run on projectors of that era. If the motion picture industry can re release their classics in original form for modern tech, why can't the software industry?

Yes, but using this comparison is to say that you hate a DVD player because your old film reels won't work on it or vice-versa. I did see that Bungie had released a Vista version of Halo... did you get that?

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I previously tried to use 7 on my family home computer but I was unable to get the Microsoft game Halo working on this Microsoft OS.

It's a game that's over a decade old. Try with the latest updates and compatibility mode. There are people out there who have it working. It might take 5 minutes of Google-fu and a couple settings to get it running. It's mainly Halo's fault for not getting the necessary updates. You'll find that running 11 year old games under *any* OS (like a game from 1990 on XP) without dosbox or such tricks doesn't always work great.

The deal breaker for 7 in my home office is its inability to play all the video formats I need. I work in the entertainment industry and if I can’t play a clients video the client will inevitably find someone who can.

Windows 7 with Windows Media Player 12 or VLC 2.0 will play about 80% of the videos that come across my desk. Windows XP with WMP 11 or VLC plays all of them.

That just means you haven't installed some codecs on Win7, which is why WMP11 played stuff that WMP12 doesn't play now. VLC plays exactly the same stuff regardless of OS. So if you only install the codecs for some esoteric formats only on one of the two OS'es, of course the other won't play it.

Between a few codecs, MPC HC and VLC as a last resort (WMP is horrible for video), I've never encountered a single video I couldn't play on Win7. And I've played so much different stuff (MPEG4 ASP, H.264, MPEG2 and H.264 transportstreams, all kinds of avi/mkv/mp4 files, some old rm junk, etc). Find some video files that don't work, see what codecs they use, and install the necessary codecs to play that on Win7. If anything, WinXP has a far worse track record for playing video files (some awful codec packs, no built-in MPEG2 or H.264 decoder, etc). Or perhaps you *did* install one of those awful codec packs meant for XP, which will nicely screw up a perfectly fine Win7 install.

I don't see how any of it is Win7's fault.

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"Yes, but using this comparison is to say that you hate a DVD player because your old film reels won't work on it"

"I don't see how any of it is Win7's fault."

No hate and no blame on this end. I'm looking for solutions and right now I need XP and 7 to do what I have to do for my work.

And thanks for the suggestions. I'm determined to get 7 to do what I need.

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As far as a multi-media entertainment system I see no reason why Windows 7 should'nt be the winner. I have had no problems using 7 on my acer apire 5253-bz893. Dont be fooled by these newer computers at your local wal-mart or other stores, You want good performace just check and see how much graphics it has before you buy it. Mine has 256mb, I went to walmart in hopes of finding a laptop with better graphics and was very shocked to see what I found. Newer acer's there only had 128mb, and the newer dells only had 64mb. Other brands were set to not allow you to view the gpu properties too. Its very tricky to find a good deal, sometimes newer isnt better, sometimes Intel isnt as good as AMD.

People often overlook this, I have duel-core 1ghz each and im happy. I use this laptop everyday playing games like GTA San Adreas muti-player and the system runs great with good graphics. I play all my older games made for win98 and winXP without any problems. It takes a savey computer user to keep up on the system and defrag and keep it clean but it can be learned easy. HD youtube and video run nice too at 1080p, thats nice. Win7 has Directx 11 which makes games very nice to play. AMD is a great gpu and cpu company, I have no Intel in my pc and its great. I dont like Intel, I just never got good support in the past from them.

All in all, I was stuck for ten long years with XP and I grew to like it and hate. I tried the win98 msfn projects like revolutions which was very nice but i had other problems win98 was born with, like crashing for no reason even in SE.

Im very happy with 7 now, its fast as ever and I can have a nice look to it. I have 3gigs of ram and thats all i'll ever need. 32bit system is good too for speed. :)

Edited by mrsk565
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Oh and by the way, VLC chokes at 720p, it will start to freeze and studder. I learned this from trying it and reading on the web about it. Same video at 720p works perfect on windows media player because it takes advantage of cpu power better. I still use VLC for 480p though :) Also try Smplayer, its nice and is built on VLC code which both of these are built on the Mplayer code.

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