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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Also thanks to all who are supporting us!

Before I relase an update for the current patch-day, I made a small update with the following changes:

- Added: HFSVCPACK_SW2 to the list of folder where unknown/obsolete
updates were checked (because the original rootsupd.exe May 2013
has to be placed there).
- Added: KB931125 (Roots Certificates Update May 2013)
- Added: KB2481109 (MS11-017: Remote Desktop Client, RDC6)
It was NOT replaced by KB2813345. Thx to -X-
- Added: Adobe Flash Player 11.7.700.224
- Removed: KB931125 (Roots Certificates Update December 2012)
- Removed: Adobe Flash Player 11.7.700.202

The way to handle rootsupd.exe now is not very satisfying. I had to add HFSVCPACK_SW2 which may result in unexpected outputs (unknown file...) when someone has placed files there. Also, when don't having the fixed file in HF and also not the original file in HFSVCPACK_SW2, the file-checker will report both as missing.

I would prefer to remove the solution with both rootsupd.exe in the file-checker and use one of the following solutions

1) only the original version in HFSVCPACK_SW2

2) the fixed (repacked) version in HF

3) the original version in HF which needs an updated HFSLIP

In general I would prefer solution (3) but we should see how the updated HFSLIP from Acheron was working ;)

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BTW, there's some HUGE problem with your site, I can't download the file and the following error appears instead:

Oh... not good... I will check it! Thanks for the info :)
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There is a bug in HFSLIP 1.7.10 K v1. Please don't use it as it will delete your project folder if you didn't change the SOURCESS variable manually.

I have uploaded HFSLIP 1.7.10 K v2 to fix it. This new version should also fix integrating wmf11dist.exe (part of Windows Media Player 11).

Edited by Acheron
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Thx, is it safe to use?

Oh, and BTW, the XP update list should go sumthin' like this:

IE8 2838727 replaces prev. cum. update

MRT 5.1 Replaces 4.20

KB2839229 replaces 2813170

KB2808679 (no replacement)


Edited by jvidal
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It's software, optional. Not high-priority.

If you are going to use it, it replaces KB2661254-v2.

Edited by -X-
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I don't know what your talking about, guys.

It is a High priority update, WU asks for it, it's not optional.

And, the KB article says it doesn't replace any older update.

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