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FDV fileset for XP

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Thanks for the comments Chefken

BSOD on installing Avira Personal 9.

Can you run filemon and regmon logs when trying an install? I don't have a live system to test on yet, just VM. I am assuming your system installs AVira 9 personal just fine on an unmodified XP. I made the path change btw. There is one entry in HIVESFT for running defrag on the C drive that I don't know how to change. (Search for "defragpath")

- Is it Possible to delete entries in registry from services which have been removed?

This is something that so far has baffled me. Some services install externally from the HIVE files and it's a real bit*ch finding them. Like RSOP... it had it's own INF and get this, it installs just like a driver. Talk about maddening. I found it by accident. I have service shutoffs in AXANT and for a while I thought that setting a reg key, even to off, would "resurrect" a service that should not show up, but that's not it either. Although I continue to look into this I have freaking scoured the files looking for some of these and some are quite elusive.

The Avira thing puzzles the heck out of me as to why it works in VM. I use AVG personally and plan to deploy it so I will stay on top of this. Maybe I'll test tonight by installing and trying the free Avira and seeing what's what. A BSOD would... I'm thinkig out loud here... would probably signal a missing file driver, like a SYS file. If it were a DLL it would just error out I believe.

Can you run filemon and regmon logs when trying an install?

I tried regmon and filemon on installing AntiVir. But when BSOD, PC restarts and results file- and regmon are lost.

Is there some logfile I have to check?...(never used reg- and filemon).

As soon as PC is rebooted and I run filemon, most errors are csrss.exe:388 related.. complaining about missing 'microsoft.windows.common-controls'.

AntiVir somewhere lists missing 'fxsst.dll'.

When I reinstall AntiVir and pick option repair, installation succeeds!

Now AntiVir is complaining (eventvwr and events in antivir) about missing 'avesvc.dll'.

I searched for the file in a working XP box, but I can't find it anywhere.

I made a new SOURCESS folder with INTL file removed and my tweaks in winnt.sif disabled, but problem still occurs.


- Tried to install ProcMon, but not working either.

- 'PrevX' (thus 'HitmanPro') state that 'Winsock2\parameters\protocol_catalog9' has been altered. Same with 2000 fileset. Can I ignore this message?

grt. Chefken.

most errors are csrss.exe:388 related.. complaining about missing 'microsoft.windows.common-controls'.

Common error, unrelated

AntiVir somewhere lists missing 'fxsst.dll'.

Okay, this is a start. I have a file called OFF2007.INF for program compatibility. Maybe adding it there will work. I will see. Strange that it works in a VM.

missing 'avesvc.dll'. I searched for the file in a working XP box, but I can't find it anywhere.

Not an XP file, it's an Antivir file

I made a new SOURCESS folder with INTL file removed and my tweaks in winnt.sif disabled, but problem still occurs.

No I mean delete it from MY fdvfiles folder prior to running HFSLIP to INCLUDE languages ;) Sorry about the confusion on that!

Will check out Procmon later


Not an XP file, it's an Antivir file

I know it's an AntiVir file, but on my other XP-box which is running AntiVir without problems, there is no 'avesvc.dll'.

No I mean delete it from MY fdvfiles folder prior to running HFSLIP to INCLUDE languages ;) Sorry about the confusion on that!

There was no confusion, I did it the way you prescribe.

Don't spend too much time on this, cause as I mentioned, I got Avira running after repair install.

There's only one drawback...

The moment AntiVir crashes, normally the program shows a dialog where one can choose the StartUp type.

I always select the Secure start (Early Load).

I can't find this option in the Config settings afterwards...


Ambassador, your request has been implemented: userpasswords gone, userpa sswords2 now in place.

What file in this fileset controls its removal?

Ambassador, your request has been implemented: userpasswords gone, userpa sswords2 now in place.

What file in this fileset controls its removal?

open TXTSETUP and uncomment

nusrmgr.cpl = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

mshta.exe dependent, so you must have that installed too

Posted (edited)
Ambassador, your request has been implemented: userpasswords gone, userpa sswords2 now in place.

What file in this fileset controls its removal?

open TXTSETUP and uncomment

nusrmgr.cpl = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

mshta.exe dependent, so you must have that installed too

I wasn't going to uncomment it. I just wanted to know so I could remove the HTML Users applet from another computer on which I can't put a fileset installation. ;)

Edited by Ambassador
Posted (edited)


If anyone has additional ideas for stuff to remove, let me know.

Hi Fred:

I haven't started testing your XP FDV yet... it may be moot for me, per a question to follow on using nLite to integrate fussy nvidia AHCI SATA drivers.

