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Posted (edited)

Thanks, wimb, but still cannot download. Below is the exact error I am getting

I'm sorry, please do not download from external link attachments in this forum.

I got the new grub4dos. I check that site once a week. Them new grldr rolling out faster these day's. :thumbup

Edited by laddanator
Posted (edited)

Thanks, wimb, but still cannot download. Below is the exact error I am getting

Then use R-mouse to copy the link from my post (your quote link is wrong and has ......)

and put as address (outside MSFN) in your browser .....

For me it is working, it is a direct download link.

Otherwise wait few days, next week I will add it to IMG_XP package ....


Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

make sure RUN is in BOOT/GRUB directory path.

boot from grub4dos. press C for command line, type RUN , enter

you will be in RUN mode.

it is a batch , right click it , and open with notepad2 or notepad ++

or you can use the following to set its path,.

my menu.lst sample for my NativePE.

debug off

checkrange 0x21 read 0x8280 && pxe keep

graphicsmode -1 640

terminal --font-spacing=0:3

color normal=31 highlight=0x75 helptext=0x1D heading=0x0A standard=0x0F border=0x00

splashimage /SRNP/GRUB/SNOW.GZ

set com=/SRNP/GRUB/

cat --length=0 %?_BOOT%%com%RUN && set root=%?_BOOT% ! cat --length=0 %@root%%com%RUN && set root=%@root% ! find --set-root %com%RUN

set com= && set root= && command --set-path=%root%%com%

default 03

title User Menu By Maanu \n


title [01] intoXicator's NativePE

map /SRNP/NATIVE.ISO (0xff)

map --hook

chainloader (0xff) || chainloader (0xff)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

title [02] Boot Into NT6x

command RUN /bootmgr

title [03] Boot Into NT5x

command RUN /ntldr

Edited by maanu
Posted (edited)

@ cdob

is it possible , that even though setupORG.exe is copied OK to system32 , and renamed to Setup.exe by your setup.cmd .

but still it is complaining ,at gui mode , " setupORG.exe not found "

i dont understand how it could happen. i booted from PE. and checked the system32 ,there is setup.exe there (as renamed by your batch during setup )

here is presetup.log

presetup log Sun 01/22/2012 2:46:38.28

search ISO file "C:\Inst\XP_RAM.ISO"

search ISO file "D:\Inst\XP_RAM.ISO"

search ISO file "E:\Inst\XP_RAM.ISO"

search ISO file "F:\Inst\XP_RAM.ISO"

search ISO file "G:\Inst\XP_RAM.ISO"

search ISO file "H:\Inst\XP_RAM.ISO"

found ISOfile H:\Inst\XP_RAM.ISO

mount ISOfile H:\Inst\XP_RAM.ISO

Volume in drive V is CRMEVOL_EN

Volume Serial Number is 9FC6-5DF7

Directory of V:\

10/29/2011 12:00 PM <DIR> $OEM$

10/29/2011 12:00 PM <DIR> I386

10/29/2011 12:00 PM 10 WIN51

10/29/2011 12:00 PM 10 WIN51IA

10/29/2011 12:00 PM 10 WIN51IA.SP2

3 File(s) 30 bytes

2 Dir(s) 0 bytes free

adjust $winnt$.inf: sourcepath = "\device\ImDisk0\"

rename $winnt$.inf

Volume in drive I has no label.

Volume Serial Number is ECED-2A0C

Directory of I:\WINDOWS\system32

09/05/2009 01:46 PM 6,144 setup.exe

01/24/2010 05:05 AM 28,672 setuporg.exe

2 File(s) 34,816 bytes

0 Dir(s) 50,152,587,264 bytes free

call presetup.cmd

end presetup.cmd

run setup CmdLine: setup -newsetup - Sun 01/22/2012 2:46:44.04

edit :

disregard above message , i was in "sleep" mode when selecting the WRONG setup.exe .

just saw the real setup.ex_ , after extracting ,in version , it says

Windows NT Setup Executable

which means , it is real deal. :thumbup

on a side note.

is it possible to add both setupORG.EXE ( XP and 2K3 ) in same FLOPPY IMAGE ?

like Having 2 folder

XP /setupORG.EXE 2k3/setupORG.EXE

this way , we can have one floppy image for both ISO's.


