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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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Just now, I was installing w8.1 32bit on an older PC, and noticed the "This processor does not support w8.1 64bit" warning (in the WinNTSetup v3 "Ready?" screen)..

At first, my reaction was that this warning should be removed (as it doesn't concern the 32bit install), but after a bit of thinking I guess it's actually a good warning, something like "You're about to install the 32bit version, and that's just as well, because this old piece of crap PC doesn't support 64bit anyways".

So please leave the warning in :whistle:

(looking forward to 3.0.20131101!)

Or, better, "Congratulations, you are going to install a good, slim 32 bit operating system and you are smart enough to having been not convinced by all the fluff about the 64 bit OS, which is in most cases the exact same thing as a 32 bit one, only bigger, needing more RAM and prone to issues with 32 bit tools (which is what you will actually run on it 95% of the time)".


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OK jaclaz, thanks for that. I use 32bit mostly, it's just when some pesky "outsiders" come in with their new PC's and laptops, that I need to worry about 64bit stuff. It's mostly laptops lately, for those I also needed a 64bit win8PESE usb, what with Secure boot, uefi etc. On other peoples' systems, I can't fool around too much, so I need those tools in 64bit. So to have some experience I need to have some 64bit test stuff around for myself as well...

But once again, to be clear on the subject: I don't mind 32bit at all, this was just about the WinNTSetup v3 warning "Your processor is not 8.1 64bit ready". To my taste, this warning can be shown when setting up either version...

(besides, look at my username, if it was up to me, we would still be using 8bit Atari's)

Edited by Atari800XL
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OK jaclaz, thanks for that.


(besides, look at my username, if it was up to me, we would still be using 8bit Atari's)

Sure :), the suggested idea was only that informational, error or warning messages should be "objective" and "impersonal" and not express opinions (which may well be diverging).


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Thanks, I forgot to mention there were some formation changes.

I'll leaved as it is, even if it's not entirly correct.
I don't think there are so many people that use Win8 on that old hardware.

I just will add something to the main GUI, maybe an stop icon, that shows depending on the selected wim.

It's OK that you have a queer opinion about x64 OS,
but please refrain form your convert mission here.

Edited by JFX
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A few days ago I was going to mention that there was a "new" (unwanted) 8.1 install animation on one of my tests, even though I had the WinNTSetup option "win8noanimation" set.

Then on another test there was no animation after all. I was a bit confused, so I removed that message.

Now I think it might be like this:

- On a 8.1 wim that has the latest updates "injected" with DISM (offline), there is a new animation (because the injected updates are "pending" updates, and are executed at install time, and the new animation is presented).

- On a 8.1 wim that has the updates applied in Audit mode, the animation does not occur. Actually, applying updates in audit mode is no longer possible in 8.1, you need to update in user mode, then enter audit mode, then generalize/shutdown etc, then capture the new .wim. (The best way I found is to use autounattend.xml to create a user with admin rights, and set autologin for that user).

These are my findings so far, I would be interested to know if any of the experts can confirm or deny this.

WinNTSetup related: I guess there's no way for WinNTSetup to prevent the animation I mentioned. It's not very important either, because it can be prevented if you use "the other" method.

[EDIT: Upon more testing with 8.1ProWMC-with a free MS key from 11/2012-, I'm not so sure anymore. Looks like there's some kind of new animation, no matter which method you use. As you might have guessed, I hate this animation, it looks so childish, reminds me of the Atari800XL "attract" screen].

Edited by Atari800XL
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Hmm, updates in pending state are evil and not supported by WinNTSetup.

But maybe this won't create any problem with windows 8.x.

Well, so far I can not say about how to prevent it, as I don't see here any animation :huh:

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JFX, just to wrap this up: I saw the extra animation on some test .wim I made, maybe the one that had the "pending updates" inside (injected with DISM). However, I don't use that system anymore, I'm back to updating a "live" system, then capturing that. In the last case, I haven't seen the animation anymore, so just forget about it. We wouldn't want to hold back WinNTSetup 3.0 RTM!!

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I Test - tweaks, not save!

Tweaks Settings are saved by using Ctrl + S :)

- In version 3 then I cannot use USB-Stick as Boot Drive whereas that was possible in version 2.3.6

Using USB-Stick as Boot drive is desired in case of Install in VHD located on internal harddisk

and you don't want to make changes on internal harddisk Boot drive.

- When Boot Drive Setting is empty then Setup will give the wrong message - Error Not enough free space

whereas a better error message would be - First Select your Boot Drive.

- Boot and System Drive does not always have Drive Label in drive details description

- On my Win8x64 computer with GPT disk and Hidden EFI partition,

then latest version gives the Hidden EFI partition as Boot Drive Z:

which is may be nice magic since Drive Z: is not displayed in Windows Explorer.

However, it is NOT good that System Drive is preset also as Z: :ph34r:

I don't know what will happen if you try to Install or to Format with the given Settings.

It will be better when the System Drive is NOT preset so that user is forced to make a Selection

or that System Drive is preset with a real Drive of Internal harddisk

- In Win 8 OS then WinNTSetup3 will not download the ADK Tools,

whereas it would be appreciated when the ADK Tools are always downloaded

since these Tools are quite useful :)


Edited by wimb
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I Test - tweaks, not save!

Tweaks Settings are saved by using Ctrl + S :)

- In version 3 then I cannot use USB-Stick as Boot Drive whereas that was possible in version 2.3.6

Using USB-Stick as Boot drive is desired in case of Install in VHD located on internal harddisk

and you don't want to make changes on internal harddisk Boot drive.

- When Boot Drive Setting is empty then Setup will give the wrong message - Error Not enough free space

whereas a better error message would be - First Select your Boot Drive.

- Boot Drive does not always has Drive Label in drive details description

- On my Win8x64 computer with GPT disk and Hidden EFI partition,

then latest version gives the Hidden EFI partition as Boot Drive Z:

which is may be nice magic since Drive Z: is not displayed in Windows Explorer.

However, it is NOT good that System Drive is preset also as Z: :ph34r:

I don't know what will happen if you try to Install or to Format with the given Settings.

It will be better when the System Drive is NOT preset so that user is forced to make a Selection

or that System Drive is preset with a real Drive of Internal harddisk




Thank you!!!!

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