In the meantime, if you haven't removed all this stuff already, below is a list of core items I cut out from XP using nLite. After months of trial and error testing beforehand, I've been successfully running this trimmed nLite XP for a year. (XP Home Upgrade.) I'm not as much of a power user as you are - I run your FDV W2K in Vbox for internet. In XP I run Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 15, Corel PaintShop Pro X, WP Office 12, Dragon Natural Speaking standard. (Makes me wonder about SAPI removal if ever I upgrade to their speech to text version.)

Nothing exotic. Some of the programs installed a higher version of C++ Visual Runtimes. I don't use NETFramework. (I run nLite and stuff on another instance when I need NETFrame.) I use K-lite for what little video stuff I need on my host XP. No Flash. I don't use wireless, as you can see.

So FWIW, here are the items that can be removed in XP, if you haven't done it already. (The only "problem" I've noticed so far is that the Human Interface Device service isn't startable. Some dll's had to be hand copied into System32 to make that work. Don't know if that's a Nuhi problem or if I did when I set a custom program folder in the unattended install page.)

Mike <><

;# Network #

Communication tools

Comtrol Test Terminal Program

Connection Manager

FrontPage Extensions

H323 MSP

Internet Connection Wizard

Internet Information Services (IIS)

IP Conferencing

MAC Bridge

MSMail and MAPI

MSN Explorer


NetShell Cmd-Tool

Network Diagnostic

Network Setup Wizard

NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol


Share Creation Wizard

Synchronization Manager

TAPI Application Support

TCP/IP Version 6

Vector Graphics Rendering (VML)

Web Folders

Windows Messenger

;# Operating System Options #

Blaster/Nachi removal tool

Disk and Profile Quota

Document Templates

DR Watson

Extensible Storage Engine (Esent97)

FAT to NTFS converter

Help and Support

IExpress Wizard

Manual Install and Upgrade

MS Agent

MS XML 2.0

Private Character Editor

Remote Installation Services (RIS)

Search Assistant

Security Center

Shell Media Handler

Symbolic Debugger (NTSD)


User account pictures

Visual Basic 5 runtime

Web View

;# Services #


Application Layer Gateway

DHCP Client

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Fax Service

Indexing Service

Internet Authentication (IAS)

IPSEC Policy Agent

Kerberos Key Distribution Center


Network DDE

Network Location Awareness (NLA)

Performance Logs and Alerts


Quality of Service (QoS)

Remote Registry

Removable Storage

Route Listening Service

RPC Locator

Secondary Logon

Service Advertising Protocol

Simple TCP/IP Services


Text Services Framework

Uninterruptible Power Supply


Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Windows Time

Wired AutoConfig

Wireless Configuration

Edited by PMikeP

After commented some iteatapi.sys,megaide.sys,... in TXT... & LAY..., the system installed and startup successfully with the last fileset for XP.

Found in CMD.EXE windows,the path is not "C:\WINDOWS..." but "%SystemRoot%..." and it make the "ping.exe, ipconfig.exe" fail to run in "c:\>".

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>set
ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\Administrator
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator


BSOD on installing Avira Personal 9.

As soon as installer tries to start avguard -> crash!

Today I tried to Install new Avira Pers. v10.

On Launch error message: "Avira Personal requires at least: Windows 2000, SP4 and update RollUp 1 [errorcode 20]"

So XP is not recognized as XP... Maybe this is helpfull..

grt Chefken.


PMikeP see the other topic you posted in for that list of components.

buggyprog re-download the fileset.

chefken the only time you would get this is if you also eliminated mini-filters, like if you were using TommyP's reducers as well. Avira is confirmed to work with my fileset (on the second install -- blame Avira for having crap dependencies).

nh_wzg I will check on these


chefken the only time you would get this is if you also eliminated mini-filters, like if you were using TommyP's reducers as well. Avira is confirmed to work with my fileset (on the second install -- blame Avira for having crap dependencies).

I had the same issue but haven't tried it with FDV's latest files. I'm sure FDV is correct here :)

  • 5 weeks later...

I am a new guy I hope that this is the right place to post this

I have used HFSLIP & FDV fileset for Win2k : brilliant; now attemping the same with WinXP.

Problem is on installation. During Setup I get the message: "The file iteatapi.sys could not be found. Press any key to continue". Setup then stops.

I have tried disks with and without the FDV fileset. This happens with FDV fileset.

Machines: Dell Latitude laptop & desktop (not Dell)



A couple of posts above yours, then nh_wzg stated:

After commented some iteatapi.sys,megaide.sys,... in TXT... & LAY..., the system installed and startup successfully with the last fileset for XP.

the "TXT & LAY" he's reffering about is: txtsetup.sif and layout.inf.

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