Edited by maanu
Posted (edited)

I been test installing XP ISO using the menu below with path tweaks and such

title Setup Windows XP from ISO : \nBoot once from USB
set myISO=/images/XP_PRO_HP_OEM.iso
#ilko_t http://www.msfn.org/...post__p__988093
find --set-root --devices=h %myISO%
map %myISO% (222)
map --mem /images/FIRADISK.IMG (fd0)
#map --mem /images/FIRADISK.IMG (fd1)
map --rehook
#chenall's ntboot
cat --locate=###### --number=1 (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error firadisk.img file error..
set offset=%?%
set fira.opt=cdrom,vmem=find:%myISO%;
write --offset=%offset% (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM value=Parameters,StartOptions,REG_SZ,"%fira.opt%"\r\n
cat --skip=%offset% --locate=/ --replace=\\ (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM
cat (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM
pause press a key
root (222)
chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

And yesterday I started getting this error


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

What I did was make two fresh HOME.ISO and TPC.ISO because I had altered my other Home and TPC so much trying to get this and that to work with firadisk (slipstream the friadisk drivers with nlite but was not needed so instead I made fresh ISO). I slipstream latest updates and DriverPacks as usually. Install both through VM no problem, then made sure neither were fragmented after copying to USB drive. The error in the pic is usually a bad burn or CD Drive. So after I got the error, I burned both ISO to separate DVD RW and both installed fine and no errors. I always use UltraISO to make my ISO. Not sure if the firadisk emulation is getting corrupt some how. I did finally get the HOME.ISO to install with just firadisk but not sure what I did to do so. The TPC.ISO is still giving me the error in the pic but will install fine any other way including cdobs, IMA v05


So today I am able to load my TPC.ISO with no errors using just firadisk. I really think all the testing and mapping stuff to memory causes this error. Maybe some left over stuff stored in memory and until the memory is cleared, you may hit random errors

Edited by laddanator
is it possible to add both setupORG.EXE ( XP and 2K3 ) in same FLOPPY IMAGE ?

It's prepared already. Txtsetup.oem contains already

se03_32 = "2003 setup files x86", \txtsetup.oem, \setup\I386_03\

dll = setup32, setuporg.exe

Add a 2003 setup.exe as \setup\I386_03\setupORG.exe

Examle: floppy image mounted in RAM as fd0 and fd1:

#patch txtsetup.oem, use 2003 setuporg.exe
cat --locate=setuporg.exe --number=1 (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error firadisk.img file error..
set /a offset=%?% - 9
write --offset=%offset% (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM se03_32
dd if=(fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM of=(fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM
cat (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM
pause press a key

Thank's for the RUN batch by Sratif, it's overwhelming. Grub4dos at max features.

Did you solve missing floppy drive at 2003 install? Did you edited the ISO file?

What about adding firadisk to ISO file? A floppy image is obsolete that way.

The TPC.ISO is still giving me the error in the pic but will install fine any other way including cdobs, IMA v05

So today I am able to load my TPC.ISO with no errors using just firadisk.

Missing asms indicates (virtual) CD drive is missing.

Could be a timing problem. USB drive has to be available first. Without a available USB drive, there is no ISO file. Firadisk can't find a ISO file.

Different hardware, different USB port, file location, BIOS may get timing difficulties.

IMA v05 used two drivers and automatic CriticalDeviceDatabase fix. The log file would be nice.

I'm about IMA v06 at firadisk only and automatic CriticalDeviceDatabase fix. However no special hardware to test.

Posted (edited)
Thank's for the RUN batch by Sratif, it's overwhelming. Grub4dos at max features.

Tried to open RUN batch with Notepad++ and noting is readable, that's why I was wondering if I downloaded the right thing or if the download was broken

I'm about IMA v06 at firadisk only and automatic CriticalDeviceDatabase fix. However no special hardware to test.

What do you need in order to test, may can help?

Could be a timing problem. USB drive has to be available first. Without a available USB drive, there is no ISO file. Firadisk can't find a ISO file.

Different hardware, different USB port, file location, BIOS may get timing difficulties.

Would you say using IMA V5 with firadisk is "safer" than just using firadisk?

What about adding firadisk to ISO file? A floppy image is obsolete that way.

Like this idea and have tried this but how would XP load from txtsetup.oem if it's not in a 'floppy"

Do you mean the actually ISO or creating a small ISO with firadisk stuff?

I slipstream the firadisk drivers into my XP source but could never get registry entry to find ISO on reboot to work.

Edited by laddanator
Tried to open RUN batch with
7-zip to expand the gzipped file. Grub4dos does read gz compressed files.
What do you need in order to test, may can help?
A strange USB BIOS. Certain Dell are famous.

Can you list used hardware?

Would you say using IMA V5 with firadisk is "safer" than just using firadisk?
False question. I've no idea about a "safer" approach. A additional code may cause a additional errors.

