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Posted (edited)

WinNTSetup 5.1.12 is not working with the latest Windows 11 build 22543.1000 (x64)

Iso image generated on uup dump site.

Installing windows into vhd just as with previous builds, no tweaks used/not unattended.

On boot gives error 0xc0000225, cannot boot.

Screenshot 2022-01-28 093354.jpg


Edited by sharicov@gmail.com
Adding screenshots


Did you changed something with bootice?
I mean in explorer there is lower case file extension .vhd and inside bootice there is uppercase .VHD.

Bootice has some bugs with BCD editing, which could cause exactly this problem.
Does "bcdedit -enum" resolves device and osdevice correctly?

Posted (edited)

Thanks for quick response, JFX.

You was completely right, issue was capital .VHD, once changed it to .vhd it started booting, which is really strange since my current boot vhd is written in capital and it's working:


Answering your previous questions, I just added vhd boot entry in bootice, no modifications.

Strange thing, WinNTSetup doesn't add new boot items automatically any more even if I chose "Find and add Windows version already installed" (screenshot attached).image.png.74797fa72d8b786d9c539cc319a3915e.png

"bcdedit -enum" output attached:


Edited by sharicov@gmail.com

The "Find and add Windows version already installed" option will scan all partition for Windows installations.
It does ignore not currently mounted VHD files.

However the "BCD: UEFI combo box" should create a boot entry for the currently for installation selected windows.
There is a WinNTSetup.log create inside the \Windows folder for the new installation.
It should have logged the BCDBoot.exe command used to create the boot entry.

For the "Unattended option" there is sadly no known way to validate it before setup.
The file you select is copied to \Windows\Panther\unattend.xml.
There should be a \Windows\Panther\Unattend*\setuperr.log if this error has occurred.
It should give a hint whats wrong with your unattend.xml.


a rescan disk button would be nice. i use diskpart script before winntsetup, if i fire up winntsetup too fast, efi part isn't displayed in combo box. i need to restart winntsetup. 


Hey ya'll. I've noticed quit a few posts about installing on vhd and noticed several responses regarding boot partitions and what not. I just wanted to clear something up...

It is ABSOLUTELY possible to install Windows 10 or Windows 11 on to a single partition. I have done it successfully on both a physical hard drive and on to a VHD. Doing it on a VHD is especially nice because I find it's easier to backup and also I've found it less likely to have issues with booting, either from EFI or from BIOS.

So the method I prefer is to use an MBR partition table because from my experiences with this, it's more universal and seems to have a more durable boot.

In order to do this though you need to know how to use GParted(I prefer the live ISO), you also need a WinPE to boot in to after, a Windows ISO of your choice and this beautiful program WinNTSetup (you're amazing by the way).

In GParted, select your device then create a new MSDOS partition table.

Once that completes, create a single partition spanning the entire drive. Select "NTFS" for the filesystem. Then click the apply button on the toolbar.

Once it finishes creating the partition, right click the partition and select "Manage Flags". Select "Boot" and "ESP". Then click okay. It should apply it immediately.

Then reboot in to your WinPE of choice. From there open BootICE from the WinNTSetup folder (WinNTSetup>Tools>x64>BootICE) in the first tab, select your drive, then "Process MBR" and install WinNT 6. Then Process PBR and install BootMGR.

After that open WinNTSetup and customized it however you want. Before you install, put the .reg file I have attached in to any folder by itself, then open the tweaks area in WinNTSetup and at the bottom click the search button and open the folder where the .reg file is located.

This Reg File makes it so when you first boot in to windows it goes directly to cmd.exe and not oobe.
Disables Cursor Suppression

Enables Verbose Status Messages on Login

And Disables Windows 11 requirement checks.

Then install windows with WinNTSetup

Once it finishes, reboot in to your new windows installation. It will go directly to a blank screen with just cmd.exe

Enter these commands exactly:


##This will begin the rest of the windows installation##


##At the bottom of the screen wait until it says "Getting Ready" then enter these commands##

net user /add USERNAME

net localgroup /add users USERNAME

net localgroup /add administrators USERNAME


Once RegEdit opens, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup"

Change the following values:

"OOBEInProgress" = 0

"SetupType" = 0

"SystemSetupInProgress" = 0

Then close Regedit and CMD.exe.

It often reboots here and reboots you directly in to the final part of the windows installation. If you timed it right then it will skip all the setup except the last part and if you didn't then you'll have to create a new local account (the account you created in cmd is there so you'll have to create a temp account to log in to and then sign in to your other account after you finish the setup) and that's it. Now you have a fully functional windows installation on one single partition. No fuss, no muss. Updates work and microsoft is none the wiser. I use variations of this method for VHDs or Portable USB installs as well. They all work perfectly and I have not had any issues for over a year now using this method. On both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

I cannot take credit for this method.

This method is just a variation of installing windows that I learned from here:

I apologize if this isn't helpful or if I am doing something I'm not supposed to do. I just wanted to pass this info along because it has helped me so much (along with WinNTSetup). I probably won't be able to respond very often to this post but if you have questions, feel free to ask me. I'm not the best writer or very good at tutorials so I apologize if any of what I said was confusing or not useful. I did my best and I hope it helps someone, somehow. Thank you for your amazing program. Good hunting out there ya'll.





Suck It Microsoft.reg


Yep, only for the record this can work (on UEFI and NTFS) only because Rufus' Author Pete Batard includes a UEFI NTFS driver (that also WOEUSB uses optionally), as most UEFI impèlementations miss a way to access the NTFS partition/volume (the actual UEFI specs cover only FAT/FAT32).


  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v5.2

WinNTSetup 5.2.0

- fixed capture-cli did not reset console title
- fixed console tools stdout could not be redirected
- fixed disk name could show trailing spaces
- fixed %errorlevel% not set in some cases
- fixed apply error and silent command line option did not exist WinNTSetup
- fixed free drive letter scan with buggy VMware mountpoints
- changed local windows listview uses VHD/VHDX icon
- changed WimBoot or CompactOS apply now uses wimlib as default
- changed Win7-11-Select.xml will be igored if not all fields are filled
- added SecureBoot detection on Windows 7 Host
- added MinWin Mode (click on Mode)
- added ini option DriveComboExclude simular to BootMountExclude
- improved add other OS function

Posted (edited)

When I run the x64 version of WinNTSetup, the GUI size is much larger than the GUI when running the x86 version. Is there any way to reduce the GUI size to match the one from the x86 version?

It may have something to do with the fact that  I'm using 120% dpi in my system settings. The x86 version leaves room at the top and bottom of the screen, but the x64 doesn't and even pops under the taskbar somewhat at the bottom.

Edited by click-click

GUI size was increased after the last x86 version.
But you can manipulate the internal scaling factor by WinNTSetup.ini.



2 hours ago, JFX said:

GUI size was increased after the last x86 version.
But you can manipulate the internal scaling factor by WinNTSetup.ini.



That doesn't seem to apply to the entire GUI. 




Does not happens here. Despite the 120% DPI scale, have you done something with the default system fonts?

Posted (edited)

Yes, I'm using Segoe UI Semibold in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics] It's a bit darker and easier to see. Not sure if it's 9 or 10pt, but it can be adjusted by the 1st byte in the *font entries. This was easily adjustable via GUI settings in W7 and W8, but no longer.


Edited by click-click

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