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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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Thanks JFX, I really appreciate your help. This is a strange case, I never had this problem before (a driver that installs fine when done manually, but not automatically through WinNTSetup). I will try your suggestion ASAP and investigate further...

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just discover "Compact:Xpress4k" mode , and it works great on win10 and win7 wofadk.sys auto integration , nice work !

now my n00b questions :
is it all files applied from wim are xpress4k'd ? or just "windows files" ? or certains files ?
can we compact:express4k after apply wim ? offline or online ?
it's seems different than "compact /compactos:always" isn't it ?

thanks in advance for tips !

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All files from the WIM file are applied using the compact mode you choose.
Expect the files that are need at early boot state.

New files will not be compressed and files open with write access
will be instantly decompressed by the WOF driver. 

Only Windows 10 version of compact.exe has the "/compactos:always" option

it will start compression the OS and properly using maintenance task to compress
new files once in a while.

I consider adding a "Recompress Compact OS" option.

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On 04/05/2016 at 1:45 PM, JFX said:

All files from the WIM file are applied using the compact mode you choose.
Expect the files that are need at early boot state.

New files will not be compressed and files open with write access
will be instantly decompressed by the WOF driver.

Thanks for info.

I tried use "-DisableVHDChecks" argument but can't apply custom wim based on win7 pro or home, but it's a VHD for VirtualPC to test "compact mode" , I don't want to boot from vhd ... is there an option ? or error by me ?

Thanks again in advance.

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Hi all. This is my first post on this forum. @ Jfs, can you add function to run NVDA screen reader for blind people on oobe screen. If you can doo that, Windows setup will be full accesible for blind users with out sited assistance. Also, some parts of software are little unaccesible but will usable. For example progress with time remaining will be verry usable. Thanks again.

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Firts of all, say that this is my first post in this forum. Congratulations for the project. It's cool. 

I only want to know if you your software will have Windows Vista support, it's a bit strange that it couldn't work (I know Vista works a bit different), I don't know much about WinPE/WTG

Other question, Is there a a way to install Windows Xp onto USB? I know is a very frequent question but in my language is difficult to see the difference between 'from' and 'onto', and in this topics changels a lot their meaning ^^. 

Thanks for all

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"Flashed", WinNTSetup supports Vista, I have done some testing on that last year (I'll try to find the exact post later).

You just need to install it once in the standard way (create a usb, do a normal setup, sysprep, capture), then after that this .wim can be installed with WinNTSetup (without the system partition being "D:" instead of "C:")

EDIT: Read the posts from 18 December 2014 onward in this topic.

The next part of your question is not very clear, I'm afraid. You say that "from" and "onto" is not clear in your language. So please try to rephrase what you mean:

Install XP **from** USB with WinNTSetup? YES, that's possible, I use it all the time... You can use a POS update pack to create a fully updated XP iso.

Install XP **onto** USB? I would use a "live" XP for that, maybe try "Gena" from TheOven (google it).

Edited by Atari800XL
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5 hours ago, Atari800XL said:


Install XP **onto** USB? I would use a "live" XP for that, maybe try "Gena" from TheOven (google it).

But then you will get a PE 1.x AND NOT an XP.


It is perfectly possible to create a "full" install of XP on a USB stick, there are several methods available.

The "historical" method is here:

A working, tested, and almost fully automated method (that eliminates quite a few issues with hardware support) is here:





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Thanks for all guys! I have to say that I have tried Windows Vista but doesn't work for me. After finishing the installation with WinNTSetup, then it breaks when i try to boot via USB. The blue screen of death appears some seconds after start booting SysPrep... but maybe is the ISO, I'll test an original DVD I have and I'll reply

I didn't know anything about Windows XP onto USB, in this topic the spanish community is very small so it's very difficult to find tutorials and tools like this in the spanish community. Will test shortly

Thanks for all!

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1 hour ago, Flashed said:

Thanks for all guys! I have to say that I have tried Windows Vista but doesn't work for me. After finishing the installation with WinNTSetup, then it breaks when i try to boot via USB. The blue screen of death appears some seconds after start booting SysPrep... but maybe is the ISO, I'll test an original DVD I have and I'll reply

I didn't know anything about Windows XP onto USB, in this topic the spanish community is very small so it's very difficult to find tutorials and tools like this in the spanish community. Will test shortly

Thanks for all!

The Vista issue might be an old one, related to (besides a few registry entries, similar to the XP ones) the missing of usbstor.sys among drivers until a USB device is connected to the USB booted system.

This is one of the links in Dietmar's signature on the given thread on 911cd (you cannot see signature unless you are logged in, I believe):


and here is another one (for FAT32 install of Vista on USB):


Should anyone wonder, installing 7 on FAT32 is not possible, a workaround reducing the contents of the WinSXS folder is needed, JFYI:




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