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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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I keep forgetting what some ini values do such as BCD= MERGE IDE=, DriversMode=, DriversWinRE= etc.. Is there one place where the less obvious entries are explained?

I see there is a Help for the [Options] section. A lot of the items in the other sections are self-explanatory, but not all and I tend to forget those. :unsure:





Thanks ...


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Yes, NoPageFile has effect on VHD, too. Windows does not like to put the pagefile.sys inside a VHD so it would just use another drive.

As for the ini file simply use WinNTSetup to set the options.
Everything you can't set in the GUI is explained inside WinNTSetup.ini.txt.

Edited by JFX
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Some issues abbout GUI

Type error in translation

User string space is not enogh.

Move field about user/password on the right and icnrease space for text string

"Group" string aligned on center on drop down list

Screenshot about explanation and changes after.

WinNTSetup - 01.jpg

WinNTSetup - 02.jpg

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Where does "drive letter preassignment" for Vista/7/2008 take the letters from? The current system? Currently I have boot drive C with NT5 on it, and B as the potential installation drive for NT6. I would like for the new system to see them swapped for better compatibility (the system should be C, and the boot should be B). I expect the boot code to reside on current C, and retain the ability to boot into NT5. Can I achieve this with WinNTSetup?

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"drive letter preassignment" does nothing if you only have 2 drives and want both to be changed.
If you select C: as boot and B: as installation drive than:

- you will be able to multi boot both
- your NT6 system will be see it self as C:

but your NT5 partition will properly get a D: as drive letter

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Strange Isuue in GUI

Seems that not all strings in WinNTSetup GUI are included in language file.
Some menu options seems get automatically by Windows OS syem in native language.

Please check screenshot.
My system is Windows 10 64bit Italian.

I rename 1040.dll as 1040.dll.old and started WinNTSetup.

The menu are all in English except some strings that remain in Italian.
The Italian language is not available and seems that WInNTSetup get these strings from Windows OS.

Could you please include these strings in language file?


WINNT Setup GUI.jpg

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1 hour ago, bovirus said:

Could you please include these strings in language file?

Nope, that's a feature! Besides the last 6 are directly coming from windows.

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I'm having a problem booting Win7 from a vhd on a USB Flash Drive. The OS boots, but it stops after doing some initial processing with the msg:

Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed.

I used WiNTSetup to format the flash and to create the vhd. I don't understand what the problem is.
See attached ini and log for more info.

If I install Win7 on a vhd using a HDD test partition with WinNtsetup, booting and install work fine.
Thanks for any tips or suggestions.

Edit: I restored a Windows7.vhd that I had which boots from the same flash (only replaced the problem vhd) and that works without problems, so it looks like something in the wim integration. There are differences in the old and new WinNTSetup logs

W7_WinNTSetup.ini WinNTSetup.log


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I installed the system ok. The original C: drive didn't get a letter, but luckily the registry still uses the familiar format of DosDevices, so I could add it.

For some reason, the BCD boot data wasn't created: it gave a cryptic error that I failed to print-screen. I also found that a boot.ini from an entirely different disk got copied to the boot drive. The BCD command-line utilities that I installed were from Windows 7. The "ADK" that gets downloaded automatically has utilities incompatible with WinXP. If I already have new Windows running that can run the new "ADK", I'd be less likely to need to setup another copy of new Windows. The requirements of a tool like this should be minimal.

I understand you want to dance around licenses with the ADK download...

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On 7/10/2021 at 4:27 AM, j7n said:

The "ADK" that gets downloaded automatically has utilities incompatible with WinXP. If I already have new Windows running that can run the new "ADK", I'd be less likely to need to setup another copy of new Windows. The requirements of a tool like this should be minimal.

There is a folder XP-Users should look at: _DeltaPatchWinXP.


@click-click This is common error, try a different PC.
Or place vhd on locale disk, finish setup and than copy VHD to USB.

BTW: the partition alignment of your device is unknown to WinNTSetup, what's the starting sector of the partition?

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