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  1. Would need to see the log files to be able to help. Details how to provide these are on the FAQ page, #14 - http://www.winsetupfromusb.com/faq/
  2. I'd say the drive is just faulty.
  3. Thanks Jaclaz, our friends from east keep bringing amazing solutions.
  4. FBInst code made by bean123 is much larger, requires ~8MB reserved space before the first partition and can't fit in the same sectors as standard or grub4dos MBR, so no option to simply put that code instead of a standard one. You can try replacing grub4dos with newer version which have USB drivers embedded, although as far as I recall this won't solve the issues with those weird BIOS-es which can't even find grldr. I kinda lost track if USB support was merged in the mainstream versions and how mature now it is. You may want to start from here: http://reboot.pro/topic/19883-improve-grub4dos-boot-speeds-by-using-the-046-usb-driver/
  5. You do not have to use it. Some other alternatives: http://www.winsetupfromusb.com/faq/#faq3 Consider this option as last resort. I guess you mean preparing the drivers hangs, not the actual Windows Setup, right? The DPMS script is from Chenall, the current main grub4dos developer, it was later modified by Steve, the author of RMPrepUSB. I wouldn't play with this script unless there is a trivial change needed. The script can be modified to pause every now and then, but this would be overwhelming for the average user, cannot be set as default behaviour. The information you provided, the driver names, is sufficient to troubleshoot the script. Just edit menu.lst or winsetup.lst using any text editor- Notepad++ etc. etc. Alternatively, there is advanced options button where you can set custom names for the source being added and its folder name on the USB disk. As above, you do not have to use the option for SCSI/SATA/RAID drivers. Thank you
  6. Grub4dos does not support EFI, thus under EFI only Windows versions supporting it are available.
  7. New version 1.5 was released. Updated to detect and support Windows 10 and Server 2012 and a few little bugs fixed when run on non-english locales.
  8. I think OP asked about the DPMS folder on the USB disk root, which folder contains DPMS.iso. You are talking abou the DPMS folder inside the ISO. I am aware of Cosmias, nice stuff! Currently I am reading as before, just not writing much, as spare time is very limited.
  9. Default files are used to auto move between the menus making default one the appropriate one. I.e. afer first part of XP setup is completed/booted, make the second one default boot menu, thus allowing unattended setup. Default file is for the main menu, windefault is for the NT5 (xp, 2000,2003) boot menu. I wouldn't play with those file unless you have a good reason to do so. DPMS.iso location can be changed, given that you ammend all file locations accordingly. @Jaclaz DPMS is Chennal's dpms.bat modified by Steve wrapped in an ISO file, only making use of driver pack mass storage, and I doubt their forum would be able to offer much help, unless it's a specific driver issue.
  10. Ohh, come on mate, you are an agent, should know stuff
  11. Sorry, but I am clueless for a better answer to the question "what does boot first internal disk option do", but "it boots the first internal disk".
  12. Bingo123, have you read carefully and tried the option? If yes, which part in the name is unclear or confusing? I am more than sure that figuring out what it does would not be a challenge for you, you just have to try.
  13. There are several tutorials: http://www.winsetupfromusb.com/tutorials/ As well as FAQ page: http://www.winsetupfromusb.com/faq/ Read FAQ 2 and 10.
  14. With both you can add way more sources. What made you think limit is 2? Are uou using latest versions?
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