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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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I am having an issue when using wimgapi for Apply in WimBoot mode using WIM files Captured with wimlib or wimgapi.
The problem is that 5 non-Microsoft drivers get an exclamation mark that can be easily removed by Update of the drivers (already present in the installation).
When using wimlib for Apply in WimBoot mode of the same WIM files Captured with wimlib or wimgapi then all drivers are installed correctly.

In all cases I am using VHD + WimBoot mode.
The wimgapi Apply problem does not occur when WimBoot mode is not used (mode unchecked).
The wimgapi for Apply in WimBoot mode non-Microsoft driver problem occurs for both architectures x86 and x64



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Properly a difference in how the exclusion list is applied.
For wimlib a can update (only in memory) the internal WimBootCompress.ini and wimlib takes care of everything.
For wimgapi I have to do post progressing using my own code.

Can you provide file list for both, right after applying?

compact /s X:\*.* > compression.txt


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The shared file compression.zip contains:

All operations were carried out after booting with WIN10XPE from RAMDISK
First wimgapi was used to Apply the wimlib Captured file W10x64_1905.wim to VHD mounted as drive D: followed by

compact /s D:\*.* > C:\WimBoot\wimgapi_compression.txt

After formatting drive D: then wimlib was used to Apply same wimlib Captured file W10x64_1905.wim to VHD mounted as drive D: followed by

compact /s D:\*.* > C:\WimBoot\wimlib_compression.txt


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Hmm, only difference are backups and diff patches of ntoskrnl.exe. :ph34r:
These should be now excluded, too.
Also for wimlib it now sets HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup, WimBoot or Compact to 1.

Can't imagine that this is the cause, but if now both works or both fail we know.

BTW: I assume this is not a problem with Beta version, but also the latest Final? 

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Thanks for 4.0 Beta 7 version including BOOTICE and wimlib :D

wimgapi Apply in WIMBOOT Mode of same WIM file as used before is giving the same problem as before.
The 5 non-Microsoft drivers appear with exclamation mark and don't work ....

The wimgapi Apply in WIMBOOT Mode has progress jumping from 26 % quickly to 100 %
This was observed also in the previous version, but I thought it might be important to mention it here ....

For wimlib Apply in WIMBOOT Mode then all drivers are working OK (no changes needed).

Version 3.9.4 wimgapi Apply WimBoot Mode gives the same driver problem: 5 non-Microsoft drivers don't work.

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21 hours ago, JFX said:

Properly a difference in how the exclusion list is applied.

I think it is how the [PrepopulateList] is applied in wimgapi WimBoot mode as compared to wimlib WimBoot mode.

The [ExclusionList] determines the wimlib Capture, which is used for both Apply cases .... so that cannot be the source of the problem.

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I don't think your problems has anything to do with wimboot at all.
There are no differences for compress or uncompressed files, so the problem must be something else.
Also latest Windows 10 version does not really need any excluded file.

Better focus on \Windows\Inf\setupapi.dev.log for information about driver install. 

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3 hours ago, JFX said:

I don't think your problems has anything to do with wimboot at all.
There are no differences for compress or uncompressed files, so the problem must be something else.
Also latest Windows 10 version does not really need any excluded file.

Better focus on \Windows\Inf\setupapi.dev.log for information about driver install. 

The problem only occurs when wimgapi is used for Apply in WimBoot mode.
In that case some non-Microsoft drivers get an exclamation mark, whereas they were properly installed in the captured installation.

So it means that when the WimBoot mode is unchecked then wimgapi Apply also properly installs the drivers.
It is completely dependent on using WimBoot :yes:
I think it is a general problem, since I observed similar behaviour on other hardware and other architecture.

Apply wimgapi + WimBoot mode makes that some non-Microsoft drivers fail to work (have exclamation) mark

May be something with files present as pointers instead of as real files ...

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in "Setup" dialog, these options sould be greyed when "Do not update the boot code" , isn't it ?

  • Button [ ALL/BIOS/UEFI ]
  • Find and add Windows version already installed on this PC
  • Use classic "legacy" boot menu 
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"Use classic legacy boot menu" can't be done if "Do not update the boot code" selected , isn't it ?
( because it's  "bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy" , no ? )
... sorry for my english ...

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"Do not update the boot code" is for bootsect.exe, what you mean is the combobox next to it (in case on NONE selected).
Than it would not create a BCD store or add a new entry to it.

But you can have one already - for example in multi boot environment or just rolling back a captured WIM.
In some cases you may still want to select some of these checkboxes.

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5 hours ago, wimb said:

The problem only occurs when wimgapi is used for Apply in WimBoot mode.
In that case some non-Microsoft drivers get an exclamation mark, whereas they were properly installed in the captured installation.

So it means that when the WimBoot mode is unchecked then wimgapi Apply also properly installs the drivers.
It is completely dependent on using WimBoot :yes:
I think it is a general problem, since I observed similar behaviour on other hardware and other architecture.

Apply wimgapi + WimBoot mode makes that some non-Microsoft drivers fail to work (have exclamation) mark

May be something with files present as pointers instead of as real files ...

To have all drivers available (not as pointers) and avoid troubles when using wimboot mode it is good to add this line \Windows\System32\drivers\*.sys under [PrepopulateList] to your custom WimBootCompress.ini used for capture. (I'm assuming this was done)

When you capture an install in wimboot mode using wimlib and use a custom WimBootCompress.ini, the internal Windows\System32\WimBootCompress.ini file is replaced by the custom file used during capture, then latter it is used during applying it in Wimboot mode. wimlib works fine doing so from wimb reports and in my own experience.

It seems to me for some reason when using on WinNTSetup wimgapi + WimBoot this is not following this procedure and it is using maybe the file list on WinNTSetup\Tools\WimBootCompress.ini, then as a result having pointers to the required drivers in this case, or perhaps wimgapi do not use the WimBootCompress.ini file anymore (based on JFX comment).

6 hours ago, JFX said:

Also latest Windows 10 version does not really need any excluded file.

Easy way to verify if there is real extracted files or pointers is open your unmounted VHD with 7zip, go to check some of required driver files and see its compressed size, where 0 = Pointer file to source *.wim, >0 = Real extracted file.

Also check size for some of files listed on WinNTSetup\Tools\WimBootCompress.ini and then you will have enought info to know if your custom list, internal list of WinNTSetup or none are used durig applying the wimboot install.

Sorry I can't help any further but I haven't deal with this problem since when making Wimboot VHDs I always prefer to use wimlib for capture and apply them.


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13 hours ago, alacran said:

Sorry I can't help any further but I haven't deal with this problem since when making Wimboot VHDs I always prefer to use wimlib for capture and apply them.

Thanks for your help.
I will use 7-zip to investigate the vhd file to see whether the non working driver files are excluded for wof compression.
Otherwise the best advice is to use wimlib for Apply in WimBoot mode, since then all drivers are working OK

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