A plain approach may be "safer", but fail at some machines.

Plain firaddisk single USB boot will fail at half broken BIOS. These machines are seldom.

Or the other way round: plain firaddisk single USB boot works at almost all machines.

Posted (edited)
Can you list used hardware?

When I get to work tomorrow, I will post what Dell Machines we have

Plain firaddisk single USB boot will fail at half broken BIOS. These machines are seldom.

Or the other way round: plain firaddisk single USB boot works at almost all machines.

I do like the idea of using one drive and I kinda threw this together for testing to delete firadisk drivers at first login. Very simple but has worked so far

(echo. &echo XPSetup Log %date% %time% &echo.)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log

if not exist %WinDir%\system32\drivers\firadisk.sys goto Barn

;(echo. Firadisk Driver Found.)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log

;devcon remove *\firadisk
;IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo. Firadisk Driver Removed 1)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log

;del %WinDir%\system32\drivers\firadi*.sys
;IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo. Firadisk Driver Removed 2)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log

;REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Firadisk" /VA /f
;IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo. Firadisk Value "services" was Deleted)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log

;REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FiraDisk" /VA /f
;IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo. Firadisk Value "Control" was Deleted)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log

;RD /S /Q %WinDir%\OemDir
;(echo. OemDir Removed)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log

But I like the idea of not having to map a floppy but haven't figured a way around this? How to get XP to find the txtsetup.oem file is the issue

7-zip to expand the gzipped file. Grub4dos does read gz compressed files

Didn't realize this was a gz file...no file extension and by the way I notice the new 7zip doesn't do gz compression anymore

Edited by laddanator
But I like the idea of not having to map a floppy

There are different approaches.

Use nlite to integrarte firadisk.

Or use

Or use another approach:

Copy firadisk.sys and firadisk.inf to directory \I386\


firadisk.sys = 1,,,,,,,4,0,0
firadisk.inf = 1,,,,,,,20,0,0
;firadisk.inf edited: CopyFiles excluded:

firadisk = firadisk.sys

FiraDisk = "FiraDisk Virtual Disk",files.none,firadisk


Signature = "$Windows NT$"

;search ISO image


;search ISO image


title Setup Windows XP from ISO: \nfiradisk integrated in ISO image
set myISO=/images/winsetup.iso
#ilko_t http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/149675-install-xp-from-a-iso-file/page__view__findpost__p__988093
find --set-root --devices=h %myISO%
map %myISO% (222)
map --hook
root (222)
chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

This assumes a USB boot friendly BIOS.

At a strange BIOS feel free to include USB settings from Post #58

It's prepared already. Txtsetup.oem contains already
se03_32 = "2003 setup files x86", \txtsetup.oem, \setup\I386_03\

dll = setup32, setuporg.exe

Add a 2003 setup.exe as \setup\I386_03\setupORG.exe

Examle: floppy image mounted in RAM as fd0 and fd1:

#patch txtsetup.oem, use 2003 setuporg.exe
cat --locate=setuporg.exe --number=1 (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error firadisk.img file error..
set /a offset=%?% - 9
write --offset=%offset% (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM se03_32
dd if=(fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM of=(fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM
cat (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM
pause press a key

means i will simply add a folder i386_03 in IMA file beside I386 folder, and txtsetup will look in I386_03 folder ? i suppose there is no way to do this without using your above TSTSETUP Patch ?

because now i use your IMA file with RUN . and this way , i am afraid i will have to use another IMA file for 2003 ISO.

Did you solve missing floppy drive at 2003 install? Did you edited the ISO file?

What about adding firadisk to ISO file? A floppy image is obsolete that way.

i used following entry , and firadisk copy error gone.

map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)

map --mem /Inst/XP_INST.IMA (fd1)

map --mem (md)0x6000+800 (fd0)

map /Inst/XP_RAM.ISO (222)

map --hook

dd if=(fd1) of=(fd0) count=1

write (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/Inst/XP_RAM.ISO ;\n\0

rootnoverify (222)

chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

i prefer NOT to edit the iso. and everything from IMA menu.lst as you prefer i suppose.

by the way , copy error also not appear with RUN file. my usage of RUN ,with your default ISO path./

title RUN of SRATIF with CDOB IMA

set usrpath=/INST/

command /INST/RUN --fira:XP_INST.IMA iso=XP_RAM.ISO

if i want to change iso path , i should only edit the isoimage.ini file ?

i strongly recommend to use RUN in your next IMA.

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